
Chapter 10

My feet dragged me out of the class as if they had mind of their own as they rushed me to Ryan’s office during the lunch break but of course how would I call it a day without bumping into someone.

"Oh, I’m sorry." I instantly apologized considering it was my fault.

"Noah, where did you go yesterday?" I heard Keith's voice. Thank God I only bumped into Keith but then his words registered and I shivered thinking about yesterday’s event.

"I... Uh... I went home." I tried to lie but considering my fucked up history in lying I failed miserably.

"You’re lying. You missed my trials. Mateo was looking for you. Why was Mateo looking for you?" He questioned skeptically.

"I promised him to help him for his math test but I had to go." I hurriedly spoke because I wanted to escape this interrogation. I was so fidgety.

"What? When did you two become friends, Noah?” His tone was hands down very rude and filled of jealousy.

"Tone it down, Keith. I was just helping your boyfriend." I was now desperate to get out of his investigation and to meet Ryan but he wasn’t stopping.

"I told you, I had trials yesterday, you didn't come and I get to know from Mateo that you left him alone in the park during the lunch break. What were you doing with him in the park?" He was talking like I was on a date with Mateo.

"Gosh Keith, don't investigate me. Go, ask your boyfriend. I seriously have to go. I will apologize to him later." I tried to sprint off but he gripped my wrist tightly, making me stop.

"He’s not my boyfriend and don't talk to him!" I frowned at his tone.

"What is wrong with you Keith? I was just helping him for his test but then something happened and I had to go." I was so done with him at this point.

"In the park? Seriously? There wasn't enough space in the school for you two to study?" He hissed, making me more on edge.

"I don't know! Ask Mateo. It was his idea." I freed my arm, jerking it away from his grip. I didn’t think for a second before rushing away from him to Ryan’s office.

I knocked on the door and heard a distant "come in". I let out a puff of air to leave all the anger out of the door before rushing in.

"Hi." I beamed. Before I could take a step forward, I was pushed against the wall.

"I missed you so much." I heard him say before I was pushed against a wall and a pair of lips smashed on mine.

In the heat of moment, I tried to hold onto Ryan and wrapped my arms around his neck but he grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head with his one hand, all the while synchronizing his lips with mine.

The feeling of being needed like that melt me into the kiss and all I wanted was him and his lips. My breaths became rapid and my cheeks became heated.

He pressed his body against mine to press me more into the wall as his tongue asked for the permission to enter my mouth which I granted arching my back to press into him more.

He hummed as his warm tongue made its way into my mouth and explored and tasted every corner of my mouth, massaging my tongue.

Due to shortage of oxygen, I gasped and my knees became weak. His free arm encircled around my waist as he held me up and his mouth left mine to let the air into my lungs as he moved towards my jaw and started nibbling on it.

I let out a soft moan as his lips grazed against my neck, giving me a warm sensation in my stomach. He left soft kisses all across my neck as I was squirming mess in his arms.

"Shush…” He whispered softly against my skin as he nuzzled into my neck, removing his grips off my wrists and wrapping his other arm around my waist as well.

"R…R-Ryan... we’re in your... o-office." I stuttered through my heavy breaths, nuzzling my face into his neck, my arms around his neck.

“You're so fucking irresistible." He groaned against my skin. I smiled kissed his neck in response.

He pulled back and placed a chaste kiss on my cheek before completely letting me go and led me to the seat.

"What was that?" I asked giggling, cheeks flushed as I heard him gliding on his seat.

"Well, I told you not to meet me during school hours." He dragged each word as if mocking me. I shook my head in amusement.

"That's your excuse? It seemed like you knew it was me before I even stepped in this room." I stated, keeping a smile on my face.

"Yeah I kinda saw you coming to my office." He chuckled

"You saw me? How?" I frowned getting comfortable in the seat.

"I was in the hallway when I saw you walking in this direction." He replied.

"Oh" was all I could say.

"Now you know why I said that we shouldn’t meet during school hours. It's too much risk." He playfully said, making me nod, shyly.

"That was... Umm hot, anyway." I said scratching my neck, and let out a nervous chuckle.

"It was, wasn't it?" He had the same playful tone which was making me fidgety and all shy.

"Okay, I think I should go. We’ll talk later. After the school." I said and rose to my feet.

"I’m sorry." He murmured.

"No... it's fine. I just came here to say "Hello" but you had other plans, I'm not complaining though." I smirked.

"Just go, Noah. It's hard to resist you now." He groaned as if he wanted to kiss me again.

"Fine." I murmured, blushing and left his office before we both could get busy in another heated session and someone find us.

