
What I have come to know the first page of my diary who i am

There are many unknowns in my life; Why i exist, why is only one of my eyes the crimson red when my fathers is not but a diamond blue. Here is a few of the things I do know though, my father is an accomplished archeologist a perfession in this day and age that is sought after. I do know that my grandmother on my moms side almost died of a virus that caused a person heart to freeze, not in the literal sense but in a way that caused them to no longer have emotion and kill without reason. Bitting and consuming other humans. In some ways like the zombies we see in our eye fi ( a projecter inplanted in the eyes at birth to allow ease of life or so they have told me). But unlike in may ways, these people were still alive and not undead, it was caused by coming into contact with a certian species of demon that is now hopefully dead ( or so they have said). My grandmother was treated for it before she killed though preventing her heart to be lost. the only side effect was that it turned her eyes the color of the blood she had seen and for many others it did the same. Mu mother inherited this trait.. And i have partly inhearted it but i inhearted more then that but I must not talk about that even in my diary. One other thing o do know is that on my 16 birthday i will get a lock box from my late mother that will provide my assistance or so my father said.