
That feeling.

[Her aunt's house]

Yoo ji-hyun was lying on the couch, watching tv and talking to herself," Eun-sook has got some guts."

"I had to do something about it"

"Or she is gonna fly high"

"It's has happened for the first time in five years that she had left without listening to me."

She sat and said,"Should I talk to his uncle, No, I don't think that's a good idea because I know he hates her but he can't kick her out of the house because he respects women."

"But I have to do something before it's too late."

"As I have only kept her here in this house for five years so, that she could earn money and give it all to me."

"And if she is not gonna earn than all my efforts will be useless."

"I had to cut her wings before she flys high."

"I had to find a way as soon as possible."

"But I don't know what to do...

[After 4 hours Eun-Sook left the store]

"Ahh, my work is done now"

"Now, 30 min is left before the end of the school."

"And It will take 15 min for me to reach there and than I will wait for 15 min.'

"Okay, so my plan is perfect."

"So, I should rush now."

[After 15 min]

Near school,

She finds a place to sit and waits.

[Vroom, vroom,vroom]

Eun-sook saw 4 to 5 bikes doing rash driving in front of the school again and again.

After watching them she said to herself, "That's why, I don't like boys because they never do the right thing."

"See they are doing such a rash driving in front of the school."

"They are not scared of what will happen if somehow an accident is gonna take place."

She was scared because there was 6 to 7 boys.

She felt a sense of fear so, she thought to move in the alley until they are gone.

She slowly moved from there to the alley.

She said," Now, I'm safe, but I'm still scared."

She could still hear the noise of the bikes.

[Unexpectedly one of the biker guy comes in the alley to do smoking]

She was so scared that she felt like she is out of breath.

That guy saw her and said with an intention of flirting,"Oh, Hello girl, What are you doing here in this small alley? Waiting for someone or me..?"

She somehow said,"No, I'm not waiting for someone."

That guy,"Okay then do you want to do some with me...I mean smoking"

She replied,"No, I don't want anything you better stay there or I'm gonna shout."


That guy,"Oh really, but why are you gonna do a shout out here, it's not like I'm doing something! And if you are gonna give a shoutout than do you think, anyone is gonna hear you out."

He takes a step forward

She was terrified and said," Please stay there I'm not doing anything to you so you better do the same."

That guy smiles and says," But I'm not in the...

[Another guy enters in the alley]

He asks the first guy," What are you doing here?"

"And who is this girl?"

That guy,"Nothing, I'm just here for smoking."

That guy slowly said "And for this girl, I was about to have some fun."

But second guy heard the first guy, and said to him angrily,"You better come with me right now, or I'm gonna kill you right here."

"I told you to stop doing this kind of thing, so you better stop or you know what I can do."

That guy says,"Okay."

Second guy saw her in the eyes, just for a moment.

[And they both left]


Eun-sook suddenly sat down and takes a deep breath.

She asks herself,"Is that I'm alive or not."

"Yes, I'm okay, I'm alive"

"But it freaked me out."

She kept her hand on the chest and said,"Oh, my heartbeat is so fast."

[Second guy came again]

He saw she was sitting down and her hand was on the chest so he worriedly asked,"Are you okay?"

She saw him in the eyes and suddenly replied,"Yes I'm okay."

And she removed her hand from the chest.

She then asked to him,"But why are you here?"

He hesitated and said,"I forgot something."

She asked,"W-W-What?"

He suddenly said,"I'm sorry for whatever he said"

"Okay then I will leave."

She widened her eyes and said,"o-o-okay."

[He left]

She suddenly leaves from there thinking,"I should leave before anyone comes here again."

He came out and asked himself," Why did I said sorry? I'm not like this but.."

"Wait! I just saw bandage on her left hand, when her hand was on chest."

"Is that it's possible that she can be the girl from the last night...."

"No, not possible."

"But it is possible that she was her because that girl was also wearing a backpack and I tried the handkerchief on the left hand"

"Leave that, what if she is that girl."

"I don't care"

"Whatever, but I shouldn't have wrote that chit."

"Because I'm not like that."

"Okay, again leave that."

He said with a big smile on his face,"But no matter how hard I try, it felt different yesterday too with that girl and today too with this girl."

"And if they both are same then I guess, she is cute."

He then realised and said"What am I saying?"

"Let's go."

[Everyone called him and he left with other guys]

She left for the home as she can't wait there anymore because of those guys.

She thought,"They must be the biker guy as their outfits were like that."

"The first one was a #&@*" (she cursed)

"But the second guy was good, and as he came I felt good"

"It was the same feeling from the last night."

"He was just too good."

"In that black biker outfit, he was looking too hot..."

She realises,"What am I saying?"

"I must have gone mad."

"No, I mean what I just wanted to say is, he looked good and was so handsome..."

[She shut her mouth with hand]

She removed her hand and said,"I don't think I'm good, I must be having some health issues."

"Ya, that's the reason."

So, I should quickly go to the house and take rest.

Than I will be good.

"Yes, that's good. I should go fast"

[She reached home]