
The date


I was fully dressed, my hair and make-up done. I looked in the mirror and I was shocked! I can't remember the last time I dressed up with make-up and all. I don't even wear make-up to work.

"Wow you look gorgeous girl" Sarah commented when I walked to the living room

"I know right I was shocked too, thank you by the way"

"What time is Mr hot stuff coming to pick you up, or are you going there?" Sarah asked picking up her phone to probably check the time

"His name is Jax and he said 8:00, and it's already 8 minutes past" maybe he cancelled

I dig in my purse for my phone to check if he sent a message

"He's probably running late, text him or better yet give him a call"


"No! I don't want to look desperate please, and if he doesn't show up then we'll go out together..... all this can't go to waste" I said referring to my dress and makeup

"That's the spi-" Sarah paused walking towards my window

"What is it?"

" Your man's here."

"WHAT! Oh my God he's here" I say, suddenly panicking

"Hey calm down, and walk down those stairs like the Queen you are"

"Yeah yeah sure, like a Queen. I can do that" I said trying to calm myself

"Good. Have fun, not too much fun and don't forget to gimme the details when you get back I'll lock up when I leave" Sarah yelled from behind me while I walked towards Jax who was looking at me without even glancing away

"Okay" I yelled back to Sarah too nervous to say anything more to her

"Hey, you look ravishing" Jax exclaimed as he opened the door for me

Yeah right, you're not gonna distract me

"You're late" shit I dunno how that came out I just said it.

"I'm not."

Excuse you I may be fat but I'm not dumb.

"You said 8:00 pm and it's 8:11 now"

"Yes love, I said 8:00 and I came exactly then"

"Oh, my God!! And you're still lying!" I exclaimed angrily happy for the fact I had not stepped into the car and I can head back inside right now and stuff my face with Sarah.

Lying ass mother fucker

He chuckled

"And you're laughing... What's funny?

He is getting on my last nerve

"I don't lie love. I did arrive here by 8 pm, I told my driver to turn off the headlights and wait to give you more time to prepare.

FUCK! Well, ya happy now?!

I got in the car sat down quietly and waited for him to come in after me so we can leave. I was too embarrassed to even apologise or say anything else.

"Thank you," I said low enough. I was silently hoping he did not hear me

"What was that?"

"I said thank you!... for the compliment and for waiting. And I'm sorry for calling you a liar also." Fuucckkk please make me disappear this is soo embarrassing

"You're welcome" he replied with a smug smile on his face

Fuck me!

We drove for what felt like hours but was just probably a couple of minutes and finally got to the venue


"You know this place?" He asked looking at me

I dunno if it was the look on my face that gave it away or maybe the fact that my jaw was on the floor

"Helloo? Who doesn't? It's fucking CAPPADOCIA"

"So You've been here before?" He asked sounding somewhat disappointed.

"Oh no, not at all"

"Good. Shall we?" He asked motioning towards the restaurant. I got down and he closed the door and then signalled the driver to leave.

We walked in and he didn't even stop and just led me to a secluded table....one would think it's a private section, looks like it too.

"How'd you know where our table was?" I sat down after he pulled my seat out for me

Calm yourself, heart

"I own it"

That's all I get? own what man!!

"Own what? The seat?"

He chuckled

Damn you and your sexy laugh!

"No love, I'm talking about the restaurant."

Well damn

"Oh wow... that's nice."

I picked up the menu that was laid in front of me and looked through the enticing list of food. When the waitress came back I had already decided on what I wanted.

"Is that what you want?" The waitress asked with a somewhat condescending tone

Okay Imaani don't jump to conclusions

"Yeah that's it, thank you." and yes I'm being polite to the bitch

She chuckled and looked at Jax as if expecting him to add to her point "I mean there are a lot of o-"

"Did she fucking stutter?" Jax asked with a pissed-off look on his face

"I mean No I'm just tryna give her my advice," she said with a stupid smile resting on her face

"Well I don't think I asked for it and neither did my date, so who did...Natalie" he asked glancing at her name tag to get her name

Shit well, pop off white boy. I just sat there observing the drama happening in front of me as if I wasn't even involved. I was too stunned to even say shit.

"I'm sorry sir, if you'd excuse me I'll go prepare your order and I'll appreciate it if you don't relay this conversation to my manager," she said to Jax as if he was the one she just so indirectly fat shamed

"Oh wow" I heard myself say surprising not just myself but both of them also.

She's just gon hand over that wack-ass apology to the wrong person also

"Leave Natalie, while you're at it drop your name tag and uniform with Mr Clegg, You're fired"

"What? She chuckled y-you can't do that"

Yes Bitch.. he can he owns the place dummy

"I just did, Get Out"

Natalie scrambled out of there like a dog with its tail between its legs

"You didn't have to do that"

"Yes I did she had it coming, I don't condone disrespect from my employees"

"I know I just t-"

"I love that dress on you," he said with a low tone

Wow way to shut a girl up

"Thank you"

Our food arrives and surprisingly Jax and I talked quite well I assumed because he doesn't say much I'll PROBABLY be doing all the talking and end up regretting this dinner. We talk about his family but it's quite obvious his dad is a sore spot for him so I laid off it.

Girl, y'all already have shit in common. Damn my subconscious for being so fucking chirpy

" Imaani! Imaani?"


"Where did you go to? You spaced out."

"I'm sorry, bad habit"

"Don't apologize. I was beginning to think you were hating the dinner."

"Oh no I love it and the food was lovely also, thank you"

is it just me or did he grow 10 times hotter in that shirt? Fuck! And those hand tattoos!

FUCK ME!.... Literally

"Don't thank me, it's not over yet"

Wait what?

"It's not?" This man is really tryna make me fatter

"Yeah I already texted the head chef to have dessert sent over"

"Oh no you don't have to," I said

It's official! tryna feed you till you get fatter, girl what if he's one of those kidnappers that overfeed their victims before killing them?

"I hate my thoughts right now?"

"What?" Jax asked with a small smile on his face


"You were thinking out loud love"

"I was? I mean yeah I was" I replied tryna play the awkward moment off

"Hey it's cool if you don't want us to stay for dessert the chef can cancel it"

"No, I'd like to. Thank you, Jax"


The head chef whose name is Mr Clegg weird name I know presented the dessert himself and it looked magnificent. Just staring at it made me drool I'm sure.

"Enjoy" Mr Clegg muttered to us and left

We both replied with thank you and started eating

"Oh. My. God!" It's like heaven on my tongue if heaven was made of sweets

"What?" Jax asked sounding kinda surprised

"I'm so sorry it just tastes soo good" I let out a series of sounds due to how good this food was making me feel. Like different flavours of an orgasm if that's even a thing

"Fuck!" I heard Jax mutter so low I barely even heard him

I raised my head from my dessert and faced him asking what was wrong. He was looking at me like I suddenly grew an extra eye or some shit.

"Jax, what's wrong?"

"Come here, love." He commands before patting the space next to him



"You heard me Imaani, come here or I'm moving towards you and trust me you don't want me to, gorgeous."

There's something so dominating about how he talks and says my name. Giving me no space to argue or decline.

"I'm fine here, thank you" I replied trying not to look or sound how I feel. I take another spoonful of my dessert

"I don't repeat myself love. And I did that twice already, for your sake don't make it a third time."

Fuck it! I moved over to him.

"Good girl"

I squeezed my legs. And glanced up at him. Trying not to act bothered that he's looking at me like I'm his prey, and he knows exactly how to ruin me. And he's gonna have a lot of fun doing it.

Fuck my life.