
Carving on the Wall

Satya is a man who for two years has always harbored hatred towards Sonya, his boss at a private insurance company. With Sonya's attitude and words that are always harsh and insulting to him, every day Satya's hatred is getting bigger. One day, Satya finds all his hatred towards Sonya fading and disappearing just like that after he finds out the truth about Sonya. And now, for a week, they were even involved in an unusually intimate relationship. Unfortunately, the relationship did not last long, Satya left the pregnant Sonya, and he returned to his hometown, Bali. In the old house that his family inherited from generation to generation, Satya found a carving on one of the walls in the living room, with a line of words barely legible. He who lived alone because all his relatives had died, tried to recall the stories of his ancestors about the carving. Until one night, by accident, Satya was able to recall the lines of sentences that were between the carvings on the living room wall. Something happened shortly after Satya read the sentence. He felt his body being pulled by a powerful force that made him move between dimensions and time. Satya was suddenly in one land, in the era 1000 years before his time. Here, Satya has to fight hard to return to his time by helping a royal princess named Lathifa Minan who is usually called Lathi, the princess is being oppressed by her husband. She was even sentenced to death by being thrown to the bottom of the sea. Can Satya save Princess Lathi? Or, can he go back to his time? Then, how does Satya's relationship with Sonya end up, which he left pregnant? Well, find the answer in this story. Happy reading ^^

Ando_Ajo · Kỳ huyễn
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160 Chs


The girl smiled sweetly at the man who opened the door to his room, then disappeared behind the door. She giggled to imagine what it would be like to make love to Satya.

Well, the only man in this house who always refuses to be intimate even without paying for this and that, is Satya alone. That's why the girl became curious.

Not only her, but even all the girls in the house are also the same. And maybe with Mrs. Henny herself.

That night, after Satya was in line for a long time just to take a shower, he went out of the house to get his dinner. The boarding house only has one bathroom on each floor, and the owner of the house does not provide food, so the tenants have to buy food outside.

Arriving in front of a food stall, Satya seemed hesitant to enter the shop. He lost his appetite a little because he was bored of having to eat at the same menu, same place every day.

He sighed and intended to eat somewhere else instead. After all, he carried enough money in his wallet.

While on the side of the road and between his confusion about choices of using public transportation or online taxis, a motorbike stopped right in front of him.

"You look confused, my friend?"

"Eh?" Satya smiled. It was his office mate. "Well, I'm tired of having to eat at the same place every day."

"You want to come?"

"Where?" asked Satya. "Aren't you always with your girlfriend? Why are you alone now?"

The man chuckled shrugging his shoulders. "I have to find a new girl."


"You know, we just fought, and she just left after breaking up with me."

"Jerk!" Satya shook his head. "You enjoyed your life, didn't you?"

"The risk of being a handsome man, always suspected!"

"Damn it!" Satya couldn't hold back his laughter. "You're a cockroach-stamped playboy, you know that?!"

The man laughed. "Come on up! I'll take you to a good restaurant."

"Very well."

After that, Satya rode on his co-worker's motorbike. When they arrived at a typical Sundanese restaurant, Satya got off the motorbike but his partner didn't seem to be entering the unique restaurant.

"Aren't you going to eat also?" asked Satya.

"No, just you. I'm just dropping you off. Besides, I'm not hungry yet."

"Are you sure?"

The colleague chuckled. "Didn't I tell you before?"


"I want to find a new girlfriend."

"Fuck! You're being serious."

"I am."

"Which girl this time?"

"It's a secret, dude!"

"Damn," Satya chuckled. "Alright, alright. Hey…! Don't tell me you're going to date Sonya?"

"That witch?" said the partner, and then laughed. "No way, man. You think the world has run out of women?"

"You have a good point here," Satya stifled a laugh. "Thanks for the ride, man."

"All right, Sat, I'm leaving now. Enjoy your dinner, you rotten virgin!"


Satya chuckled as he waved his hand to his colleague.

The typical Sundanese restaurant is unique, the main building is not so big, and it is shaped like a traditional Sundanese house. The tables where visitors will enjoy their food are outside, arranged in such a way with decorative lights that present romance, especially for those who come in couples.

