
Caspian Storia

[An unexpected twist happened] Once upon a time, in the prosperity of Caspian, a tragedy occurred. A young lady, Ritza Rosabella was burned to death due to her treasonous crime towards the empress. The lady was from the Villaneuva house. 300 years have passed since then. Two daughters from Villaneuva dukedom were born. Layla Elvera had silky raven hair and bloody eyes, which was very similar to Ritza Rosabella. Meanwhile, Luna Marcella was a beauty with her lustrous creamy blue hair and a pair of lifeless sapphire eyes. The fourth prince of Caspian, Dylan Cephalus was the reincarnation of Ritza Rosabella's knight. Due to remorse of not be able to protect his lady, he swore to himself to find the reincarnation of Ritza, as per told by a spirit, Ryan Alistair. For this to happen, he had to engage with Layla Elvera and discover which one of Villaneuva's daughter was Ritza Rosabella. But never he knew, Layla had fallen in love with him and soon became the villainess to ruin everything. For Ryan Alistair, everything was going according to the plot. But something was off and he decided to go out of his role in the story. But who would have thought, Ryan's slight interference took a wrong turn. [My own story] [First story]

fellychie · Kỳ huyễn
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𝗺 𝗮 𝗴 𝗶 𝗰 𝘁 𝗼 𝘄 𝗲 𝗿


𝗵 𝗲 𝗮 𝗿 𝘁 𝗹 𝗲 𝘀 𝘀 𝘀 𝗽 𝗶 𝗿 𝗶 𝘁

AFTER finishing the pile of paper works and believed that his table looks more clear now, Dylan did some stretching. His right hand felt like it could break just from writing nonstop. His shoulders also stiffened due to its owner who didn't sleep for three days in a row.

Dylan just couldn't sleep thinking about the engagement. So he busied himself with something else. Like works.

"Are you done?" asked Ryan, abruptly appeared behind Dylan and hugged him without notice. Dylan just let Ryan's hand surrounded his shoulders.

It may be awkward now as Dylan already a grown man, but it became a habit since he was a child. Usually, Dylan the one who would hug Ryan, but it looks like, the thing has been reversed now.

Dylan sighed. "Yeah." He felt nauseous due to lack of sleep.

"Argh, I think I'm gonna puke." Dylan's face turned pale. When he told Ryan he wanted to vomit, he's really not jesting around. His internal stomach shaken, and the bolus that has been digested by his acid was urging to come out.

Ryan giggled. "I told you, don't push yourself. I have no other choice! I'll reveal to you one of my most secret techniques for people in stress." Ryan formed an evil grin. He brushed both of his hands, staring at Dylan as a mad magician looked at his lab rat.

Dylan's face turned paler. He knew something not good will come. Just a month ago, Ryan used his body as an experiment by massaging his body using his newest invention. And it turned out disastrous. His body became sore for a week.

"Oh, please! It's not going to be painful this time." Ryan pleaded when he saw Dylan's expression. Dylan was the only one... no, he has another 'white rat' to be used for his new creation, Finley. But it looks like Finley has to get a long rest this time due to the failure of his tools last time.

Finley was his assistant, so Ryan could use him anytime he wanted, however, Finley needs adequate rest after he took so much damage just a week ago.

Dylan groaned. He found it hard to refuse Ryan, who he thought was one of his only family now.


Ryan became excited. A second after Dylan gave his permission, two buds made of water magic appeared in front of Dylan.

"What is this?" Dylan's eyebrow furrowed, confused. All the inventions of Ryan indeed out of the box. The buds took the shape of a small sphere floating in the air. It has a thumb size.

"Take it. And placed it in your ear." Ryan instructed.

"O... okay." All of a sudden, Dylan shivered out of scare and he gets goosebumps. He gets a feeling that something bad would happen.

Slowly, he took the water buds. He touched the springy water buds. Dylan pinched it hard but the water buds still not ruptured. It was like squeezing a balloon.

Dylan impressed for a moment. But what small buds like this used for? Ryan asked him to place it in his ears. So he took both of the water buds in his ears.

He was totally bewildered. He could listen to the deep-soothing sound the water made. Dylan closed his eyes and a view of the underwater came across his mind. He now could see the crystal clear water of undersea. The various species of fishes that swam beautifully, the coral which sparkling and twinkling at him swiftly came across his sight.

He didn't know what he saw right now was Ryan's magic or he merely imagining things.

But why it looks like it almost real?

It was peaceful. He never knew water could make beautiful sounds like this. He could feel he was there, in the water, being one with them.

Ah, Ryan's tools I tried before never this good. It was surprisingly comforting. Dylan mumbled in his heart. The nauseousness he felt pressuring his stomach and chest was not there anymore.

Ryan took out one of the water buds from Dylan's ears after some time has passed. The smile on his lips widened, satisfied, and proud.

"So how? It is good?"

"It's was!" Dylan beamed, happily answered. Ryan chuckled, looking at the childish side of Dylan suddenly came out. He patted Dylan's head gently.

"Do you feel better now?"

"Yeah. But can you let me rest with your water buds for ten minutes more?" begged Dylan, thrilled by the creation of Ryan this time.

"By the way, why I feel calm when I hear this? And the vision of underwater that came into my mind, is it real? It is some sort of magic?" Dylan turned curious.

Ryan gleamed. "Yes. I used a small amount of magic so the user will see the underwater himself. This is called advanced ASMR!"

