
Carry on Carmilla

"RUN!" She screamed. And with that. A sobbing broken girl made for the door and hobbled down the street. She heard glass shatter and the once lonely howl heard nights before, was answered by a symphony of others. Carmilla is an average girl from England. Her family is as normal as her. But when they take their annual trip to the states she comes to discover that not is all what it seems, people in the community act...strange and appear to be hiding something . A terrible fate awaits, but how will she act. Will she escape or be hunted

IPsycosiren · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 4 The ball

The morning the Smiths slept in. Apart from Adam, he went for a run. Camilla came downstairs to eat breakfast only to find it was just her parents there.

"Where's Louise"? she asked a she spread some jam on her toast.

"Justin picked her up early and took her to have breakfast at the big house."

Said her mother without even looking up from her vanity fair.

"What are your plans for today sweetie?"

Half way through her toast she mumbles,

"Dress shopping with Summer and then lunch with her and her mum at the crescent café"

"Hmm sounds good, she's a nice girl that Summer and her mums lovely, treats you like a daughter"

"Yeah they're both really nice aren't they, good people"

Carmilla downed her orange juice and and headed for the door.

"Have a lovely day sweetie be back for before six"

"Will do bye".

Dress shopping had been easy as there's only two clothes shops; a really nice expensive one and a decent charity shop. Carmilla not caring that much bought a simple but slightly ill fitting white summer dress, with a blue satin ribbon tied around the waist to help it fit better. Summer had saved up and bought a long length sea foam colour dress from the expensive shop. It fit her perfectly. Knowing her dress was slightly too big, Carmilla couldn't wait to eat a shit ton at lunch.

As she sat with a large bowl of carbonara, Mrs Opal took this opportunity to question her about her love life.

"So Milly, met anyone special?"

A mouthful of pasta and a vigorous head shake was her reply.

"Mmmhhh maybe you'll meet someone tonight, a lot of people are coming from the local community's tonight, plenty of cute boys."

Another head shake.

"To be honest Mrs O I'm just going for the free champagne"

The mother and daughter laughed.

"You really haven't changed a bit since I last saw you"

Summer took a bite of her salad "you'll grow up soon don't worry, we all have to eventually, the change is inevitable".

Carmilla couldn't help but wonder what the underlying tones of this conversation were. she suddenly felt odd, a pain in her stomach had started and she wasn't hungry anymore.

The day went along with no other issues and the excitement for the Ball made her forget about the pain.

As Carmilla was putting on her face she heard a knock at her bedroom door.

"Milly it's me, can you help me zip up the back of my dress"

"Yeah sure come in"

Louise entered holding up a long red satin dress against her front. Her hair was curled and put in an up-do, her make up was soft and flawless. She took one look at Carmilla and sighed.

"Look Mills you didn't have to put in that much effort but at least you could of bought a dress that fits, oh and look at your hair! did you run through the fucking woods??"

Carmilla stared at her sister wondering why she would now help do her zip up. Louise realised this too and tried take her foot out her mouth.

"Your make up looks great, I love your shoes!"

Carmilla waved off the comments and did the zip.

"So this is very snazzy"

"Yeah Justin's mum gave it to me"

Carmilla looked at her sister through the mirror.

"You met his parents alone? fucking hell Lou it's been a day"

Her sister turned towards her, it's looked as if love had punched square in the face, a dazed look of utter devotion.

"I can't explain it. It's different from any relationship I've ever had, I've never felt this way before"

He loved spell faded when she saw the look on her younger sisters face.

"Please try and be supportive, I know it's early but I think this could be the real thing"

Carmilla said nothing instead she picked up her purse and smiled.

"Come on we better start walking or we're gonna be late"

Her sisters cheeks turned slightly pink

"Actually Justin's giving me a lif-"

"Of course he fucking is".

The Smiths Stopped by the Opals for drinks and they all preceded to walk to the town hall. A large building near the end of the town surrounded by empty field space. It was used for any event imaginable, as it was the only space big enough in the small town. The hall had been decked out with large velvet curtains and white roses littered the tables, women wore silk gowns and men were

Dressed in their penguin suits. The Ball was a serious event, from what Carmilla knew many people met the love of their lives at the Ball and though many others invited it, she took the idea that she was only seventeen and while love could wait forever, the thrill of illegal drinking was only for another few months.

