Previously, at Grande Avenue...
"Aish... Who is this now? She's so beautiful ...Even in a school uniform...", Reo thought, obviously attracted.
Just then Ciara bit her lip.
Reo slowly let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He was affected by her involuntary act, but he was too composed to let it show.
Yet, his eyes lingered in her direction.
"Ah! Ray, darling! You're back! How was work today?", Lady Cecilia's voice broke his concentration.
Reo covered up his light blush with a fake cough.
At this point, he was only a few steps away from grandma. He took out the cool hand in the pocket of his slacks and stepped into the pavilion with a killer smile and arms wide open to hug his beloved grandma.
"Ah! Grandma! Thank goodness!", he sighed with relief as he hugged his precious grandma.
He placed a small kiss on her cheek.
"...I've been home a few minutes now... and please don't try to change the hot topic. Where on earth have you been?!! Everyone was worried, grandma.", he said. Concern lined his handsome face.
"I went to get some delicious buns! I'm not so old as to be helpless, young man. I'll have you know that I can take care of myself. You all underestimate me. I'm not that old...", she answered dismissively.
"Ah! Grandma! I already know you almost had an accident! You can't hide it from me.", Reo said with a killer smirk.
Grandma chuckled.
"Ah pooh...That security chief of yours, Joseph is no fun... Can't keep a secret now, can he?... Haha..."
Reo facepalmed.
"Grandma, I'm serious. How many times do I have to say it? You have an army of servants. If you want anything, please just let them get it for you. Please don't scare us like that again?...", he begged.
"Oh! Bollocks! You worry too much... haha... Come greet my important guest. She saved my life today.", grandma replied in high spirits. She was obviously happy to have company.
Her company, Ciara currently had her eyes fixed on Reo. This whole time, she had been carefully observing every detail of his tall, gorgeous, muscular body.
Reo's gaze focused on Ciara.
Her beauty drew him in again.
'How pretty...', he absentmindedly admired her as he held her elegant fingers.
"Uh... hi. I'm Ray. Pleased to meet you.", he introduced himself with his first name before planting a light kiss on the back of her palm.
The merciless flirt.
Ciara felt her breath cut.
The back of her palm burned sweetly with the heat of his gentle kiss.
'...Omg!! He kissed the back of my palm!! Reo just kissed the back of my palm!!! Aaaaaaaaah!!!!!' she was freaking out on the inside.
On the surface though, she remained perfectly still and calm, completely captured by his piercing gaze.
'Ray...', she absentmindedly whispered to herself, getting lost in his deep, black pools.
Hearing Reo introduce himself to her with his first name felt so surreal, it left a giddy sensation deep enough to stoke the already chaotic butterflies in her stomach. They ran amok, turning her into a beautiful mess.
Ciara's mind ran into overdrive.
'Ray... His first name... Of course, I know who you are, Reo. I even know that your stage name 'Reo' was drawn from your nickname in the early days of Highschool when blushing girls would endlessly chant 'Ray! Oh, Ray!' whenever you walked through the halls... Their chant ended up sounding like Reo... Yes. I know everything about you, my love... Everything... Oh! just look at that smile!... So handsome!!... I'm dying! Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!...'
Her brain rambled on, spouting 200 words per second, and then it suddenly shut down.
"...And you?", Reo added, breaking her out of her reverie. He wanted to know her name. His deep, dark, shiny pupils retained contact with her fiery amber ones.
Ciara's eyes twinkled with fascination.
Ba-thump! Ba-thump!
Her heart thumped loud with excitement.
"A- Uhh... Just call me C- ... C...", she said getting so lost in his eyes she forgot her name.
"C?", the edge of Reo's lip pulled up into a dazzling corner smile.
Ciara's cheeks reddened from embarrassment.
'She's shy... How cute...', thought Reo.
"Ciara.", grandma helped with a light chuckle. "She happens to be a fan of Steam.", she added.
