

Sanchiez · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

The crack

Death as its name indicated was the embodiment of all that Life was not and therefore they began to hate each other the moment they met, but death did not only take life, it corrupted the living beings that Life once created. She created chaos and encouraged killing and Life seeing this was not contained, it soon instructed its loyal followers in battle and thus the ancient war began.


As the chaos unfolded, on the ground floor, Jim and Harry ran to the third floor where the veterans were.

"I already have Harry the lord, Joe the arch-mago and Aleck the sacrifice, all three will be of great help in the long run. Here are several others that can be very helpful, but I can't be sure of their loyalty..."

Jim's whispers didn't get in Harry's ears because he couldn't take his eyes out of the dark sky, he and Joe were feeling the chill behind the back of their necks. The suffocating fear made him nervous and yet he couldn't stop looking at that sea of dark clouds.

"Come on Harry, we're short on time"

"Hm ?"

Jim took the lead and ignored everyone who passed them. The fledglings are completely panicked. The blackout took everyone by surprise and that's why they're being so cooperative.

The veterans will never be so submissive, Jim knew that, they won't leave their classrooms until some teacher tells them to.


"Professor, shouldn't we go on stage?"

In the third year "A" room, there was a certain tension, many people were afraid, they felt an unprecedented cold and their whole body was getting goose bumps, starting at the back of the neck. The black sky and the lack of light in the school put an unprecedented fear in them.

"Kessya, calm down if over these three years there have been several blackouts like this, we will let the fledglings go first and then we will go"

"R.. Right."

That was Aleck's class, he was sitting in the second row, fourth chair. He was not nervous, but confused. His brother said he should go to the terrace, because in his nightmare someone was talking to him.

"What he would be up to..."

Aleck was imagining several situations in his head, but was promptly interrupted by one of his colleagues.

"Look there, there's a person being chased."

A boy sitting by the window spoke out loud, from the third floor he could clearly see everything that was happening below.

"Quiet Mr. Adam"

"Damn, he's been knocked over..."

Before everyone got to the window, someone a little further away screamed.

"Look at that?"

A huge crack appeared in the dark sky. Through the fissure you could see a giant red eye, bigger until the fissure itself. A hand tried to go through the fissure, but when one of the fingers went through, a bolt of lightning the thickness of a building hit it.


The creature's cry of pain sounded like a thousand thunders hitting the ground, all the buildings nearby shook and their windows exploded, people screamed in terror.

"But what the hell is this?"

"Wait... look down there, the students are being attacked"

On the lowest floor several of those creatures were running and jumping on the students. The fresh blood flowed for a few meters and painted the walls red. Panic was beginning to take over those students.



"I'll... BLERGH!"

In the midst of all the chaos the classroom was in, the doorway was opened and from there the most unexpected person entered. A freshman who never stood out in any discipline or sport.


"Oh Aleck, you're still here ? a little unexpected, but all right"

Harry hadn't seen the rift or the creatures yet so he didn't know what all the chaos and panic in the room was about. He then saw several people standing in the window and when he looked in the same direction he saw the crack in the sky and the giant crimson eye, he took two steps back and fell down sitting down.

"Come with me Samantha, Robert, Claudia, Sheng, Matsumoto and Gwen, please."

Everyone who had his name called got scared, Gwen was passed out, so she couldn't answer.

"Hey JIm, what's going on?"

"The end Aleck, the end..."

When everyone heard those words they stopped, monsters and cracks in the sky, someone talking in the end, everything connected in their panicked heads.

"it's the end of the world"

"I don't want to die"

Despair just multiplied on the spot, no one questioned how he knew this information, or how he stayed so calm even after looking at the eye in the sky. Everyone was very busy with their fears and running around not knowing where to go.

"Those I called come with me, and I'll show you how to stay alive even in the end"

Everybody's heart is racing. Fear made his adrenaline rise to heights never seen before, in the end his fear became doubt.

"How can you say that?"

"because only they were chosen

"I don't want to die, please take me too"

Some people ran to Jim, because they thought it was the old Jim who was in front of them, but to their disappointment the Jim who was in front of them was another, one who lived twenty-five years in the darkness fighting monsters much more dangerous than those on the ground floor.

"You won't be useful in the long run, so I can't help you."


All the fear and doubt in those people's became anger and would surely be deposited in the one who incited them to do so.

"Who are you, you little shit"

"You're not jesus, so don't act like the savior"

"Aleck's brother's finding himself too much."

Jim was completely indifferent to all this, he just shook his head and turned.

"Those I called earlier can follow me if they don't want, stay here and die with the others"


Joe was walking up the stairs to the ground floor when he heard a commotion, several people screaming and running were going to the stage, from the stairs they could see what was coming from behind.


"Hey Joe, what the fuck?"

The calm of surprise was passing and fear was taking over, Joe's legs began to shake and he fell down sitting on the step.

"Hey Evan, is that real?"

Joe was referring to the zombies who were chasing people.

"I think so Joe, but the stage is just ahead, shouldn't we go there and warn the others?"

Joe was in conflict, he knew there was a way out of the stage that went all the way to the ground floor and that by then there should have been several of these creatures there, but he was also remembering Jim's words about the ground floor.

"We won't make it, Evan, we must go to the terrace"