
Chapter 12: Reunion of the Expeditionary Force and the War Marshal (Additional Update 4/81)

Wang Zhong's plane landed in Abawahan at 10 p.m., and it was already getting dark.

However, Abawahan hadn't implemented light-out controls yet, and the airport was brightly lit, allowing Wang Zhong to clearly see Pavlov's face from the plane.

The Chief of Staff was there with a big group of people, crowded around the apron area, watching the incoming plane.

A few minutes later, Wang Zhong walked down the airstairs and shook the Chief of Staff's hand, saying, "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

Pavlov said, "I thought you were going to wait until the baby's christening; then it really would have been too late."

Wang Zhong replied, "How could I? You mentioned everything was almost ready, so it must mean we could act immediately. Of course, I had to come over to find out the situation right away."

As he spoke, he looked toward a group of unfamiliar faces and said, "Would you mind introducing them?"