Reo looked pleased.
"Oh wow! I'm honoured.", he said.
'I'm glad she's a fan.', he thought to himself.
On a regular day, Reo wouldn't mind that a person wasn't a fan of his boyband, Steam, but for some reason, it mattered to him that this beauty was.
"Thank you so much for saving my grandma. I owe you a great debt. Is there anything you wish...", he continued.
Ciara miraculously got her tongue working again.
"Oh! No please, thank you. Grandma has already offered me a treat and a wonderful pet. It's more than enough.", Ciara managed to say.
Reo looked at the table of snacks.
"These buns?... Haha... No. This...This is barely a snack. Please let me show my gratitude properly. I could give you anything. Anything you want as long as it's in my power. Just mention it... Or at least let me treat you to a proper dinner...", he offered kindly.
"No, thank you. This is more than enough.", Ciara replied shyly, failing to maintain eye contact. Reo's voice was already too much for her to process. Just listening to him made her heartbeat increase with each passing moment!
'My God! This is unreal! I can barely breathe!! Ahhh!!! Reo is talking to me!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!', her thoughts screamed.
"Please, I owe you a great debt. Let me do something for you. I insist... For my honour." he said, maintaining eye contact.
"Uh... Alright. I'll take a ticket to your concert this weekend. Please. Nothing else.", Ciara said with her eyes on the floor.
'...So cute.', Reo thought, smiling again.
"Alright then. This is nothing, but I will give you the concert ticket. I still owe you a debt.", he said before turning to his assistant who had been standing not too far away from the pavilion. The assistant had been in the background this whole time.
"Greg. Ticket.", Reo requested with just 2 words.
Greg immediately passed a concert ticket to him. It was a golden VIP, special access ticket!
Ciara's eyes went wide with awe.
Reo autographed the VIP concert ticket.
Unknown to Ciara, he also scribbled his phone number in tiny print underneath the barcode on the ticket before handing it over to her.
Grandma smiled.
******* CID Q&A *******
Surrealish: Hello guys, and welcome back to your favourite Webnovel TV show,
Crowd: C! I! D! Q&A!!!!! Woooo!!! (Applause)
Surrealish: That's right!
First, Let's get the answer to the previous question.
What did Reo do about his sudden interest in Ciara?
And the answer is... (drumroll)
Option d)! All of the above!!!
Reo - Kissed the back of her palm and flirted with her like a smooth criminal
- Offered her a ticket to his concert
- And gave her his number secretly!!!
Crowd: Woooo!!! (Applause!) Go, Reo!!!
Grey: Uhh... sir, I don't know if that was the best way to give her your phone number. What if she doesn't see it?
Reo: ...
Grey: Wait, don't tell me you didn't think of that possibility...
Reo: ...
Grey: Sir, you wrote your number in tiny print and there are digits all around that barcode! Your phone number will be hard to find! ...When last did you ask a girl out?!
Reo: ... I never had to (charming smile)
Grey: (facepalm) You know, you could have just asked her to give you her number like a normal person.
Reo: Yeah, why didn't I think of that.
Grey: Probably because you were distracted by beauty sir.
Crowd: Hahaha...
Surrealish: Ah! Well, let's hope our pretty FL sees Reo's phone number and gives him a call! But where's the fun in that? Haha!
Stay tuned for more drama on,
Crowd: C! I! D! Q&A!!!!! Woooo!!! (Applause)
Surrealish: Yeah! (blows kiss)
Hi guys!
I would like to specially dedicate this chapter to my latest Celebrity Crush,
A dear reader and a true friend,
*** Stephan_B!! ***
Thank you so much for giving this story a GOLDEN TICKET!!!
You have no idea how much this means to me.
You're amazing!!!
I love you with every fibre of my being!!!
I'm so touched, I could actually cry.
Thank you!!!
Thank you!!!
Thank you!!!
I highly appreciate your constant support.
You deserve this because you're special.
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