
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Kỳ huyễn
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234 Chs

Mystical energy


Huge volcanoes rise on the ocean floor, spewing out fiery substances from time to time, lava flows, gradually cools and solidifies in the sea, and condensed pillow-like lava surrounds the volcano.

Although it is under the sea, the crater is still a sea of ​​hot fire. The internal temperature is as high as thousands of degrees, enough to melt steel. It is one of the most dangerous places in the world.

As a beam of light shines from the interior of the volcano, the surrounding rock formations are crushed, and a machine like a giant shield machine is drilled from behind the rock formation.

This Atlantean-style machine works, and the steel torrent whizzes past, swallowing the surrounding rock formations and magma, like a terrifying beast.

Hot lava slides down on it, unable to cause any damage.

The giant shield machine rolled over all the way, forming a huge channel inside the volcano.

Two huge figures appeared in the back, one was a huge giant bear, and the other was a huge octopus-like sea monster.

The two are naturally Zhao Xiong and the North Sea Giant Monster.

Under the scorching heat inside the volcano, Zhao Xiong's fur was still smooth and supple, unaffected in the slightest, while the North Sea Monster tightened its suction cups and crawled in the passage.

As a sea monster, the North Sea Giant Monster is a little uncomfortable in such a hot area, and several tentacles support the body.

However, it is a nightmare-level creature, even if it can survive in magma, and the crater will not have much impact on it.

"Your Majesty, do we really want to go in and fight the ancient gods?"

After walking in the passage for a while, the North Sea Giant Monster couldn't help but question Zhao Xiong.

After the new transaction between Zhao Xiong and the Atlanteans was completed, he stopped talking about it, and really began to take this battle seriously.

At present, it seems that this war has not fully begun, the real powerhouse on the deep diver side has not yet arrived, and only the vanguard troops are stationed in the trench.

Don't think about them until the real movement of the **** of the sea appears, and the decisive battle will begin at that time.

As for leading the army to attack the deep diver, it is not necessary. After all, the Moon with Thousand Faces Hydra is weak, but it is said that it can enter the alien dimension outside the traditional time and space. Like the original guardian tree, it is very powerful. Hard to kill.

In the case that Hydra can't be killed, even destroying all the deep divers here is meaningless, so Zhao Xiong believes that the first thing to do now is to kill the body of the ancient **** in the crater.

This guy is the biggest variable, and has a great impact on the final birth stage of the God of the Sea.

In addition, the ancient **** had a grudge with Zhao Xiong, and it was impossible to watch it plunder the power of the **** of the ocean, and then wake up, it must be killed.

So Zhao Xiong immediately acted, bringing the massacre and the North Kraken into the crater, and the giant shield machine of Atlantis opened the way.

There was no movement on the side of the deep diver this time, and the Moon with Thousand Faces would not dare to block Zhao Xiong's way even if it floated.

In order to prevent the deep diver from making trouble after he left, Zhao Xiong left the original sin of gluttony outside. The power of gluttony is still in the growth stage and has great potential.

Even with a strange existence like the Moon with Thousand Faces, facing a big foodie who eats everything will be extremely headache.

"Your Majesty, why don't I stay outside to defend the deep diver's attack?"

The North Sea Monster continued.

As it went deeper and deeper in the crater, it couldn't help but back down. Although it took the benefits of Atlantis, it was still reluctant to fight like this, especially against the ancient gods.

This is the first terrifying existence of mythical creatures. Although it has not yet recovered, the degree of danger is extremely high.

Zhao Xiong didn't reply: "I told you before, the reason why the ancient **** ranks high is because it is a supreme existence after being put together, but what is hidden here is just a body part, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"But... the Atlanteans said that there is a large fire source mine under the crater. What if the mine contains large organs such as the head or torso of an ancient god? I heard that one of its A single finger has a nightmare level." The North Sea Giant Monster was still a little worried.

"and me."

"It's because of you that I'm more worried..." The North Sea Giant Monster muttered.


Zhao Xiong paused, "What did you say?"

The giant monster of the North Sea trembled, and hurriedly said to please: "I didn't say anything, I said that the great king is wise and wise, and he will rule the ocean for thousands of years! What **** ancient gods, and the king of the deep sea, they are all scum, even the **** of the ocean. I'll give you a leg beating and rubbing your shoulders."

Even though the North Sea Monster is a mythical creature, it is a top-level existence in the world. However, he doesn't feel ashamed at all when flattering. Zhao Xiong really can't figure out, where is the dignity of its powerhouse.

But Zhao Xiong was unmoved: "Don't talk nonsense, if you want to slip away again, you don't have to wait for the ancient god, I'll hammer you first. What's more, do you think it's safe outside, the king of the deep sea is not so easy to deal with."

In the face of the ruthless man who once smashed Leviathan, the North Sea Giant Demon did not dare to say anything, and could only be honest and continue to move forward.

With the loud bang, the giant shield machine opened the way and drilled through the magma layer to continue down.

On Zhao Xiong's body, there are tentacles attached to the shield machine. These are the bodies of the slaughter. In addition to investigating the surrounding situation, they also directly took over this machine containing the advanced technology of Atlantis.

This is the ability derived from the promotion of the massacre. It can not only control the shield machine to make it move in the direction that it envisions, but also block the contact and monitoring of Atlantis, and any letters will be intercepted first.

Unless Zhao Xiong wants those Atlantis people to see it, he will be disconnected the whole time.

"What the Atlanteans have developed is really useful."

After getting rid of the harassment of the North Sea Giant Monster, Zhao Xiong began to think about other things.

In addition to a large amount of fire resources, the other thing that the Atlanteans gave was what he wanted most and could not refuse.

This is a mysterious energy body called world matter. After Atlantis analyzes and studies the sub-plane, it extracts a special substance that can peel and fuse the sub-plane.

In Zhao Xiong's eyes, the Atlantean people's technology tree feels a little crooked. Although the level of technology is very strong, it is not too outrageous. It can't be called the king in the nightmare level. He turned his head to study the bloodline again, and now he has even researched such a magical thing as world matter.

But in any case, this is exactly what Zhao Xiong needs. With the help of fire, his control of the Longyuan plane has reached nearly half of the level, and he is not far from the so-called master of the second plane.

However, the sub-plane of Longyuan is too small, even if it is fully grasped, it is only an extremely small world, and Zhao Xiong also controls the salt water clan, the mermaid clan, the sea monster clan and the Naga clan, which are already in their pockets. Four sub-planes.

Although the material of this world is not very stable, with the help of magical energy, at least these sub-planes can be fused to become a larger world, and the laws of sub-planes will be more perfect at that time, and feedback to Zhao Xiong, the master of the sub-plane, has more energy, and naturally he cannot refuse.

Zhao Xiong's price increase this time is also to get more world material, and this magical energy has great potential even if it is not yet mature, and Sea King is of course unwilling to give it.

But in this case, he was not allowed to have the condition of refusal, and he had to hand over all of it, but it was unknown whether it was all that Atlantis had.