
Carrying The Alpha's Baby

At an art exhibition curated by Mirabel, she crosses paths with Rajar, a charming and enigmatic artist. Their chance encounter blossoms into a passionate one-night stand, leaving Mirabel captivated by Rajar's magnetic presence. However, their fleeting connection takes an unforeseen turn when Mirabel discovers she's pregnant with Rajar's child. Determined to share the news with Rajar and explore the possibility of a future together, Mirabel embarks on a journey to find him. Along the way, she grapples with her own conflicting emotions and uncertainties about their relationship. When Mirabel finally locates Rajar, she is confronted with shocking revelations that shatter her perceptions of him. As Mirabel delves deeper into Rajar's world, she unravels a web of secrets and deceit that threaten to upend everything she thought she knew. Caught between her desire for truth and her longing for a connection with Rajar, Mirabel must navigate the complexities of love, betrayal, and self-discovery. With each revelation, Mirabel is forced to confront uncomfortable truths about herself and the nature of her relationship with Rajar. As the stakes escalate, Mirabel must make difficult choices that will shape the course of her future and the life of her unborn child. Set against the backdrop of the art world, "Mirabel's Discovery" is a poignant tale of love, loss, and the transformative power of unexpected revelations. With its richly drawn characters and gripping narrative, the story explores the intricacies of human relationships and the enduring search for meaning and belonging.

Sweet_Cappuccino69 · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter Two

Mirabel sat on her bed, her hands trembling as she clutched the pregnancy test. Tears blurred her vision as she stared at the two pink lines, the undeniable confirmation of her fears. She was pregnant. The weight of the revelation crashed over her, leaving her feeling overwhelmed and devastated.

Summoning all her courage, Mirabel knew she couldn't face this alone. With a heavy heart, she approached her parents, her voice shaky as she revealed her secret.

"YOU'RE WHAT?!", they both yelled with different reactions though. Her mother excited than upset, obviously her father wants to kill the man forgetting Mirabel was completely irresponsible. But after remebering her past complications, moods changed.

Their initial shock soon gave way to unwavering support as they listened to her plans.

"I need to find him," Mirabel declared, her voice filled with determination. "I need to find the father of my baby."

"We're behind you one hundred percent Belle", they encoraged her and planned ahead before letting her go.

While she packed she sat and was in deep thought. Rajah. The name echoed in her mind, accompanied by memories of their brief but passionate encounter. She remembered his captivating eyes, his infectious laughter, and the undeniable chemistry between them. But now, he was nothing more than a distant memory, a name on a list of regrets.

With her best friend Ruth by her side, Mirabel embarked on a journey to find Rajah. Their destination? The Giant's Causeway, home to some of the most exclusive places in the world. It was where Rajar lived, where he belonged.

As they traveled, anticipation mingled with apprehension, each mile bringing them closer to their destination and to the unknown future that awaited them. Mirabel couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that gnawed at her, the fear of what awaited her at the end of their journey.

Finally, they arrived at the address Mirabel had been given, a grand mansion perched on the cliffs overlooking the sea. It was a sight to behold, imposing yet inviting, its beauty matched only by the breathtaking landscape that surrounded it.

As they approached the front door, Mirabel's heart raced with anticipation. Would Rajah be here? Would he even remember her? Doubts plagued her mind, but she pushed them aside, focusing on the task at hand.

The door swung open, revealing a sight that took Mirabel by surprise. Instead of the imposing figure she had expected, they were greeted by a petite, elderly woman with a warm smile and twinkling eyes.

"Welcome, dear travelers," the woman greeted them, her voice soft and gentle. "I've been expecting you."

Mirabel and Ruth exchanged bewildered glances as the adorable old lady greeted them with an air of expectancy, as though their arrival had been foretold. Before they could voice their confusion, the woman simply smiled and ushered them inside without explanation.

Once inside, they found themselves in a lavishly decorated living area, adorned with opulent furnishings and adorned with exquisite artwork. Mirabel's heart raced as she tried to process the surreal turn of events. How could this woman possibly know they were coming?

Before she could ponder further, the door swung open, and there he was – Rajah. Tall, dark, and undeniably handsome, he strode into the room with an air of authority that left Mirabel breathless. But unlike their previous encounter, there was no warmth in his gaze, only a flicker of annoyance that sent a pang of hurt through Mirabel's heart.

"Why are you here?" Rajah's voice was cold, his tone laced with hostility as he fixed his gaze on Mirabel.

Stung by his indifference, Mirabel squared her shoulders, her anger flaring in response to his callousness. "I came to find you," she retorted, her voice trembling with emotion. "I needed to see you, to tell you..."

But before she could finish her sentence, a wave of dizziness washed over her, and the room spun around her. With a soft cry, Mirabel collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

Ruth rushed to her side, panic etched on her face as she tried to revive her friend. Meanwhile, Rajah's mother, Valenthia, the matriarch of the household, approached with concern etched on her features.

"What's happening here?" Valenthia's voice was filled with worry as she knelt beside Mirabel, her gentle touch soothing in contrast to Rajah's earlier hostility.

As Mirabel slowly regained consciousness, Valenthia guided her to a nearby sofa, offering her water and words of reassurance. Rajah watched from a distance, his expression unreadable as he observed the scene unfolding before him.

Once Mirabel had regained her composure, Valenthia turned to her with a kindly smile. "Now, my dear, perhaps you can tell us why you've come all this way," she prompted, her tone gentle yet firm.

Mirabel took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts as she prepared to reveal the reason for their unexpected visit. But before she could speak, Rajah interjected with a harshness that took her by surprise.

"We don't need her explanations, Mother," he declared, his voice tinged with annoyance. "She's not welcome here."

But Valenthia silenced him with a stern look, her gaze unwavering as she turned back to Mirabel. "Please, my dear, tell us what has brought you to our sanctuary," she urged, her voice a soothing balm amidst the tension that hung in the air.

And as Mirabel began to speak, the weight of her words hung heavy in the room, each syllable a testament to the tangled web of emotions that bound them all together.