
The Invitation

(Maria Last Mission)

Chapter 5: The Invitation

Maria's POV

"Mama? Papa?" I turn around, and it's dark. Where's everyone? "Marco? Please, someone, anyone!" I scream to the void. There's no response. One minute it was all happy smiles and beautiful kisses. Papa cracked a joke, and Mama laughed heartily. Marco rolled his eyes, sick of the dad jokes. He grabs his AirPods and blocks the sound of the laughter. 

There's instant peace in his face. I smile at his arrogance. He thought himself too old for the family's cringe shenanigans. However, it all changed barely two seconds later. It happened so fast. 

There was a stillness in the air in that one second. Then this disgusting smell I later discovered was death as I grew older. Mum and dad dashed towards us. Maybe they thought they could protect us, but it was too late.