
Please Don't

There I was, walking down the aisle as the end of my dress flew because of the gentle yet cold and stern wind hitting upon it.

His gaze on me was impolite and rude which made my head hang low. If I honestly did not keep my guard down then I would have probably ruined my dress and everyone who was here to visualize one me getting wed to the man of my nightmares and unlike my dreams as how it should have been if I wasn't stuck in this wrecked facility which I call as my life, A life I wish that never existed in the dark universe there is. I was so angry.

I was pushed upon the aisle to show that I had to walk all the way to Aiden who was just looking at myself coming closer to him.

So lost I was in the depth of my thoughts as if they were an ocean--

"Do you Avyanna Adair, take Aiden Foreman to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?", the priest announced as the words that flew out of his lips got clearer and clearer that included the vision of mine as well. But I closed my eyes shut and let my mouth and body do the work that was given to my brain but my brain was enervated as it shut off into the world and universe of silence and peace.

Waking up from the thoughts that had consumed me as if they were a deadly fish slowly spreading their venom inside of me.

The wedding had ended and Aiden did not want to celebrate a reception and honestly--why would he?

We were walking out of the venue to the car which would drop us back to our 'home'. Just thinking about calling that wrecked facility 'home' made me puke.

He would have tortured many innocent souls in that place--Their screams were echoing in my mind.

Our walk was fairly painful. Bodyguards on each of our sides but I had more since Aiden did not at all like the idea of me running away.

His hands were travelling around my body sending shivers down and to the end of my spine. It was so humiliating! The bodyguards were diverting their gazes away from us--I felt physically and mentally violated.

We went inside of the car and I remember everything that had happened to me--everything which included pain, anger, trauma and memories that will haunt me till the very end of my mind and soul--Things that I would hate to recall.

I entered a room back at Aiden's mansion with him.

This was the room of my nightmares, this was the room that could never get out of my head, this was the room I was tortured in, this was the room that should have supposedly been the room of my dreams.

My wedding gown was made up of really thin and delicate fabric--easy to be ripped apart--well that showed as Aiden locked the door and ripped apart my gown. I screamed as my hands went to cover my body, though he had seen me in this state many times but I still held onto my dear dignity.

His footsteps towards me and my rapidly increasing heartbeat echoed in the silent walls of our room.

My eyes widened as I realized what would happen now.

what saddened me was that I did not have a voice which would be heard--I was muted.

All this reminded me of a time where these events were about to occur but I was saved. I took that for granted now that I knew there was no one to help me in that state.

No one was on my side--No one.

Screams were the only thing heard behind the doors of a room. "NO UNCLE PLEASE! I DON'T WANT THIS!", yelled Avyanna begging her uncle to stop as her uncle ripped of clothes while tying her arms and legs to the barriers of the bed.

Avyanna begged and begged on the top of her lungs as she knew what was going to happen to her now.

"MOM! PLEASE HELP ME--", yelled Avyanna as her mouth closed shut because of her uncle interrupting her with a slap. The sound of quiet sobs left her lips.

He was just standing there, enjoying her begs and screams while he just hit her with his belt mercilessly.

Blood was starting to ooze out of the parts where he had hit her harshly.

Her screams and begs were starting to quiet down--she was losing consciousness. He had realized that and started to prepare himself for what he was about to do next.

"Avyanna I am home!", Elizabeth said as she called out for her child. "Avyanna?", she called out once more.

While on the other side of the house Avyanna had this hope that someone would come save her as she screamed as loud as she could and did not stop.

Elizabeth was stunned and shivered at the voice of her child as she run as fast as she could towards the route of the noise.

Avyanna kept screaming until she ran out of breath to do so and as she did, she heard the door being slammed open.

Elizabeth was petrified to see the sight of her tied-up daughter below her almost naked brother. She screamed in shock at the sight in front of her. Avyanna cried of happy tears knowing that her mother came to save herself yet again. Elizabeth rushed over to Avyanna as she slapped her brother and called the police.

Elizabeth calmed her daughter down as the police took her brother back with them.

Avyanna was still saved at the time despite going through a horrifying traumatic experience but this time she wasn't--This time no one came to save her--this time even the police weren't on her side.

Black walls with gold decorations, Beautiful paintings hung on the walls, Marbles back and white floor that matched with the bed, A bed so soft that only looking at it would make me sleep and yet here I was lying on, smuggled beneath a blanket and a man that I could only gather up the feeling of hatred for but what was there that I could do when a voice was heard from a dark void none other than my mind.

"All you have to do for now is to be pretend to be a scared little kitten, how hard can that be?"