
Chapter 51: An Excited Heart and Trembling Hands

In such a public setting, it was difficult for anyone to make a fuss. After all, everyone here was a person of some stature, and losing their temper could easily lead to being reported the next day.

But everyone was eager to find out who the boss behind Ming Yue was; no one wanted to miss out on this unique opportunity.

Before long, someone said, "Since when did such a formidable figure emerge in our area? It's been barely half an hour, and so many people have gathered."

And judging by the looks of these people, they're wealthy and won't hesitate to spend money.

The manager, who had been organizing the event, saw the crowd but didn't show any signs of panic. Instead, everything was running smoothly under his management.

Had it been someone else, they might have been unable to handle such a large group.

An Xin noticed that, despite the eagerness of the onlookers wanting the clothes on display, they weren't acting out of line, confirming that today's strategy was a success.

Suddenly, not far away, the girl holding a rabbit reappeared, wearing the outfit she bought earlier in the day.

Seeing everyone searching for the store's owner, she tactfully refrained from revealing An Xin's identity.

A sharp-eyed attendee immediately recognized the girl's clothes and said, "Miss, I believe your outfit is from this shop too, isn't it? This style is unlike anything other stores could produce."

This statement drew all the rich ladies over. They had traveled across half the city or even booked short flights to get here. They weren't about to leave empty-handed; otherwise, how could they flaunt their newfound treasures?

One woman with curly hair smiled knowingly at the girl holding the rabbit and said, "Aren't you the youngest daughter of the Gong Sun family?"

"I heard your father intends to marry you off to Yang Zhi."

The curly-haired woman smiled as if she had everything under control. "If you tell me who the owner of Ming Yue Pavilion is, I can help you out."

Gong Sun Yue's face showed a hint of helplessness as she calmly replied, "I'm sorry, though I bought the clothes, I don't know who the owner is."

"And since you all want those ten outfits, why not follow the rules? The activity was set up to boost the brand's visibility. If you resort to underhanded tactics for something so trivial..."

"It might not bode well for your future endeavors."

These affluent women and female celebrities wanted these beautiful clothes to enhance their status and gain face. So convincing them was relatively easy. But the same couldn't be said for the people sitting in the back.

Before long, the raffle began, and everyone was handed a red ticket, resembling a glossy red nail polish—vibrant yet elegant.

This thoughtful touch lifted the spirits of those initially disgruntled by the need for a raffle.

After all, if the raffle tickets were this high-end, it spoke volumes about the grandiosity of the event. It might be organized by a hidden giant in the fashion world. If they could win favor, their future paths would be paved with success.

Soon, ten winners were selected. With permission, they eagerly changed into various gowns.

Each stunning piece perfectly fit the different body types and figures of the winners.

No one expected that random selection could result in such perfectly fitting attire.

Seeing this, someone asked, "Did anyone notice how despite the varied body shapes of the ten winners, the clothes fit them perfectly?"

In response, Chu Xin Xin on stage smiled and said, "That's a great question. Our designer rushed over specifically for this event. The pieces on display were just samples; the clothes the winners are wearing were custom-fitted on the spot."

"How is that possible? A single dress takes at least two or three days to make. How skilled must your designer be to create a flawless piece in such a short time?" A curvaceous woman sitting nearby voiced her skepticism.

Everyone turned to see it was the famous actress Liu Zhi Yan, known for her sharp tongue.

No one expected that Ming Yue Pavilion would face such a formidable critic right out of the gate. Given her influence in the fashion industry, things were about to get interesting.

The crowd watched the stage, anticipating the drama, but Chu Xin Xin remained composed, smiling gently. "You're absolutely right. If anyone doubts this, you're welcome to come up and let our designer make adjustments to your clothes on the spot."

"Are you sure?" Liu Zhi Yan's face showed surprise. This wasn't a boast one could make lightly. With so many people watching, a failure would mean public humiliation for Ming Yue Pavilion.

Seeing Chu Xin Xin's confidence, An Xin knew his task for the day was complete. He left the hotel with Gao Qi Lan, feeling elated as he checked his bank account, now filled with countless zeros. The sight made him so excited that he couldn't help but kiss the beauty beside him several times.

Blushing, Gao Qi Lan playfully slapped his arm, "What are you doing? People are watching."

Her words didn't deter him; instead, he grew bolder. 

An Xin declared, "As my beloved, isn't it normal for me to kiss you? Besides, no one else cares."


With a smile plastered on his face, An Xin's joy was contagious, leaving Gao Qi Lan with no choice but to lean in and give him a big kiss.

"Consider this a reward for your success today, but don't do this again," she said, blushing and trying to hide her embarrassment.

The driver in front acted as if he were both deaf and blind, making no comments whatsoever.