
Can I Have A Place In Your Heart?

Excerpt #1      “I'm going to steal Jason's heart soon. Watch and see!". She texted to her best friend Mia. ”how do you intend to do that?". A familiar voice asked, and her soul almost left her body. She swiftly turned around after tucking her phone inside her jean. ”Wha-". “You're way too short to be able to steal my heart. So how are you gonna do it, huh shorty?". She understood what he meant. He wasn't saying he didn't like short girls, he was saying she was too short to reach where his heart is located practically. “don't you know its wrong to look into someone's phone?". “Don't you know its wrong to talk about someone behind his back?".     Jason and Sara studied in the same high school. Sara was never noticed by Jason until an incident that occurred in college. He then derives joy in teasing Sara. Excerpt #2      ”Stop blushing! You look like a baby flamingo! ". “Heyy". She shouted at him. She tiptoed, and even jumped. “What are you trying to do?". He asked, standing straight. “uhm to...". She demonstrated with her hand, tightening her knuckles. “you want to knock me on the head?". He asked, and she nodded, head down feeling embarrassed. “shorty, your lips couldn't even reach mine even after you tiptoed and lifted your head. I had to bend down, and now you're trying to knock me?", he tsked at her. Teasing her wasn't love!! He just derives an inner satisfaction while doing so. Was this icy cold creature who never gave his heart out, fall in love with Sara?! Will Sara succeed in stealing his heart??

Cessa_bliss · Thanh xuân
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Ways to make my crush leave his girlfriend

   Sara sat down in class, completely distracted. She couldn't focus anymore thinking of that bitch besides Jason, then to when he held her arms.

"Babe, focus!!". Mia whispered as she noticed her friend was lost.

Sara was never smart, never ever. Not even in the dreams. She had managed to get into this college because of her special skills. She could draw very well, and she was extremely pleased with her self for that. Else, she wouldn't be close to her Jason.

"do you know that girl?". Sara asked. She had racked her tiny brain, but she was sure she has never seen that girl before.

"We just got admitted into this school, and you expect me to know who she is?". Mia asked with raised brows.

That's true. Jason was her senior back in high school. He was always a class ahead, and its no different now. She just got admitted recently, while Jason had been here for a year. The thought that that girl is Jason's girlfriend made her face turn sour.

      Class was finally over. Sara was still seated, her mind wasn't even there as she thought of ways she could make them break up. Mia looked at her friend and tsked. How did she become friends with her? That was back in kindergarten. She was quiet fat, so people bullied her a lot, and boom, Sara decided to come in as the saviour. They've been stuck together ever since.

She waved her hands across Sara's face, then gave her a light pinch on her cheeks. The girl finally snapped out of her thoughts.

"Class is over ". Mia announced.

"Oh so soon?". Sara asked, as she yawned.

"Its been four hours". Mia said with a glare, and Sara shrugged. She picked up her backpack and got up. 

"Let's go!". Sara said as she pulled her friend up.

"Your mum will be so disappointed!". Mia muttered underneath her breath.

"Hey, I heard that!". Sara snorted.

"You were meant to". Mia retorted.

       "ah, school is stress!".  Sara said as she climbed up her bed in the hostel. Mia's bed was beneath hers; a bunk bed.

"You didn't learn". Mia reminded.

"It was exhausting anyway". She replied . "so..". She sat up. " I was thinking of ways to you know, make them break up".

"Make who break up now?".

"You know, Jason and that girl".

"and how are you sure they're dating?*.

"Then why would she be clinging unto him like that?".

"How would I know?".. Mia yawned. "please leave me I want to sleep".

"ugh, just tell me what to do". Sara asked, a bit annoyed her friend wanted to sleep at this crucial moment.

"Check the internet then". Mia managed to say before sleep took her into the depth of... Well sleep took her!

"Internet, that's it. You're the best". Sara chanted happily as she searched for her phone.

She finally found it under the sheets. With a bright face, she typed 'Ways to get my crush to breakup with his girlfriend'

It showed and bounced in delight.

"1 Always look best

2 Be confident

3 The staring game...". She thought. "What stating game?". She murmured. Oh, its probably eye contact, she thought .

"4 Learn the weak point of his girlfriend

5 Be friends with his friends

6 Win his friend's heart

7 Do not speak Ill about his girlfriend..". She read with questions marks popping up in her head. "But no.4 says I should learn the weak points of his girlfriend. So after learning it, what am I to do with it?". She wondered.

" 8 Do not point out his girlfriend's flaws.."

"Are these people mad? Then what am I to do..?". With a sigh, she continued reading.

"9 show your gratitude

10 throw him compliments

11 show how you are different from her

12 Be someone he can take to

13 Never compliment his girlfriend, like, ever". I wasn't even planning on doing that..

"14 Let him know you are a dream girl?". Dream girl? How..she thought.

"15 Make him adore you". How??

"16 Do not make any contact with his girlfriend ".

"17 Never disappear so suddenly

18 Make him need you

19 Live your own life

20 Make him laugh..". As she read all these, bells began to ring in her head. The constructions workers in her head began to do the little they can with the information they just received.