I made my way to the cafeteria. As soon as I went in, aroma of food made me hungry. I was walking to the usual direction to my seat when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Noah…" A voice followed and I instantly recognized. It was Mateo. I remembered how I ditched him in the park and felt bad because the poor boy had a test.

"Mateo, I’m so sorry but I really had to go yesterday." I responded. One of the reasons to clear things was that I didn’t want to get on his bad side.

"You should’ve told me. I came back and you were gone, your stuff was gone. I asked Keith and he didn't even know where you took off to." He was very calm about it and I let out a breath which I didn’t even know I was holding. But I was relieved that he wasn’t angry.

"I had to go somewhere, Mateo. It was really important… And about Keith, I think you should talk to him." I answered him but before I could walk away from him, I heard the familiar shrill voice of my best friend Jessica.

"What the fuck is your problem, Mateo?! Stay away from him!" She sounded angry and before I could say anything, I heard a loud sound as if someone got punched and judging by the grunt of Mateo, I guess it was him.

"Did you just punch him?" I asked startled.

"Yeah, he deserved it" She answered as she gripped my wrist and started walking, dragging me along with her.

"Jess, he was just talking to me." I cleared. She stopped in her steps and there was a moment of silence before she spoke again.

"Still, he deserved it." She continued dragging me. I smiled at her protective nature.

"Hey, Noah." I heard Anna as we reached our table. I smiled and waved my hand.

"Alright, I'm outta here." Keith said.

"Where are you going?" Isaac asked him as I sat down.

"Where I don't have to see him." He scoffed. I knew he was talking about me.

"Keith-" Isaac tried to say something but Keith cut him off.

"Save it Isaac. I really want to go." He sighed and I heard some shuffling.

"Is he gone?" I asked and they all said 'yes' in unison.

"What's up with you two?" Isaac inquired and I shrugged in response.

"C'mon Noah, you do know." Anna pressed. I sighed, feeling hurt that Keith would do something.

"Mateo asked me to help him yesterday for his math test and Keith got jealous. I mean it’s not my fault that his boyfriend asked me for help." I said with a disappointed face.

"Oh... don't worry mate. It's Keith we’re talking about. He'll come around. He is just so much upset regarding Mateo. He really loves him and all this break up and then you talking to him, it’s just he is on edge all the time. Don’t mind him. He’ll apologize." Isaac said, I exhaled and nodded.

"So you’re not going to eat anything?" Jess questioned me. I shook my head.

"Why don't you eat anything? I’m going to tell your mom." Anna spoke.


"Don't be so nosy Anna. I will eat when I'll feel like it." I scoffed. As soon as I said that I heard the bell ring. I grabbed my bag, threw it on my shoulder and decided to leave for class.

"Wait for us!" Anna shouted. I sighed and stopped. I was really upset at Keith’s behavior.

But as we were walking to the class, I remember it was Literature and all of a sudden, I forgot everything and all that was on my mind was Ryan.

"Okay what got you so excited all of a sudden?" I heard Jessica’s voice to my right side.

"Umm.... Nothing… I just love this class." I shrugged and sat on the front seat.

"No way in hell I’m sitting with you on the front. I can't handle Mr. Brown's hotness." Anna stated before she brushed passed me.

"Same Anna same. Isaac you two enjoy sitting in front of a hot mess." Jessica agreed with Anna. To say I was jealous was an understatement. I didn’t want them to talk about Ryan like that but I guess I had to just ignore their comments. I felt someone sitting beside me and I knew it was Isaac.

"Mate, don't you think we should at least sit in the second row?" Isaac said hesitantly. I shook my head. I heard him sigh.

"Sometimes you make me question the reason I befriended you." He sighed again and I pressed my lips together to hold my smile back.

We didn’t have to wait for long. Soon enough the class was filled with students chattering and making sounds of animals. I never knew that kids of my age would be so much childish until I joined the school. Being homeschooled disciplined me a lot.

Suddenly, I heard shuffling and hushed voices as everyone got quiet.

"Good noon class." Ryan’s voice boomed through the silence.

"Did I ever tell you that Mr. Brown looks at you like you’re the only thing that matters?" Isaac whispered. I felt my cheeks getting hot and I bit my lip to hide my smile.

"Shut up, Isaac." I whispered back, totally flushed.

"Now he’s looking at you like he wants to fuck you." Isaac whispered nudging me playfully. I smacked his head.

"Shut up!" I whisper shouted smacking his head one more time.

"OW!" He shrieked.

"What bit you Mr. Hudson?" Ryan asked with a stern voice.

