
Can we just date

Angelina Williams, a 26-year-old marketing specialist from the small village of Cedarville, has always believed that love is a myth for her village, with a long history of failed relationships and heartbreaks. The villagers have come to accept that love is not in their fate. Lina has resigned herself to the same belief, focusing on her work and building a life without romance, but her best friend, Bella, has other plans for her. Bella sets Lina up on a blind date with Daniel, a 30-year-old CEO from Everwood City, known for his cold and ruthless business tactics. Their first date is a disaster, with Bella eager to ensure her friend's safety tagged along. Daniel, determined to prove himself, doesn't give up on Lina despite the disastrous first date. As they continue dating, Lina finds herself falling for Daniel's vulnerable side, hidden beneath his tough exterior. But her beliefs about her village's curse and Daniel's reputation as a heartless CEO threaten to tear them apart. Can Lina and Daniel overcome their differences and break the curse of Cedarville's loveless history? Or will their relationship become another casualty of small-town superstition and big-city cynicism?

Twinkle_star_Annex · Thanh xuân
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32 Chs

where is Lina

Daniel, a domineering CEO whose presence commanded both respect and fear, sat in the back seat of his opulent Rolls-Royce. The car, a symbol of his immense wealth and power, was hidden in the shadows across from the towering building of Blackwood Enterprises. Despite the darkened windows, Daniel's sharp eyes were fixed on the entrance, watching each person who exited with the intensity of a predator. The sleek, black car blended into the night, silently observing the comings and goings of the employees.

Although Daniel owned Blackwood Enterprises, a conglomerate he had built with sheer determination and an iron will, he chose not to enter the building tonight. The busy structure, filled with late-working employees, seemed almost beneath his notice. He was there for one reason: Lina. She wasn't just another employee—she was his woman. The new worker, who had only a desk and no personal office, had captured his attention in a way few had. He wanted to ensure she got home safely, masking his true intentions under the guise of care.

Minutes turned into hours as Daniel sat, his patience waning but his resolve unwavering. He waited, his sharp eyes missing nothing, his mind calculating every possible scenario. The digital clock on the car's dashboard ticked forward relentlessly, each passing minute a reminder that Lina had yet to appear. Daniel's frustration simmered beneath his calm exterior, a volcano of controlled rage ready to erupt.

As the last few employees trickled out, the building's lights began to dim, signaling the end of the workday. Yet, Lina remained conspicuously absent. Daniel's jaw tightened, and his fingers drummed a silent tattoo on the leather armrest. He had given her enough time. Reaching into his tailored suit, he pulled out his sleek, high-end smartphone. The device, much like its owner, was a blend of sophistication and functionality.

With a swift motion, he dialed a number, bringing the phone to his ear. The line rang twice before it was answered by a nervous voice, one of his many subordinates at Blackwood Enterprises. "This is Daniel," he said, his tone leaving no room for misunderstanding. "Where is Lina?"

The employee on the other end stammered, caught off guard by the unexpected call. Daniel's impatience grew, his free hand clenching into a fist. "I don't have time for excuses," he snapped, cutting through the employee's mumbled response. "Find her, and let me know immediately."

Hanging up, Daniel leaned back into the plush seat, his eyes once again fixed on the entrance of Blackwood Enterprises. He would find her, one way or another. His mind raced with thoughts of the next steps, each plan more intricate than the last. For Daniel, control was paramount, and he would stop at nothing to ensure that Lina was safely by his side.

Just then.

The phone rang, and Daniel's piercing eyes narrowed as he picked it up. The nervous voice on the other end belonged to the employee he had contacted earlier. "Sir, Lina left the office at 7:30," the employee stammered. The words sent a wave of anger coursing through Daniel. He hung up without another word, the click of the phone echoing ominously in the confined space of the Rolls-Royce.

With a swift, decisive motion, Daniel exited the car. The night air was cool, but his rage burned hot as he strode towards Blackwood Enterprises. His long strides were purposeful, each step a testament to his barely contained fury. The employees milling around the entrance immediately noticed him. Their greetings and attempts to make way for him were met with indifference. Daniel's focus was singular: the employee who had dared to fail him.

The grandiose entrance of Blackwood Enterprises loomed ahead, its glass doors reflecting the cold determination in Daniel's eyes. He pushed through them with force, the polished brass handles yielding to his strength. Inside, the building's ambiance was a stark contrast to his mood—calm, orderly, and professional. None of it mattered. His presence electrified the air, employees' heads turning, eyes widening in surprise and fear as he made his way through the corridors.

Daniel knew exactly where he was going. He moved with the confidence of a man who had walked these halls countless times, his destination clear. The office of the employee he had spoken to was just down the hallway, a few steps more. Each step echoed with the promise of retribution.

Without bothering to knock, Daniel burst into the office. The door slammed against the wall with a resounding thud, making the employee jerk up from his seat. Papers scattered across the desk, the computer screen flickered as if sensing the tension. The employee's face was a mask of fear, his body trembling. "Mr... Mr. President," he stuttered, barely able to form the words.

Daniel didn't waste a second. He crossed the distance between them in a heartbeat and grabbed the employee by the collar, pulling him up from his seat with a force that left no doubt about his fury. "Where is Lina?" Daniel's voice was a low growl, each word dripping with barely restrained anger.

The employee's eyes widened further, if that were possible. He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing nervously. "She... she got off work a while ago, sir," he managed to say, his voice shaking.

Daniel's grip tightened, his knuckles white with the effort of controlling his temper. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" he demanded, his face inches from the employee's, his breath hot and threatening.

"I'm sorry, sir," the employee stammered, his voice quivering. "I just found out myself. I was trying to confirm..."

Daniel released him with a shove, the employee stumbling back into his chair. The force of the impact caused the chair to roll back a few inches, the employee's hands gripping the armrests for stability. Daniel's eyes bored into him for a moment longer, a silent promise of consequences to come.

Without another word, Daniel turned and stormed out of the office, his mind racing with a new plan. He would find Lina, and when he did, he would ensure that no one—not even his own employees—would stand in his way again. The halls of Blackwood Enterprises seemed to shrink around him, the walls closing in as if trying to contain his wrath. But nothing could contain Daniel when he was on a mission. Not the night, not the building, and certainly not the fear of those who worked for him.

sorry for the late updates guys I'm really sorry

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