
Capable girl

A unique story about a girl who refused to give up on life. Life challenges made her stronger each day because she refused to give up. Other attributes about her include always graceful and willing to help in every possible way.

DaoistAAX7Z3 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 2:The Big Change

Mwansa's elder sister Jane came back to the village to visit her parents and she brought many gifts for her family, everybody in the village was glad to see Jane.

After 2 weeks, Jane's visit was over and she had to go back.The night before Jane returned to her husband's house in the city, Mwansa goes to Jane's room and jokingly told Jane "I want to come with you to the city". Jane with a surprised, shocking face responds, " okay but does father know about this"

(Mwansa in a low tone voice) says "no but he can't refuse". Then Jane told Mwansa that she will speak to mother and father about her taking her.

And the parents agreed ,Mwansa went to pack her bags that very instant and only wanted to sleep in Jane's room because she thought her sister Jane may leave her,,,,,and that night Mwansa couldn't sleep just thinking about the journey and was very excited.

The day finally arrived for Jane and Mwansa to go to the city, they said their goodbyes and Mwansa was the first one to enter the bus...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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