
Captain Capitalism: The Money-Maker System

Born with the wrong kind of talent, shunned from his family, removed of his succession rights and made the guardian of the lowest of the low dungeon─the infamous, most terrible, dungeon that no one visits unless they have to...that was Moros' home. Until a certain wall crumbles, and a new realm sends out its deadly invitation with Moros name on it. It was a hell that was made for him. A hell he will soon call home...and best of all, there is a lot of money to be made.

Fearmongering · Kỳ huyễn
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103 Chs

Field research

Moros looked at his test subjects with great interest…he had never expected them to do field research with such due diligence. People were far more lonely than he could have ever anticipated.

While these lovely, friendly people were busy and preoccupied finding out all about his future competitors, it was time to finally go back to what he initially had wanted to do.

Exploring the dungeon door filled with Gobbla and other Balls turned goblin was next on his plan.

With school in the morning, he really needed all the time he could get, pun intended. Farming these Gobblas for 10 dollar a piece was a lot better than just killing Ballas and waiting for them to respawn.

While the bachelors, super single, watched on glued to their screens or magical visors, Moros moved on to the newly appeared door within the Terra dungeon.

This time there was no Malissa knocking on the door and he could enter it easily.

For a minute, he just stood there in silence eying the new part of the dungeon. It was a surprising feeling to spot something in this dungeon that did not make him want to puke.

After seeing the same walls and tiles for over a thousand of times, a change in scenery was a welcome change.

Painted on the walls were the murals Moros had seen in the secret dungeon in Avarosia, but these seemed a bit different.

Instead of all the goblin suffering being followed by something, they were happy in all of them. Gone were the corpses, the disease, the lacking sunshine. All these goblins looked happy…

…they looked as if they had found their happy end, in the end in a green lush forest.

In the middle of the village stood the statue of Golologobo….Gogogolo…Gologobo? Moros could not quite remember the name of the Goblin King that gave his life for the survival of his tribe.

He stood in a heroic pose, wearing his weapons and a crown of pure gold. In goblin tongue, it stood written. "Here remains the pride of Goblin Kind…the last hero, the last King… Goo…"

The name had been erased by time itself, in its place a mere blank, white spot was left. In its stead, there were letters of pure black, they seemed messy and without order.

As if on command, all these letters aligned quietly in front of Moros' eyes to deliver the message meant for his eyes only.

It read:

"Those who listen shall be rewarded. Those that refuse, shall suffer the consequences"

Moros blinked and the text was gone…

"...Gogogobo…May his valour never be forgotten!!"

The picture was whole again, the white spot seemed to never have existed in the first place. Moros blamed his lack of sleep for seeing things that were no longer there.

Afterwards he did not pay any attention the walls anymore and focussed on the monster that he had come for.

The Gobblas, finally he was free to do what he was always meant to do. Kill everything that came before his very eyes and earn money while doing just that.

Seeing these creatures for the second or third time really drove the point home just how ugly they had become over the adventures on Avarosia. Seeing Ballas imitate the creature he had killed thousands off, really did not sit right with him.

Both creatures were annoying in their own right, but now Ballas, for whatever reason, had the glorious idea to fusion into one? Were they aiming to become the ultimate annoyance?

When and how everything had come to be like this, was not something that Moros knew. He was just left with the outcome, wondering what the hell had happened.

They still died like normal Ballas, once touched with a sharp object, countless organs and juices were sent flying outwards to ruin all the clothing that people wore.

Just that a Gobbla you had ten times the fun with an organ shower since 10 Ballas erupted at the same time. Like an organ fountain they shot their juicy goods around, leaving everyone covered in their 'love.'

Moros checked the room and did a quick headcount. 10 of them stood in the long path, leading into further darkness up ahead. The floor itself was covered in a green substance, slimy ant thick.

It clung to every step, making a sound and a mess with each step taken.

There was a strange light coming down from the ceiling, although Moros could not tell just how high the room was in the first place. All in all, the new door seemed weirder and weirder to Moros that could not make sense out of anything.

For the next test, he decided to send 10 Gobblas to the afterlife.

Cracking his knuckles, Moros chuckled as he finally was able to do the part he liked the most about this kind of science. The hands on approach was always the best part of everything.

Moros body shot forward, to the unsuspecting Goblin that would soon meet a fist at great speed and afterward would turn into a notification.

[Gobbla killed 10 Dollar received]

The transformation had been quick and mostly painless. This could certainly not be sad about some of the deaths that followed as Moros was certainly not someone that took pity on goblins or Ballas that looked like goblins.

Another 90 dollars had been made swiftly as the smell of death lingered in the air from a hundred Ballas biting the dust in rapid succession.

However, in the blink of an eye another wave of Ballas fell from the ceiling, transforming into Gobbla in a matter of seconds.

It did not take long before the scene before him looked the same as it had been before his 10 kills. This news made Moros more than happy, finally there was a decent farm for Dollars.

Of course, this could just be an one-off thingy.

To test this out, Moros began anew to do a great culling. Even quicker than prior he put an end to their life and was happy at making another 100 dollars for literally doing his job.

Moros needed to test them yet again, maybe the second time was just luck as well.

After murdering them for several rounds, he could finally confidently declare that this was indeed an infinite dollar farm. There also was no difference if the Gobblas were killed by punches, kicks, weapons or any other method.

In the end, the only difference that made was the size of the mess, which they left behind for others to take care of.

The hours passed by uneventfully Moros approached a Gobbla, the monster died and then respawned a few seconds later. The man with a heart of dollar had lost sight out of how much he had earned in these few hours.

His tiny brain simply liked to believe that all these kills made the number of dollars in his possession go up.

He might not have enough of it to be able to see it, but the belief alone was enough to motivate the slaughter. It was quickly, it was easy and it was packaged full of riches for Moros to enjoy.

This was the perfect night for him, everything was picture perfect.

Yet, reality came knocking all too soon. Moros Nr 2 approached him from afar, trying to softly call out to him.

This endeavour did not yield much results as Moros was too deeply engrossed by the sensation of murder and money coursing through his veins.

Not to be stopped, his copycat began to speak louder to Moros, walking closer still. It was impossible to ignore that, at least Nr 2 firmly believed so. Moros proved impervious to the attempts of getting his attention like any other normal human being.

Nr 2's head grew beet red as he was screaming at Moros about waking up and not making the room look like a blood orgy. In the process, he ruined the moment Moros had been enjoying all the time.

Looking at the clock, the teenager realised that time had indeed been ticking and that the duties came knocking too

" YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL" screamed the annoyed doppelganger at Moros, who seemed to again have been lost in thought

It was not like Moros had to go to school, right? He had been telling himself that he had been missing for 2 weeks already. What was one more day fewer or more in the grand scheme of things.

Thus, he walked casually covered in guts, insides and all sorts of liquids to his test subject that had been consuming the Kinder website for several hours straight now.

Arriving at the scene Moros was more than shocked. Most of these people had not even moved once from their spot, were rooted to it─blindly staring at the women that gave them attention.

Some talked to their favourite streamers like they were babies, others treated them like goddesses, praying for them and acting like they could never do anything wrong.

Every single one of them, safe for the married Poppycock, had spent the entire night, looking at women on the Kinder site. Moros loved the time commitment and their will to success.

Moros had so many questions that he could not wait to have answered from the people he had worked with over the years.

Not keen on thinking too long, Moros started his spree of questioning… in hopes of finding the things that the current Kinder streamers were missing.

A fun discussion was about to start…after School. The first lesson was waiting and Moros could hardly wait for it too.