Damn it! Satya thought. Looks like I came to the wrong place!

He smiled and then sat down in a chair in the right corner, the very back row, beside him was a pond decorated with fountains. Maybe the pond will look beautiful during the day with ornamental fish swimming on the surface.

The gurgling of the fountain falling onto the surface of the pool sounded quite soothing. At the very least, presenting the sounds of nature amid dining will add to the enjoyment of the visitors to their meals.

Unfortunately, the condition of the restaurant itself was not crowded this evening. Only a few visitors were sitting far from each other.

After ordering his food, Satya sat waiting. Just a moment, then the order came, brought by a maid girl.

Satya quite enjoyed the taste of the Sundanese food, and it made his appetite good.

In the midst of enjoying his dinner, Satya was interested to pay attention to the couple sitting in the left corner in the very back row. Looks like the couple wasn't enjoying their meal, he thought.

The lighting from the decorative lights, which was intentionally dim, made it not so clear for Satya to see what the two people who were arguing about something looked like.

The position of the man turned his back in Satya's direction so that Satya could not see the figure of the woman who was the man's partner.

Satya could only take a deep breath. Don't they have another place, more private to fight? Why should it be in a place like this?

Oh, people are freaks!

Never mind, he thought again. I better finish my meal.

And again Satya's attention was focused on the couple when the man suddenly stood up, then walked away leaving the woman.

He seems to be furious, Satya thought.

Good grief…! Satya choked on his own. Why do I have to watch all this? And why should I meddle in other people's business?

At least, that's what Satya thought even though he only saw and listened to the couple's quarrel. No more than that.

However, when the man had left and the sobbing woman lifted her face after wiping her tears, Satya choked again. He knew the woman very, very well.

"S—Sonya?!" he muttered subconsciously.

And the woman who heard someone say her name glanced at Satya. That's right, she is Sonya Ardhamevia.

Not expecting that someone would witness her quarrel with her partner, even recognize her, Sonya didn't know what to say. She was so embarrassed that she looked down again, covering her face with her palms.

Satya saw the woman's shoulders shaking with sobs.

Wait a minute! Satya shouted in his heart. That man… maybe it was the owner of the insurance company where he worked.

It was possible that judging from the silhouette of his back, shoulders, and hairstyle, it was quite clear that the man was the owner of the company. And that means the rumors that have been circulating all this time are the truth. Sonya is the mistress of the owner of the company.

Satya gulped, he became confused, not knowing what to say or what to do with all the things he had heard and witnessed before his eyes.

It's just that, for the sake of seeing Sonya who was so immersed in her sadness, and even her crying had not stopped at all, Satya felt melted. The hatred that had been so great inside him for that woman all this time suddenly became very drastically reduced.

Well, it must hurt, he thought. Being in Sonya's position is not easy. There must be a thousand and one reasons why she has been so curt at the office, or even with her current condition.

In the end, Satya decided to finish his dinner. After taking one long breath, he ventured over to Sonya, who was still laying her face on the table.

"Ermm, Miss Sonya," said Satya as friendly as possible. "I'm sorry, are you okay?"

Good grief! What did I ask? Satya screamed in his heart. Wasn't it obvious she wasn't okay? You are stupid!

"I'm sorry," said Satya then, he sat on the chair that was occupied by the Sonya couple earlier. "I accidentally heard and saw everything. A—Is there anything I can do for you, Miss Sonya?"

Sonya raised her face which was wet with tears, she looked sadly at Satya. And her tears just kept on flowing.

"Ermm, I—I…" Satya gulped, he took a deep breath.

"I must look pitiful."

"N—No," Satya shook his head quickly. "I didn't mean like that. It's just…, I'm worried about how others think of you, Miss Sonya."

"I don't care," and Sonya again hid her face on the table. "My pride has been blown to pieces. I…, I can't take it anymore…"

"Miss Sonya," Satya took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry what just happened, but, it would be good for you if we went back now—aah, I mean, if you don't mind, I'll accompany you to your house."

Sonya again raised her face, she wiped the tears that wet her beautiful face, even with her crying condition she didn't lose her beauty at all.