
Chapter 26. Come to touch porcelain again

"Are you guys worried about my capabilities now?"

An Xin asked with a hint of a smirk.

It was just a restaurant, after all; something he could certainly afford.

If he were already wealthy, choosing some small workshop would be the real embarrassment, wouldn't it?

"Hey, we're just trying not to burden you with so many extra expenses!"

Li Tao, although intending to dissuade An Xin, couldn't hide his excitement upon entering this place.

This was a world he had never touched before, a place he found himself inexplicably drawn to.

"Bring us your biggest private room."

An Xin arrived in his own Lamborghini, and as soon as he entered, the waitstaff rushed up to greet him with great enthusiasm.

"Sure thing, please come this way!"

The waiter promptly led An Xin into a private room.

Casually glancing at the menu, An Xin ordered, "Bring us your signature dishes, and let's have one of each of these!"

He didn't hesitate to order the more expensive dishes on the menu.

The waiter's eyes sparkled with excitement.

An Xin looked every bit the big spender, and their establishment was known for business dealings. Yet even so, some bosses who weren't as wealthy wouldn't dare to order so lavishly.

"Rest assured, our delicacies will surely satisfy you!"

"I can't believe one day I'll be able to say I rode in a Lamborghini and dined in such an expensive place!"

Lin Chen was trying hard to control his emotions, but his eyes couldn't help but wander around the room.

"Today, I've truly broadened my horizons. Not bad at all!"

"Later, if someone asks me what's the best car I've been in, I can proudly name this one!"

An Xin chuckled softly, not saying a word.

But his heart was still a bit excited.

"Fancy a drink?"

They were only freshmen in college, having never touched alcohol during their high school days.

But An Xin had already honed his skills in the workplace, unfazed by countless drinks—he said it naturally.

"How could we miss out on such good stuff? Order! Just order something ordinary; too pricey and we can't afford it!"

Li Tao chuckled and rubbed his hands together.

Even though An Xin was footing the bill, they weren't the type to take advantage of others.

Now considered adults, they could finally enjoy a little drink without fear of parental scolding.


An Xin ordered a case of beer and another of white liquor.

Upon seeing the price of the drinks, the three of them were stunned—a simple bottle of beer cost over a hundred bucks.

"I want to see what makes this beer different from the ones sold for three bucks a bottle outside."

Charging such prices was blatant profiteering, wasn't it?

"If they sold three-dollar bottles here, it would be too cheap for their image!"

The restaurant was high-end, and selling common items didn't align with their pricing strategy.

Soon, the food and beer arrived.

An Xin couldn't wait to take a sip—it was smooth and aromatic, without a hint of bitterness, yet the purity of alcohol was palpable when it reached his throat.

"Good beer!"

No wonder it commanded such a high price; it was indeed different from the stuff you could buy anywhere.

"The food is also delicious; I thought the dishes from business hotels like this would look nice but not taste good."

Li Tao admitted once again that there were indeed quality goods in the world; it was just that his budget couldn't afford to see them.

"If you guys like it, we can book here for our next dorm party."

An Xin suggested nonchalantly.

"No, no, we can't always let you pay; we pooled our living expenses, and even together, we might not cover today's meal."

Reciprocation was essential in social interactions; they might not be able to treat An Xin to such an expensive meal, but they wouldn't take advantage of him.

"Enough talk about money; let's just enjoy the food!"

An Xin was also getting a bit excited; since acquiring his system, he had been buying left and right but had never indulged in a feast like this.

After they had their fill of food and drink, everyone except An Xin was dead drunk.

After all, it was their first time tasting alcohol, and given the price, they unconsciously began to overindulge.

"I need to use the restroom."

Feeling slightly light-headed and with a sudden urge to urinate, An Xin struggled to stand up.

He walked out of the room.

Once he relieved himself and started walking back, he felt a strange atmosphere in the private room.

"You again!"

A sinister voice rang out, and An Xin turned to see a familiar face.

Cheng Xiao.

Cheng Xiao seemed unaffected by public opinion, surrounded by others who were equally portly.

"Oh, so you're not scamming anymore?"

An Xin was somewhat surprised to see Cheng Xiao but spoke coldly, intending to leave.

He had no intention of getting involved with such scum.

Just as he was about to open the door, a girl who had been sitting in a corner suddenly rushed out and threw herself into An Xin's arms.

"Please save me, please save me; they're monsters!"

The girl's clothes were nearly torn off, and her face was streaked with tears.

Cheng Xiao's expression changed dramatically; he remembered the last time he was about to succeed but was stopped by An Xin.

"I advise you not to meddle again. Last time I didn't have time to deal with you, but it doesn't mean you can save someone from me this time."

Cheng Xiao gritted his teeth and spoke harshly; that debt note worth millions was destroyed by An Xin alone.

He couldn't let his plan fail again.

"Why are you so scared of me? If you don't do anything wrong, you won't fear ghosts knocking on your door. So you're back to scamming, especially targeting young girls!"

After hearing Cheng Xiao's words, An Xin understood what was happening.

It was the same old trick from Cheng Xiao, attempting to scam naive girls.

But An Xin would never let them succeed.

"Pretty bold, kid. Can't see it, but you want to play the hero and save the beauty!"

Cheng Xiao's companions gathered around, looking coldly at An Xin with undisguised provocation in their eyes.