

Tyler the Twin brother of Tayler who's 21years old , creates an Instagram account for his introvert sister just to show the world her unbearable beauty, and also just to have fun with it too because he's a very social person and likes having fun anywhere and anytime. In the account he meets a man, Tenor,, who is an introvert too and they seem to click so they keep talking to each other, the guy knowing that he's talking to a girl that he saw her pictures , it's not her because she's not a social person but it's her brother talking to him instead. As days pass the guy start having feelings for this new person he met , he never used to text or waste his precious time on anyone but with this person he just want to text all the time and make unreasonable stories, he's also curious why the other person never picks his calls but just want to text. On the other side, Tyler knows very well that the person he's talking to is a man , and when they started flirting he told himself that he was just having fun because he's not gay nor bisexual, that's what he thinks , but also as time goes he starts being engaged to this new found person, he even stops going out all the time as he used to with his friends to fool around and flirt with hundreds of girls. He convinces himself that he is being like this just because the guy seem to be mature and gives him great advice and that's why he wants to be friends with him. Not knowing that he's actually falling for him. They leave in different countries ! Tenor is 26yrears old and owns a Jewelry company that has three brunches in different countries which his dad left when he passed on. One of the branches is where TYler comes from, one day there was a function there which he was to attend and he was excited about it because he was going where the person he's fallen for is , he was planning to ask 'her' out when he gets there but unexpectedly the person asked him out first Everytime he visits there he always stays in a hotel but this time there was complications , the couple at the company that were in charge of him decided to invite him to there house just for the night as they find him a good hotel , he didn't argue about it because of how worn out he was due to previous day function and today's, but what he didn't expect is that he was brought right to his Love's house. Tyler is the very first person to meet him once he get in the house, he doesn't know what to think about this ! He started dating the guy but the guy thinks it's his sister he's dating but his sister has no idea that his brother has been talking to a person in form of him. TYler wonders what he's gonna do with the situation.

ShengLi_Victory · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
73 Chs

32. Can't remember shit,,

Tenor POV,

Am so lazy to open my eyes even when am awake already. Why is my head aching so much?!

I raise myself up and open my eyes slowly, the pills and water?! Who put them there? on the bedside table. Why am I even asking that , my head is killing me so I'll just take them.

I go back to sleep to let the painkillers work on my throbbing head, just as am about to cover myself I hear someone knocking on the door.

" yes "

Tayler walk in , " Babe ,you are finally awake, I couldn't wait anymore, I was coming with the intention of waking you up."

"What happened?? My head is killing me,are you the one who left the pills."

" No , maybe it's Tyler who put them there when he left."

" He was in here ?!?"

" Yeah , he brought you in last night."

"What happened exactly?"

" You d..." Tyler cuts her as he walks in "You were not feeling well and didn't say anything so you passed out but the doctor said it's nothing serious,, how are you feeling?" He says .

Now he cares?? We haven't gotten along well since the first day I arrived here , it has always been weird between us , "My head..it aches."

" Did you take the painkillers?"

" Yes"

" Then I guess you should feel better in some few minutes if you rest, Tayler you should let him rest so that the headache goes away, c'mon let's go. "

" wait,, I had something important to tell you babe. "

" What is it ?" I ask her curiosity.

" After you passed out and some of my family were about to leave, I decided to tell them , that we're together."

The moment she said that my eyes moved unconsciously to Tyler as if to confirm how he'll react to that, he seem surprised as if he didn't know , the next moment that comes he's walking out of the room, I can't help but want to follow him.

" Did you hear that??" Tayler ask because I wasn't saying anything.

"What" I ask .

"They're totally okay with it so nothing to worry about."

" Okay, I really need to rest , my head is spinning , I'll look for you once am awake ."

" Okay, rest well." she pecks my forehead and goes closing the door.

Now it's a nice time to think of what is happening, yest...ugh! the door again?!

" Yes?"

The door opens and nanny walk in with a tray, "sorry to disturb you dear but Tyler says you should eat something before you rest, it will help you gain some energy."

