Hold Me Tight - BTS (DoJung)
I empty my drink but it gets filled with loneliness
I should've just given in, why did I argue all the time?
Even the trash bag thrown away on the street
Makes a lonely sound in the wind
All I did was color you in my white, blank paper
But then I realized, it already became a finished picture
You and I are like cell phones
When we're apart, you know we'll be broken
Only your scent completes me
Hurry and hug me - BTS
Doyeon side...
Doyeon menghembuskan napasnya kasar lalu ia merebahkan tubuhnya di kasur lalu ia menghembuskan napasnya kasar, "Doyeon?" Doyeon langsung duduk dan ia melihat kesekelilingnya, "gue kira apaan" Doyeon mengusap wajahnya, "gue mending pergi aja sebentar" Doyeon mengambil jaket dan motornya lalu ia menghembuskan napasnya kasar.
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