The ball was in full swing. As the adults were crowded by greetings, the young people dispersed to find their own friendship groups. Carmilla and Summer found their friends hidden in a corner table next to the door for the outside porch. Summer walked towards a tall dark haired boy. Matt tucked her under his arm and kissed her forehead. The pair suited each other nicely thought Carmilla, but before she could think more of it. A number of people greeted her. Friends who eagerly asked how her year had been? and how much they'd missed her. With pleasantries and funny stories exchanged Carmilla noticed someone was missing.

"Where's Sarah?"

She asked

"Oh she's out smoking on the porch, go see her well save your seats" replied Matt.

With a smile to excuse herself Carmilla strode out the door and began the search.

Her eyes soon landed on a lonely girl at the far end. She wore a long floral skirt with a matching top. Thick ginger hair flowed over her shoulders. She would of looked like a wood elf if she hadn't been smoking so furiously. A grimace plastered over her face.

"Look I know your ginger, but that's no reason to look so angsty"

The grimace broke

"Milly! So good to see you!"

A long pale arm slide over her shoulder, pulling her into a side hug, while Sarah continued to stare off in the distance.

Carmilla bummed a drag from Sarah as she wondered what to say next.

"I fucking hate this ball y'know, this year even more so"

"I thought you weren't coming back?"

"Yeah well priorities changed. I have to stay here now. Forever"

Carmilla paused, taken slightly aback from what Sarah was saying.

"What do you mean, you don't have to be here!"

Sarah took a slow drag as she concentrated on the landscape.

"Mills have you ever heard the story of The witch and the wolves?"

She shook her head in reply.

"Well there once was a witch and a pack of wolves that-"

As Sarah began her tale Carmilla drifted in and out, lost in thought. Catching only small parts of the story.

"He found his-"

She gazed at the woods standing half a mile away from her, the tall branches swaying in the summer breeze.

"Killed the-"

A large dark bird perched atop a pine. It stood In stark contrast with reddening sky.

"As revenged she-"

It's head was turned to their direction.

"A curse was placed on-"

As if the bird was staring straight at-


She snapped her head around to look at Sarah.

"Did you hear anything I just said?"

"Yeah of course witches, wolves, curses"

Her eyes wandered back to the tree tops. The bird was no longer there, she couldn't even see it flying away. Almost as if it was never there at all.

Sarah noticed the trance like look on her friends face and shook her head in dismay.

"Come on let's go back inside, dinners starting soon".

She took Carmilla by the arm and they headed towards the door. But not without one last glance to woods.

Once inside they began to look for their friends. People had begun to take their seats and many were still wandering around, searching just like them. Carmilla Laid eye's on a tall scruffy head of hair and realised it was matts. She walked to the table and took a seat among her friends. As they all teased and greeted on another, Matt asked the question.

"Milly where's Sarah?"

Carmilla noticed the empty chair beside her.

"Well she was right behind me".

Twisting her body around she finally found her amidst the crowd of people. Sarah stood with a look of shock on her face. Her arm was caught In hand of the very handsome man she was facing, he was staring at her intently. It looked as if he was going to say something but a large burly man masked him before Carmilla could see it leave his lips. She saw what Sarah said though, and even if there was no sound, her words were easily deciphered.

'Oh god'.

A small half hearted laugh broke the tables trance.

"Well looks like Sarah won't be joining us"

Spoke Matt; Carmilla frowned, Noticing that Sarah was indeed walking away with the handsome man. Her head hung low in resignation.

Carmilla turned back to the table. No one appeared as shocked or bothered as she was.

"And we're all okay with this? I...I mean...does she know him?"

Matt replied instantly.

"Well they do but they don't. See that guy is Sarah's ma-"

Summer sharply elbowed him in the chest. Matt paused to look at his girlfriend. Through eye contact he made a realisation (not all men can do this so he's quite special) .