" Thanks nanny but I don't feel like eating anything now, maybe later ." she puts the tray on the stand and picks her phone dialing someone's number, once the person picks up she says, " he says he doesn't feel like eating now,, uuh?! Ahh.. okay."

She puts the speaker on and puts the phone near me , I hear his voice, " You need that food to gain the energy and also it can help your headache to go away, do I need to teach you that? How old are you,two?" I love how he is scolding me like am some kind of a kid .

"Why don't you come and scold me in person, in the phone it's not effective at all." shit! shit! shit! why the hell did I say that, he isn't saying anything and nanny is smiling looking down.

" Am not in the house, but you should really take that food if you want to get off that bed soon." he says hanging up.

I really have zero appetite but am gonna do this for him. I take the food and nanny wishes me to feel better soon as she goes smiling.

The moment she closes the door I take my phone and type Tyler's number, since I've been cramming it as we talk and I didn't wanna forget it.

I finish eating as am still wondering what kind of a person I am, why does it feel now like I have feelings for Tyler, when I was still in France I was so crazy about his sister and now that am here, am being weird,, am not gay so why am I being like this ? When am around Tayler am just fine and it doesn't seem like there's anything going on between us but when am around Tyler am so nervous and my heart can't just stop racing.

What the hell is wrong with me?! How can I date his sister In few days and then tell him that ..oh no, I just realized that it's not your sister that am In love with but you.

And also now that their parents know , how will they think of me??

My goodness, am I now the one that is playing with people's feelings when I really hate people who do that, betraying others.

If it was Tyler who I was gonna love why did it have to bring in his sister..? why is love so complicating, I should have just stayed single, what are these now, it really made me think that am in love with Tayler but look what happens at the end.

But wait, why does it seem like Tyler feels the same way about me? I mean , he is always the one staring at me and also yesterday in the store he was the one making the move on me.

Maybe I was just imagining things because he has a girlfriend.

But I have a girlfriend too and am feeling this way towards him.. ugh! Damnit! My head just got worse,, I need a distraction..I look at the number that I've typed on my phone , where did he go? to Lexy?

' send message'

Me: How can you leave a sick person in the house and go have fun with your girlfriend? (Sent)

After two minutes the reply comes, I didn't expect it to come that fast , it feels so good to chat with him , like I used to do this and now am doing it again after a long time.

TYler: Don't you have your own girlfriend to look after you?'

Hah ! The girlfriend that I told to go because I wanna rest and now am doing this?!

Me: Does that mean you are really with Lexy? '

Tyler: How is that your business?

Me: Right,, not my business.

Tyler: Am not with her ,I went for a walk to clear my head but now you're distracting me, I can't clear my head anymore.

Me: I need to clear my head too, can I come.

Tyler: No.

Me: pleease.

TYler: I said no Tenor ,, rest or go somewhere else or do something else.

Me: Just now I've been trying to use you as a distraction but it doesn't seem like it works through the phone, it just want you in person.

TYler: What are you upto talking like this to me?

Me: Let me come where you are and talk about this once and for all Tyler, the earlier the better.

TYler: Talk about what??

Me : You know damn well what am talking about.

He can't fool me that he doesn't feel shit, I see how he is around me , am not stupid.

Me: c'mon , let's cut the games and go straight to the point..am too old for the games,don't you think??

Me : where are you

Tyler: The park.

Me: Be there in 20 minutes.

I rush in the bathroom take a 3minute shower , brush my teeth and comb my hair with my usual style, I go in the wardrobe search for something nice to wear but I can't seem to find so I end up throwing everything out, at last I decide on a black jeans trouser, a pullneck as usual and a leather jacket black ofcorse, I do not have any other colors of clothes but black, I started wearing like this after my dad passed because it felt like the rest of my life I would be living in darkness .

I pick my phone and go downstairs , I don't see anyone because Joe and Alex were not home today and I think Tayler and nanny are in their rooms.

Outside I meet Alpher, I i tell him that am going out to buy something I'll be back incase anyone askes for me .

Out there I pick a taxi and head to the park.