

Jake scratched the back of his head. He was drumming his fingers on the table.

Thirty minutes early to the dinner was not normal. Or was it?

For some reason he was getting restless. His thoughts was flickering. One minute he would be thinking about Grace and the next he would be focusing on Winter.

Was he still alright?

Was what he was doing alright?

The other thing he was thinking of was: what happens after his brother's wedding?

Should he still come after Grace and join her as he promised. The spark between them was really something.

Yet meeting Winter after a long time made him question what he really felt with Grace.

Did they move too fast?

Was it too fast?

If he came after her, would he be certain that he won't change his mind?

Jake was beginning to be confused.

He didn't like having to choose. Grace was a kind woman. Someone he can't really have. But that wouldn't have stopped him from pursuing her.