
Case 109

M sat gripping the letter tightly as tears streamed down her face. She couldn't miss her golden opportunity to become one of the finest detectives of her era '80s. But the time was intense. She was due in a few months and her boyfriend suddenly goes missing leaving behind nothing but a note. She has lost all her stable shores. This wasn't his first time, yet M felt it was different this time. Something was definitely not right. How could she give her child the name of a father that wasn't present? She never envisioned her parent less childhood for her unborn child.

holycold · Lịch sử
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7 Chs


The voice hit my ears, "Markie, help me". Came from the other side of the curtains. My steps are shaken and heart is pounding inside. "I know Markie, its you out there. Help me, Markie". I kept going towards the curtains, as I reach closer. I felt the voice over my bare skin, "Is our...., Markie". The question of this unseen voice has raised a storm inside me."M? Are you listing", chief's voice brought me back to the reality. And focused my vision on the board. "You okay", Euegin asked as he placed his hand over mine. I nodded as affirmative that I'm okay so the discussion kept on going."This one case gonna cause us a lot, because it includes both strong field operating and desk one's", Chief stood up from his chair. "I will take the field works this time", I suggested the rest. Taking the case's documents in hand. "The field investigation is not here in our town; Cyrus Ukle, actually it's in...", Euegin pasued so as the rest of the people inside the room."It's..?", I asked closing the files. The name is familiar and, I moved my sit and looked at the rest, no clue of what they're about to say next. Chief's face sheltered under worry and slighter of hesitation,"Its Evan's village". Chief said sighing slowly.