

 "It's a taunt,Oliver. Enigma doesn't believe he can be caught."Maya asserted. "He's right, Maya. I don't understand it....we have never faced anything like this. All of this is...so strange." "My pride as a detective won't have it...." At that moment, she took notice of a symbol next fo the text. It seemed to be the silhouette of a spiked crest. "This symbol....it's was apart of the message?" "Mmm-hmm." "It looks familiar.....Ollie! I need to report something to Chief. Ride with me." Maya tossed her keys to Oliver, a stringent determination etched over her face. 

 As they drove towards the city, Maya continued to peruse the note, principally the spiked crest. "I can't seem to remember...." "That crest? It reminds me of Crestview College. Their badge looks similar to that." "Right! Crestview College, huh?" " Why would Enigma inscribed that?" "You don't see it? He's bored, Oliver. He doesn't seem to hold us in high esteem, but...if he wants a challenge....I'm going to give it to him." 

 Crestview police department was an modern day structure of imposing architecture. It was flanked by white pillars and clad in grey stone tiles, making it appear rigid. Maya and Oliver arrived, making their way straight to the sheriff's office. He sat there, arms crossed. He was a very ruggish man, toned, rough skin against a muscular frame. His dark brown hair flopped like messy waves all over his head, his eyes pale and desperate. "You look like you haven't slept in days, Chief..",Maya jested. "How can I? This Enigma won't slip up. All of this tension is building up, and something tells me it's about to burst." "In his face, that is. At the crime scene today Ollie found this.", She handed him the parchment and explained to him saying, "It's Latin. "Catch me if you can" He's taunting us, he has a challenge, and I must say it looks very tempting....." "What do you mean?" "Look at the image next to it." "A Three spiked crest...Crestview College?" "That's right, he's tired of our department not being able to stand against him. So he's leading us on....to play a game. I want in on this case, sir...Alone." He suddenly paused and sighed, considering his next words. "Listen Officer Rivera. You are the most promising detective out there, at such a young age too. If anything were to happen to you-" "Nothing of that sort will happen. This Enigma is but a man, not God." The chief sighed once more before taking out a document. "You better come back here alive, hear me Maya?" "Yes Sir!" He then began to sign them under the name David Hernandez.