"Nothing, Mr. Brown. Noah is being the bitch he is." Isaac huffed. I pressed my lips together to hold the laugh.

"Language, Hudson! I won't remind you again that you’re in the class right now." Ryan sternly stated and Isaac mumbled 'okay' and stepped on my foot purposely.

"Ow! Isaac!" I pushed him away.

"What's the problem with you two?" Ryan growled.

"He stepped on my foot!" I said pointing my finger at Isaac's direction.

"Are you guys two years old?!" He snapped.

"No, Mr. Brown, I’m not but I think he is." Isaac spoke sitting beside me.

"And you're the one to talk? You stepped on my foot." I said crossing my arms on my chest.

"Stop your bickering you two. Mr. Hudson, I would like you to behave in the class and one more word from you and you’re out of my class. Got it?" He sounded furious. I smirked when he didn’t even address me. It was all so hot.

"But-" Isaac tried to say something but Ryan cut him off.

"I said no words out of your mouth, Hudson" Ryan said sternly. Isaac huffed. I giggled, silently.

"You are still a bitch, Noah" He whispered.

"Aww I love you too, Mr. Hudson." I whispered back. During the rest of the class, I kept thinking about how hot he sounded when he was angry. It was giving me tingles all over my body.

The bell rang we had 10 minutes before our next class. I packed my bag in snail speed. After Literature, I didn’t want to take any class but of course I had to. We got out of class.

"What happened to you two in the class?" I heard Anna as we were making our way to our next class.

"Well… Isaac was being the annoying person he is." I shrugged.

"You smacked me. Twice!" Isaac scoffed.

"Yeah but you were talking too much." I said nonchalantly.

"I bet Mr. Brown is in love with you. I mean he didn't even say a word to you." Isaac grumbled and I tried to hide my blush.

"I bet he is." I laughed it off. Jessica and Anna joined me.

"By the way, Noah is Mr. Brown's favorite student Isaac. Tell me you didn't expect him to say anything to Noah." Jessica said as a matter of fact.

"Yeah but that's favoritism." Isaac whined.

"Shut up Isaac. Stop whining like a two years old." I smirked.

"I hate you!" Isaac huffed.

"Excuse me, but is no one gonna talk about how hot he was looking when he was angry?" Anna said as I opened the door for our next class.

"Yeah. I just wanted him to fuck me right there. Don't judge guys but he is smokin' hot!" Jessica spoke sounding way too excited for her own good. I felt a pinch of jealousy in me mixed with a little anger.

"I think you shouldn’t talk about your professor like that. It's inappropriate." I huffed. Hypocrite of me to say that but these girls needed to back off.

"I know Noah but he is like really hot. Everything about him is just perfect." Anna said as I took the seat. Isaac had PE so he joined Keith on the way.

I ignored the two ladies discussing Ryan for next few minutes and counted the minutes when I would be free of the torture.

After the classes when I was walking out of the building, I heard Irish accent calling me.

"Noah, listen!" I turned around.


"I’m sorry. I just got a little jealous." Keith spoke, making me raise my eyebrow at him.

"Okay fine. It was more than little but the thing is I’m just missing him so much. I broke up with him after what he did to you and then you were talking to him and I don't know why I just thought that there might be a chance that you two were just trying to remove me from the scene and you were faking all the bully/victim drama and I..." I reached out for his hand and pulled him in a hug.

"You were rambling." I said rubbing his back. He chuckled.

"I’m sorry." He murmured.

"It's fine though I didn’t ask you to leave him for me. It was all your decision." I pulled back.

"I know that you love him but there's nothing going on between Mateo and I. He needed my help and I agreed though I didn't help him because I had to leave.” I cleared him, keeping a soft smile on my face.

"I just… I’m sorry." He mumbled again.

"Forget it okay and resolve your issues with Mateo. Talk to him." I said patting his shoulder.

"I will try. Let's go home." He offered. I scratched my neck in hesitation and let out a nervous chuckle.

"I’m not going home yet. I’ve to go somewhere else." I said hesitantly.

"Oh. A date? Okay I want to meet that girl. I really want to see who got you so whipped." Keith sounded so excited. I scrunched my nose on the word 'girl'

"What if it's not a girl?" I asked carefully.

"Oh so it's a boy? Damn it. Now tell me who is he?" He sounded more excited. I shook my head and wanted to smack his head for forgetting.

"Don't sound surprised. I told you that before that I’m seeing a guy." I said.

"You did? Oh... Yes." He said dragging the words.

"Idiot." I laughed.

"Now don't change the subject, tell me who is he?" He questioned me excitedly.

He is the one I am falling hard for.

