
Card Maker System

Link died while sleeping on his bed, he found himself in the void where he was granted the Card Maker system. Follow Link as he makes card Games throughout different worlds, Making enemies become Rivals And spreading the joy of cards.

Ender_Child · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

X gene Awakening And helping tony

"When I get a total of six damage, my spirit vanishes from the planet cray, in other words I lose" I said explaining to him.

"Huh well I've got one point in right,you're gonna lose" he said

"We'll see about that" I said

"It's my turn, I draw a card, Ride the Dragon Knight Nehalem, call bahr" I said

" I attack Marron with bahr" I declared.

"But our attacks are the same" he said confused.

"If the power is equal the attacks can go through" I explained.

"Doesn't that mean I'll take two damage." He asked.

"Yes but you can weaken your opponents attack by using the card in your hand" I explained

"In that case I guard with the bringer of good luck,Epona" he said

"The number written vertically become your defense power, bahrs power disappears because of your shield 10000, My attack is ineffective " i said.

"After the attack, the card you used to guard is retired" he said as he put the card in the drop zone

"Now I attack Marron With Nehalem combined with Aermors power" i said.

"…I don't guard" he said.

"I check for a drive trigger" I said to him while he took one damage.

"Well then it's your turn" I said looking at him.

"Alright let's see..Ride the knight of Silence,Gallatin plus I call Marron and Flogal." He said

"I combine Wingals power with gallatin and Attack Nehalem."We both check for a drive trigger.

"Then I combine florals power with Marron and attack Nehalem." He said

"Well I can't let you do that, Your attack cannot get through" I said.

"Tsk my turn is already over" After he said that.

The game continued and I won.

"Well that was a nerve wracking experience, so how much are you selling the packs" he asked.

"Hmm how about like 20 dollars each pack I said placing a reasonable price.

"Hmm not a bad price ok let see those trial decks." I said bringing out all four of them.

"So the total is 80$ and the guide books are free, and here are the four play mats" I said while putting them in a box.

"And also if you want more cards you can buy the packs, but I'll have to make them by next week, also take this to keep your decks in their free" i said giving him four wallet looking deck holder.

"Huh well here my number of you have any more cards you can call me" he said making his payment and walking out of the door.

After that 4 more people came inside and bought it 2 but over 6 of them the other bought 4, I sold a total of 16 decks. I did have to show them how to play.

[You have completed the Quest Xgene unlocked:Elemental Cards

Description:You get a deck of 50 card each time you use it you get a random deck of that element with different abilities on them, you can disperse them for another element all abilities are random.]

[You have completed the quest. Mental and physical Abilities enhanced by 3%

Combat Wear: A combat gear that is indestructible, it has a passive shield powered by any element you have currently equipped, it can defend from high concentration of energy and can defend against hulk like strength(its the novel cover).]

When the quest completed my head ached from both the xgene and the enhancement, some of the cards near me glowed for a bit then burned to ash, some melted and some froze.

[So how do you feel,]

'Pain, it hurts mentally than physically'.

[Yeah i mean mental pain is more worse than physical pain]

'Next time warn me please'

[Fine, tou should probably go to your brothers place before he does something stupid]

Zack had a good point, i moved my hands a bit feeling the new strength, i used my ability and orange glowing cards appeared on my happened, they were fire themed, i dispersed them and closed my shop, then i entered my car and drove to tonys place….

"wow tony holy shit you are that armored person" i said while looking at tony strapped onto a machine.

"ahh dont mind me im doing normal things here" he said.

"ok….So i found out im a mutant" then the machine stopped tony turned to look at me and pepper was just staring.

"ahem you are a mutant? thats….actually great, what kind of power did you get?" he asked curiously but not upset about it.

"i can summon cards with different elements each having different skills." i said.

"well…thats good but you aren't fighting anyone on my watch" he said seriously.

"and you can?" i asked.

"yes im trying to make up for my mistakes." he said.

"pepper" i said.

"nope you know he won't listen" she said.

"talk to him i have some things to go and do" i said while leaving the the lab. "if something happens to him tell me pepper dont hide it"i continued looking at her seriously then left.

'Zack Open the Shop Please'

[ok Card Shop:

Vanguard:Booster pack 30Cp, 1 New decks 70Cp.



'i'll buy the booster pack information for now'

[Wow saving points thats good]

I drove back while talking to Zack then i remembered stark was in danger…shit.

"lets wear our battle gear" i said snapping my fingers and like liquid it wrapped around me and now im wearing it. i turned around and drove the car back in hurry…

After some time im back and quickly went to find stark until i saw a giant tin man crash into a truck, i knew he was there.

"lets see….Poison Cards meh why not" i said summoning the green colored deck it was floating beside me. i used my blessing. Soul weapon and a scythe the size of my body appeared. i ran toward where obidiah was hit.

"oh hello obidiah…so you wee the one whi hired the ten rings to kill tony, and also tony you're reckless" i said pointing at them.

obidiah tried to hit me but i dodged i picked five cards from the deck.

"pick a card any card" i said prompting to him but he decided to punch me but my shield blocked it thankfully..

"oh you choose all of them….well i hope you like radiation poisoning" i said throwing all five cards which were Radiation poison and Nerve poisoning. it was gas based and i could control it so i made it enter the armor of obidiah.

"my dear brother you can fight him now" i said looking at him.

"young man we have talking to do once we get back" he said inside of the armor tony flew up obidiah followed him, well clumsily that is to say

After some minutes a giant lightning beacon came drown from the skys, smiting someone probably, then an explosion destroyed the arc reactor room, prompting tony suceed.

The next morning.

"…Link you are in trouble" tony said blandly.

"You were in danger and also why the fuck am i named CardsMaster? While you get ironman" i asked.

"what dimo you mean its a good name, it matches with your abi- hey dint change the subject lets go" he said while we ent to the conference….while dragging my ears

"ow,ow tony be gentle with the airs" i asked

"No" he said bluntly. everyone was just looktat us funny. we both now stood in the podium " i am iron man, Now Link say it" he said.

"….id like to stay hidden thank you" he looked at me coldly…tsk fine "

and im…..CardsMaster" and now i run from the media leaving my idiot brother to handle it. i summone my card thris time it was air, i took a card and it was a flight ability. i do the most sanest thing anyone given powere would do….i FLEW All of you are beneath me hahahah… ok for real though im pretty sure the xmen know im a mutant and im not planning to go but now….to infinity and beyond to my shop…

After playing around for a bit i have returned back to my shop…there was a huge line of people. i dropped down near one of the cars and went there.

"uhh hello everyone….uhm i didnt think my shop would get this much popularity just im a day" i said

"Look its CardsMaster" everyone said whispering around….and the name its back.

i open the shop while going to the counter with a dark expression on my face.

"hello welcome to Links card shop, how are you today." i said oh its markis and two girls beside him, must be his daughters.

"hello Markus are those your daughters" i asked.

"hahah yes this is Kaina and Kaira, This is the one i wa talking about yesterday…all thought he is now called by CardsMaster" he said grinning.

"that isnt funny…" i said stepping on the desk...