

Beck's POV

I looked over at Cat as we stood outside the building. "Well, I guess we should get to school then, huh?" Cat giggled, nodding, and I started up the car. She hopped into the front seat and we sped off to school, blasting 'Five Fingaz to the Face' by Dr. Rhapsody. When we pulled up to the building, no one was outside so I assumed we made it before second period started.

Cat got out of the car, still giggling about something unbeknownst to me, and we walked into the building. After peeking into a few classrooms, we gathered that first period had started a few minutes ago and we were just in time. I opened Sikowitz's classroom door for Cat and whatever Sikowitz was saying paused as everyone stared at us, looking very excited for some reason. "Beck, Cat," Sikowitz addressed us. "You're late."

Cat just sat down in an empty seat next to Jade, who wrapped an arm around her shoulders. I looked up at Sikowitz, nodding slightly. "Yeah, sorry about that, Sikowitz. We got to set late and then we had to get sized for-"

"Blah blah blah I don't care," Sikowitz waved his hand and looked back at the class. "Sit down, I'm just explaining today's activity." I just nodded and sat down behind Cat. "Today we are going to do alphabet improv. You should all be familiar with improv, yes?" Everyone nodded and a few 'yeah's and 'uh huh's breezed through the room. "Excellent! Now, alphabet improv is when the first letter of every sentence must go in alphabet order, for instance!" Sikowitz came up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Beck, your sentence must start with the letter A, so you might say..."

Think fast. "Apples are falling out of my butt." Sure.

Sikowitz just nodded. "Perfect! Now André, you might say..."

André grinned. "Bring everyone here so that we may all enjoy the fresh fruit from Beck's butt." That got a laugh from everyone, including Sikowitz.

"Perfect! Now, who would like to lead the first group?" Sikowitz rubbed his hands together excitedly.

Tori, of all people, raised her hand. "I would." Guaranteed this is some plot to get back at Cat.

Sikowitz just grinned. "Excellent! Now Tori, choose! Your! Actors!" He sounded like a game show host just then.

Tori's evil smirk told me enough. She's got a plan, doesn't she. "Okay! I choose Cat, Jade, Beck, and André." Definitely up to something. I got up, along with the rest of the group, and we stood up on the stage.

Sikowitz grinned "Fantastic! Now Robbie, give us a letter to start with."

Robbie nodded. "P!"

Sikowitz turned back to us. "Perfect! Anyone who starts their sentence with the wrong letter is out! Now the first line must start with the letter 'P'. Tori, action!"

Tori turned to Cat. "Please go take a shower."

Cat frowned. "Quit telling me what to do!"

I stepped in between them. "Relax Tori, Cat did nothing wrong."

Jade grumbled something under her breath about Tori being an idiotic sleaze-bag, but Sikowitz must have heard it too. "Jade, your line was supposed to start with an 's'! You're out!" Jade grumbled something else about stupid teachers as she sat down, but Sikowitz didn't notice. "Okay, keep going! André, the letter 's' goes to you!"

André looked down at his foot. "Something just bit my toe!"

Tori pointed to an imaginary animal. "Turtle! That turtle just bit his toe!"

"Unbelievable!" Cat gasped, giggling quietly before quickly silencing herself.

"Very odd that the turtle would bite your toe," I tell André.

"What if the turtle bite broke my toe bone?" André looked genuinely worried and it took a lot of restraint not to laugh.

Cat smiled. "X-rays are good for figuring that out!"

Tori stepped forward. "You should shut up."

I pointed at Andre's toe. "Zap! I just healed your toe with my magic finger."

André smiled. "Thanks, man."

But Sikowitz frowned. "Errgh! André, your lime had to start with an 'a', siddown!" He looked over at Cat. "Cat, letter 'a', to you. Action!"

Cat looked over at me, shocked. "Aliens are the only people who can heal toes by finger zapping!"

Tori looked over at Cat. "By the way," she spit at Cat, who wiped the nasty goo off of her face with a frown.

I smiled. "Correct, I am an alien."

The room gasped. Cat clutched her hand to her chest. "Don't hurt me!"

Tori rolled her eyes. "Even though she's extremely annoying?"

I started wobbling on my feet. "Fainting... because I can't breathe... your Earth air..." I fell onto the ground as dramatically as possible.

Cat pointed at me. "Gosh, it fainted!"

Tori looked at an imaginary cliff, pointing to it. "Hey! Why don't you go jump off that cliff over there?"

Cat looked both upset and hurt. "I... think you should!" She looked very proud of her comeback.

Tori crossed her arms. "Just where did you come from?"

Cat blurted out the first thing that came to her mind (I assumed.) "Kangaroo babies!"

Tori walked to the other side of the stage. "Lousy animals, kangaroos. They're awkward and dirty."

Cat frowned, trying to think of something. "Maybe they learned from you!"

Tori just got angrier. "No one talks to be like that."

Cat pursed her lips. "Obviously someone should."

Tori shook her head. "Please run in front of a bus!"

Cat bit her lip, trying to think of something else to say. "Quite rude of you to say that to your former best friend!"

That hit a nerve. You could tell in the way Tori's face tensed up. "Really?"

"Sure was!"

"Thanks," Tori drew out the word mockingly.

Cat frantically tried to think of another sentence. "Up your nose I see boogies!"

Tori rolled her eyes. "Very clever."

Cat frowned. "Wish you'd just leave me alone!"

Tori pointed at Cat's face, making an 'x' with her fingers. "X marks the spot I'd like to punch."

Cat swatted her hands away. "Your fingers smell funny." She giggled slightly.

Tori hesitated as she struggled as well. "Zero is what you are on a scale from one to ten!"

Cat looked genuinely hurt by that. "As if I care what my fake bestie thinks!"

Tori looked about ready to throw a punch. "Better watch yourself, there, Cat."

Cat just frowned. "Can't think of anything better?"

"Don't push me."

"Eat your pants!"

Tori almost got kicked off just for the amount of time she used to think of a sentence. "Farting is your only talent!"

Cat looked like she was going to cry, so instead of firing more insults, she just helped me up. "Get up, alien!"

Letter h, letter h, "Head... feels dizzy..."

Tori smiled. "I know what will make you feel better."

Cat thought about her turn. "Jumping jacks?"

Tori's next words shocked me. "Kiss me."

Did she seriously think I would do this? After what she did to Cat? Disgusting. I knew she had a crush on me, but I didn't know she would actually try to get me to kiss her, especially after the casting incident. "Let's not."

The tension on the room increased by quite a bit after that. Cat smiled at Tori, but it was a sickly sweet smile that I'd never seen on her beautiful face before. What was she planning? "Maybe I should kiss Beck to make him feel better." Cat was a genius. Using Tori's crush against her. But it took a moment for Cat's words to actually register. What.

Tori immediately looked enraged. "No!"

I smirked at her. "Obviously kissing Cat is the better option."

Cat smiled. "Perfect!" I walked over and brushed my lips against hers, my hand on her cheek. I kissed her sweetly, our lips moving in perfect sync. After what felt like forever, we pulled away, both gasping for air. Hoots and whistles echoed throughout the room, and Tori's expression was priceless. I still couldn't get the moment through my head, though.

Did I just kiss Cat Valentine?

hiii! i hope you liked this chapter. i know we've all been waiting for a kiss, and here we go! it's not really under great circumstances though... thx for reading!

~ bella