
Chapter Four: The Wedding Dress Detective

Anger was like a black hole swallowing every bit of positive energy I had, I decided this could all just had been a scary dream a terrible terrible dream and I could wake up and still have followers still have friends and even more...I knew something needed to be done and FAST! I made a plan to go back to the mall and ask about the person hopefully they will give me answers but it was worth a try. My dad would say that a lot whenever we would look for something or other, as I grabbed my purse and ran out the door I was repeating the plan in my head first would go to the wedding dress shop and then the boba cafe and then go to the grocery store the most recent place I've been to. As I walked into the mall it smelt the mix of coffee and lemons from the essential oil shoppe and the fresh coffee from the cafe across the wedding store where I'm heading,as I walked down the tile floor dodging the mom with there children in the strollers and the fussing children I saw the white familiar Lacey store all white some pastel pink and other soft colours I went up to the front desk a teenager about five years younger then me she looked like she did NOT want to be here "ummm I know this is kinda odd but I was here a few days ago and picked up my ID but..." BUT WHAT?! She answered pestered probably from my confusing request she sighed sorry I snapped I'm just in a bad mood she said looking away from me "well you see that was n....not me you see there's an impostor and she or whatever they are it stole my ID I need help.. I said in a stupid voice she pointed to the door "g...get out" what? I asked like I did not know what she meant but I really did and I wish I didn't. I walked out glumly I went to the boba cafe I got a peach slush boba and drank it I was tired and walked home I was tired confused and anger