"Uhh 'cough' yeah they know each other".

Before Carmilla could question further, plates of food were placed in front of them.

"Alright! Let's dig in everyone"

A people began eat, her thoughts were focused on how Matt had suddenly become the leader of the group.

The pain from before was slowly returning.

Time passed, food was eaten, champagne was drank and lively conversation roared throughout the ballroom.

Though she was having fun Carmilla couldn't help but worry about her absent friend. Occasionally she would turn and see that while the the handsome man was chatting away, Sarah silently stared at her plate. Carmilla couldn't tell if the pain she was feeling was from before or for her friend.

As the night unraveled Carmilla came to realise the pain was a lot more than worry for her friend. She watched her glass of champagne fizz and tried not to think about about how hot she felt or how her stomach pain had traveled and given her a headache as well.

"Are you alright Milly? You look really pale"

Said Summer concerned

"Yeah paler than usual"

A boy at the table commented hoping for a cheap laugh.

Carmilla put down her drink, a light headed feeling with slight nausea overcame her urge to quip back.

"Yeah that does it, think I'm gonna turn in early, slip into something more comfortable."

Summer offered to have Matt drive her-much to Matts dismay- but she declined.

"Nah I think walking would be better, get some fresh air"

After saying goodbye to the table she went to Sarah. The handsome man introduced himself as Dominic stone, he also commented on her complexion; which was received with a vicious glare from Sarah and a judging eyebrow raise from Carmilla. A quick hug to Sarah with a whispered 'wow' and she was off, heading towards her parents to tell them and then the door. she was stopped by a woman's voice.

"Carmilla! leaving so soon?"

She turned to an older woman, a Mrs Jane Wolfford, the woman who-along with her husband-owned the entire community land.

"Oh Mrs wolfford so nice to see you"

In more ways than one Carmilla was happy to see the woman, Mrs Wolfford was the adopted mother of the entire community, always kind and understanding, especially to teenagers and kids who had a habit of getting into trouble.

"Are you alright dear? You don't look well"

She approached looking genuinely concerned for the girls welfare. Placing a hand on her forehead she clicked her tongue.

"Poor dear you're burning up, no wonder your about to be out the door"

Carmilla gave a weak smile.

"Yeah I think the fresh air will do me good, plus I get out of hearing the speeches"

The older woman smiled as well

"Oh yes my husband Jim does like to on, sometimes I tell him to wrap it up, otherwise he could go on for hours" she laughed. A question appeared in Carmillas head.

"How's your son? I don't think I've seen him tonight"

The woman's smile dimmed a little,

"Oh no Teddy couldn't be here tonight. He's travelling around Russia at the moment. It's a shame really, I would of loved for you two to meet".

Carmilla brows knotted. Theodore Wolfford was the boy that everyone had a crush on growing up. He was kind, smart, athletic and a natural born leader. Guys and girls alike loved him, adults respected him. Though she knew him she had never really met him, he was a couple years older than her and used to help out with the kids club that ran in the summer. She had a vague memory of him catching her and her friends smoking in the woods at night when they were twelve. He took their cigarettes but said he wouldn't tell. The only question ringing in her head was why the hell would he want to meet her.

Before she could ask Sarah screaming, interrupted theirs and everyone else's conversations.


Dominic was still sitting, grasping for her hand and trying to tell her to calm down. Which wasn't working. At all.


Suddenly all the men stood up and started towards Sarah.

Carmilla felt hands on her shoulders and turned to see her brother guiding her towards the doors.


She turned to take one last look as Sarah began to scream again.

"DOMINIC STONE! I REJE-" a hand was placed over her mouth and Sarah was lost in the mosh of people crowding over her. Before Carmilla could even shout for them to stop she was shoved outside with the doors slamming in her face.

She stood on the steps of the building. There no sound she could hear through thick doors. She could feel the blood pulsing throughout her whole body and her headache had fully transformed into a dizzying lightness. Suddenly all energy she had was gone, her whole body ached slightly and she felt exhausted. Completely forgetting what had happened, she began the walk home.