
01: Smell

Four corners of the room.

That is the only thing that I can see all throughout the week of staying here inside these house. Staying here make my nerves and body normal.

I am safe from the danger of outside world that I don't want to encounter.

Staying here at a four corner room, enhance my ability in concentration and my physical strength.

It might help me someday.

'What if, I go outside this room?' one of the thoughts that I am wondering now.

It might be a good refreshment for me. But it might be dangerous.

'Knock, Knock'

I looked confused. Who in this f*cking world might knock on my door knowing that they will be punished?

'Knock, Knock'

A continuous knock on my door. Who ever might be, should be ready the consequence of his/her actions.

'sniff, sniff'

Wait, that aroma. That's the smell that always makes me relax. Is that the person that banging my door?

'Hello, is somebody there?'

Oh that sweet voice it matches to her smell. SWEETNESS

It is the time to know her.

'Hey, what are you doing there? Didn't you know the person inside that room is a psychopath?'

I hear some baritone voice middle-aged man said. But wait, a psychopath!?

Does he talking about me?!

Where on earth does he heard such thing?

'Really, Uncle?'

I heard her asked with a scared voice.

'Yeah, that's what I heard from that young man that always standing there at the front of the door'

Young man? Young man? F*ck that b*stard.

He is the one that have the problem in the brain. Not me.

But wait a minute, why does the smell coming this way?

'Hey, whoever are you? I know that being alone make you sad and lonely inside. Just be brave and positive everything will be alright'

Sad and Lonely???? It is my safe place.

But hearing those words from here make my heart melt. I want to see her face.


That's the last words that I heard from her.

As the smell start to fade away. My mind starts to think about her.

I want to see her and meet her.