Dylan frowned. He never heard the word ASMR before. It is even exist? Or maybe ASMR only exists in the spirit realm.

"Where do you get that? I've never heard of it." Dylan voicing out his confusion.

"It's a secret. You know me long enough right, Dylan? I like to utter some nonexistent words." Ryan shrugged his shoulders.

"So, can I add it as one of the magic tower devices? We can sell it and I bet it will become popular among the nobles." Ryan asked for the master of magic tower permission whilst blinking his eyes repeatedly.

Dylan would say yes. He hopes so.

"Yes. I'll manage the paperwork for it. These water buds will become a masterpiece. Every noble will want them."

Magic tower creates numerous magic tools that can be advantageous for people whether the nobles or the commoners. Even a non-magic-user could use them freely without worry. Magic tower innovations vary from the magic charm, protecting stone, accessories imbued with magic, a gift to the home appliances. The magic tower was like a magical convenience store that has almost everything. That's why it became famous in just a short time.

Furthermore, Dylan Cephalus signed diplomatic relations with various prominent noble families and some influential kingdoms to maintain its significance. And there's also the noble house which became his regular customer.

The commoners would also get special treatment and a discount based on their frequency of buying the magic tower's products.

Building up a magic tower was no different from doing business. That's why Dylan couldn't run from the stack of paper that appeared on his table every day.

"Dylan, you don't want to get an assistant?"

"No. Magic tower was successful but it was still young especially in management. That's why I need to do it alone. And I can't seem to trust anyone other than you, Ryan." Dylan heaved a sigh.

Magic tower was still green in the nation - being a five years old organization. Dylan took a small number of people to be his apprentice, and it only started two years ago.

"So, that's why I wanted to appoint you as my..."

Ryan quickly slashed off Dylan's offer. He knew Dylan wanted him to be the assistant but nope.

"No, thank you. But I've my own work." Ryan gave the same excuses while grinning innocently. But it certainly not some lame excuses.

He's the king of spirit and although he didn't have to indulge himself in paperwork, Ryan has to keep his subject under surveillance per week.

Ryan Alistair realized he was not a full-fledged king. Not yet. Even though the title of the highest status in the spirit could be claimed as his, but to fully recognize by the previous king, he must undergo some trial.

One of the trials was to ensure none of the spirits rebelled in the human realm. To accomplish it, Ryan could barely stay at a certain place for a long time.

16 years have passed but he is still not entirely qualified to be the mighty king of the spirit. The previous king of the spirit told him about the numerous trials and tasks he has to complete, but most of them were unknown to him. Half of the trials were kept hidden.

Being the king honestly not easy. However, 16 years was not a long period for a spirit. 16 years was like a month to them. Well, it was because the spirit has an extended life span and could live for more than a thousand years.

"Ryan," called Dylan. His voice is lower than usual. Dylan stared at his wooden table, worried about something.

That something was his engagement which would come in the next two weeks.

And Ryan knew what on Dylan's mind. He's being with Dylan since the prince was still a child. He always at Dylan's side and looked at how the prince grew into a refined noble, just like his title as a prince.

"What if Lady Layla was not the reincarnation of Lady Ritza? I don't think I would want to engage with her anymore if that's going to happen. Wouldn't I hurt her with this engagement?" Like a little child seeking for advice, Dylan clenched both his hands with a guilty expression that an innocent child always did when they having trouble.

"If that's going to happen, I heal her myself."

Dylan fell silent for a moment before he cracked up. The statement of Ryan was funny and what he should say was,

It's silly. For Ryan to heal her, that's truly just ridiculous. Dylan couldn't stop laughing. Before he knew, a drop of tears welled up in his eyes.

Ryan did nothing to stop Dylan nor he embarrassed by it. He knew the reason why Dylan find his statement humorous.

"Heal her? Ryan, the king of spirit wants to heal an unknown woman himself? You don't kind enough to do it. And if you do, you're undoubtedly insincere with it."

Ryan just smiled. He took no mind about it. Because that's was the truth anyway. Ryan saw humans as his plaything and no more than that.

Dylan stopped laughing. The smile on his lips turned bitter. His eyes lowered and became grimmer.

"Even for me, you saw me as nothing like a family right?"

Ryan tilted his head to the side and without a tiny bit of guilt, he nodded and beamed cheerfully, "Yes! You really know me well! I'm happy!"

Ryan was the spirit. Their instinct for humans existed solely on searching an absolute entertainment for them to fill their boring day.

Dylan chuckled half-heartedly. Pained crackling in his heart, hearing the quick response of Ryan.

"But you know right, Ryan? I cherish you and I don't want to lose you."

"You'll not lose me. I will live more than a thousand years than you. Instead, I think, you'll the one who would die first."

Dylan stared at the table. "Then, will you be sad?"

Dylan knew the answer but he just wanted to make sure. He still hoping for the day Ryan would come to care for him wholeheartedly, like how he cares for Ryan.

"I'll be sad, for sure. I'll lose my daily entertainment." Ryan let out a heavy sigh. Had nothing to amuse him was the worse nightmare. He would be a lifeless spirit, have nothing interesting to do or watch.

Dylan forced a smile. A painful one.

"Ah~ I envy the one who'll get your love one day."

"What are you talking about, Dylan? I love you, you know!" Ryan quickly hugged Dylan and let out a giggle.

But not as a family, right? You thought of me merely as a toy.

Yet, Dylan believed one day, even the heartless spirit beside him now would eventually understand what it was the real love is.