
Can You Love Me?

Undiscoveredflower · Thanh xuân
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11 Chs

9- Building Bonds

Sven brought me to a part. He brought me to a fricking park. It is winter. Cold! Freezing outside! And he brought me to a park. Who brings a girl to a park during winter? Is this even legal? I knew it. I knew it from the beginning, he wants to murder me. Murder me in the snow. Well at least my sister has a picture of him. Why would he even take the picture if he wanted to kill me? OH MY GOD this isn't his real face he's probably wearing some sort of prosthetic face. Damn why didn't I think of that before? I haven't been watching enough crime shows lately that's why. As soon as I find a way to get out of the situation I am going to watch all the crime shows in the entire world. Oh NO but I'll need to change my location because he knows where I live. That means I'll have to change my identity as well.

"Umm why are we here? You do know this is a park and we are in winter right?" Annoyance was sipping through my voice.

"Yes I know but I promise I have a reason and we don't have to go outside"

"Okay" I rolled my eyes.

"Umm so if you didn't notice by now I'm not from here. I came here at the age of 10 and the first day I arrived I stumbled upon this park. I like to come here to think when I'm feeling emotional. The beauty of what's Infront of me really gives me peace. I thought since you was feeling a bit emotional earlier I would just swing past her to just admire the surroundings. I also made something for us to eat"

"Oh okay I'm sorry I reacted that was earlier"

"It's okay I understand"

I stared out into the frost window taking in my surroundings.

"It is beautiful"


To the left there was a greyish stone statue with a stone what looks like a wheel that you stare with on a boat. The view was amazing. Buildings could be seen across the horizon. All looking dull grey with white icy fluffy snow covering them.

"During the summer seeing the clouds in that direction just makes you feel so warm. Almost like you can ride on the clouds. It's so beautiful"


Just a little direction away a bench white a light pole can be seen but that wasn't the spectacular part. Out in the distance the sun is slowly making its way to the surface. Giving the buildings in that direction a rich glow.

"That view makes me want to write a beautiful poem" I said in awe.

"Well you can"

"Maybe not today"

"Over there was a cherry blossom tree so pink and vibrant. Oh how I wish I met you sooner to show you the magnificence of it all. And that lake before it was frozen over the water used to reflect green and blue. Ducks swimming away but the real beauty for me was the trees. How they just stand there withstanding everything is just marvelous"

"I love trees they are my favourite. They remind me of something important. That no matter what life throws your way you can still be strong. In fact it makes you stronger. We were born survivers"

"Yup that's a very important message"

"It's so wonderful how much nature can inspire you and teach you so much lessons. Just simple yet powerful"

"Yup very much so"

"The sun rise

Kissing the lonely sky

The trees stand

Wrapped by the arms of the land

The flowers are freeze

Waiting to be loved by the bees"

Sven just stared at me as I made up the poem on the spot.

"Waw that was a beautiful poem. You are amazing so much talent"

"Thank you" I said blushing.

"When did you start writing poetry or how?"

"Well I started writing poetry at the age of eleven. I used to write stories at first but no one wasn't really interested in it. When I was in grade six in primary school the reached introduced poetry to us and I wrote my first poem. Everyone fell in love with it and it made me feel good. You know. I felt appreciated like everyone was really seeing me for the first time so I continued. Entering secondary school though my poetry changed. I was using poetry as my therapy. It was my way of speaking. Everything was getting harder. Everything was changing and so poetry was my comfort. It still is"

"Waw I guess everyone has that one thing they can count on to make them feel better. Mines are music and art. Some days I just play my soul away on my piano or guitar. The melody of the sorrowful song and how it can touch your soul and release all your pain. Is magic to me. They way I can express myself by a single brush stroke. It really is magic"

"Yup it really makes us feel less lonely in the world"

We fell into a comfortable silence while eating egg and bacon sandwiches and drinking coffee.

It's nice having someone to talk to. It's been a while since I've had such a thoughtful and wonderful conversation. Usually boys would want to talk constantly about sex and that really annoys me. Sven however is actually having a conversation, a meaningful conversation with me. I think I like him more already.

We stayed for a while in silence watching the sun rise. Lost in our minds.

"Yes so we should be on our way to our first official location. I hope you enjoy the day I have planned for us. I picked some things I thought you would like but also not having you moving up to much to get you tired"

Sven started the van and we was on our way.

"Can you play some music?" I asked him.


The radio was turned on and NF if you want love was playing.

"Yes I love him. One of my favourite rappers" I shouted.

"Me to"Sven grinned.

🎶I just need some time, I'm tryna think straight

I just need a moment in my own space

Ask me how I'm doin', I say "okay," yeah

But ain't that what we all say?

Sometimes I think back to the old days

In the pointless conversations with the old me

Yeah, back when my momma used to hold me

I wish somebody woulda told me🎶

And then the chorus started playing both of us joining in on the singing.

🎶If you want love, you gon' have to go through the pain

If you want love, you gon' have to learn how to change

If you want trust, you gon' have to give some away

If you want love, if you want love🎶

We laughed.

"Damn Sven you can sing so well"

"Well you wasn't to bad yourself" Sven told me smirking.

"We have arrived"

"I see a grey building with nice architecture but where exactly is here?"

"You would get to see when you enter. I have a feeling once inside you're going to love it. First I'll need to blindfold you"


"To make the surprise even more grand"

"Okay if you say so"