
You Really Have a Lot of Acting to Do

Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Okay, then second brother and I will drive to school to pick you guys up tonight. " Lu Xingzhi smiled. "It's good that second brother is here. We have an extra driver! "

Actually, Jiang Yao was worried that her roommates would be unhappy with the addition of Gu Haoyu. It was really unnecessary.

After the afternoon class ended, when Zhou Xiaoxia and the others heard that there was an extra person for dinner, and that it was a high-quality single man who worked abroad, they immediately became excited.

"No! I'd better change into a dress. " Wen Xuehui pulled Jiang Yao's arm and shook it vigorously. "I want to wear a summer dress! "

"Aren't you afraid of freezing to death? " Jiang Yao smiled.