
Catch Me, Detective

What a dreary day it was. The pitter-patter of rain resounded as the torrents descended. A police vehicle whizzed through the rain at an advancing velocity, slashing murky water over the sleek road. It soon arrived at its destination,...a murder scene. Several other officers had barricaded the road with their vehicles whilst they investigated. She halted before the barricade, grabbed her umbrella and made her way towards the scene. She wore a tailored, black suit that sculpted her feminine shape. Her glossy, dark hair was at waist length, tied up in a ponytail. Her eyes, a dark amber, were derived of certain brilliance, causing her to appear lifeless. Her skin was a light beige, without flaw.

 She approached the scene, melancholic. There was a strange rhythm emanating from the area; the sound of chatter, police sirens and the cascading downpour. She stared at the grim tableau before her with mixed feelings. It was a young woman, estimated to be in her twenties. Her lime convertible was parked in the distance, only a few meters from her contorted body. Her limbs were twisted askew, blood pouring out of her mouth, dyeing the water beneath a translucent crimson. "Another one, Oliver?", The officer addressed her colleague who was crouched next to the body. His clothes were soaked in the rain, his chestnut hair dripping. Although his voice was beclouded by the encompassing noise, she could read his lips when he answered,"That's right, Maya. It's Enigma." With an abated sigh, she crouched next to him, covering him also with her umbrella. "You might catch a cold, Oliver. I wouldn't want that." Only a few weeks prior, a series of murders had become the talk of the town. Victims found has their bodies contorted in a gruesome manner. The culprit left no evidence; not even a footprint. He had successfully eluded the authorities for weeks, and so generated a tense atmosphere in the entirety of Crestview. Due to his phantom nature, media had popularized the name, "Enigma" and began to outlet various theories and speculations. Crestview police department had grown frantic, was it truly possible to apprehend a Supernatural killer? "How many victims, Oliver? How many lives has he taken?",Maya inquired in a breathy voice." 19. I don't know how long this will go on for, Maya. We can't get anything on this guy. He's really....Supernatural." "I don't believe that. Even if you all give up...I will find him." "Amen to that..." Maya turned to leave, when Oliver called her back. "Maya wait...." "What is it?" "I got here before everyone, even the rain. There was a writing on the ground next to her, in washable ink. I don't understand the language it was written in.....but I wrote it down." "Lead with that next time, Oliver!" "Sorry....I'm forgetful..."

. Oliver scurried to his car and brought out a piece of parchment and handed it out to her. In bold, it was written, "CAPARE ME SI POTES" Oliver shuddered and questioned,"Do you have any idea-" "It's Latin...." "You can read it?" "Catch me if you can....."