"Noah?" Keith shook me a little.


"The boy? I want name?" He demanded.

Should I tell him? No. It's too risky. I can't put everything on risk. But still this is Keith. He’s my friend. He isn't going to tell anyone.

No Noah, this is not your decision to make.

"Keith, I can't tell you right now. Please have a little patience. I promise you'll be the first person to hear his name from my mouth but just wait." I stated pleadingly.

"Hey… it's fine." He assured me.

“I gotta go then.” He gave me a small hug before leaving.

Few seconds later I also left the building of the school and walked out of school premises. I walked two blocks away from school where Ryan told me he would pick me up from.

I was standing I don’t know where but I guess I was on the right position. I heard a car honk before it pulled over.

"Come get in boy." I heard Ryan. I beamed and got in the car without wasting a second.

"Buckle up!" I buckled my seat belt and he drove us off to his house.

As soon as we entered the house, I grabbed Ryan's hand and pulled him in a kiss.

"Whoa, eager are we?" He chuckled and pinned me against the door. He leaned in and his lips touched mine sending a spark in my body.

His one hand kept my hands pinned above my head and his other hand rubbed my side. He licked my lower lip for entrance and I granted him. His tongue slid in my mouth licking every corner of my mouth and tasting it. He then moved to my neck and kissed a spot beneath my ear. I shuddered and moaned his name.

"Ryan..." My legs felt like jelly. He moved to my collarbone and sucked a spot there. I couldn't even stand so I threw all my weight on Ryan. He pecked my lips one more time and pulled away.

"We should probably sit down." I mumbled and he hummed. He patted my thighs and I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his torso. I nuzzled my face in his neck. I kissed his neck while he carried me to his living room.

He sat me down on the couch and sat beside him. He pulled me close and I placed my head on his chest and threw my arm around his torso. The cuddling position I love to be in with him.

"You sounded so hot today." I mumbled against his chest. He chuckled sending vibrations in my body.

"Yeah?" He kissed the top of my head.

"When you were trying to be our teacher in the class." I giggled.

"Trying to be? I am your teacher, babe." He answered, smacking my head lightly.

"No." I said giggling. He pulled away from me.

"Are you being serious, school boy?" He said and started tickling me.

"Alright stop!" I said between my laughs. He stopped.

"Maybe we should agree that tickling someone is not funny." I stated going back in the position I was before.

"You know I really want to see how you look." I murmured.

"Why so?" He sounded skeptical.

"I don't know… I just kinda wanna see you." I shrugged.

"To make sure I don't look ugly." His tone had something... sadness?

"Hey... no one is ugly by features. Your bad actions are what that make you ugly." I said cuddling close. He didn’t answer that but his grip tightened around me.

"Noah…" He called me. He sounded lost.


"Do you really want to see again?" I laughed at his question.

"What type of question is that? I mean who wouldn't? Even if I have adapted to everything, I still am curious what light looks like, what colors look like, what my mum and my friends look like and what you look like. I want to see the world. I want to be able to say that sky looks bluer today, sun is shining brighter than tomorrow, and black color suits you more. I just want people to see me as a normal kid." I ended with a chuckle so I could hide how much I was overwhelmed with emotions.

"You’re a normal kid, Noah." He pulled me back and kissed my eyes.

"How did you lose your sight? If you don’t mind telling me." He questioned, sounding hesitant. I smiled and sat up.

"When I was 2, my mother and I were coming back from a grocery shop. I was hit by a car and got head injuries. When I woke up my eye sight was fine but after a week, my sight started to get blurry and then gone, completely. We consulted an ophthalmologist and he said that I can get my sense of sight back but the treatment was too expensive. My father had just left us and my mother was the only person who was earning and it was difficult for her to pay for my treatment. Till to this date she’s saving money to pay for my treatment." I said lowering my head. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"So what actually happened to your sight?"

"Optic nerve damage." I heard him sigh as he pulled me in a hug.

"How much needed for the treatment?" He questioned. I pulled away.

"$25,000 to $30,000 dollars." I said sniffling.

"Aww baby, don't worry. I promise you'll be able to see again." He pulled me in another hug. I smiled.

"That's what mum always says. I believe her each and every time. But when I see her struggling with the bills and my school fee, I start to lose hope." I now had tears to the brim of my eyes.

"Don't lose hope. I’m sure we'll find out a way." I nodded at his words. I nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent that always used to calm me.

Moments of silence and then he decided to break it.

"So... I look good in black?" He said pinching my cheek, trying to cheer me up.

"I’ve been told so. I don't know what black even looks like." I told him blushing.

"You’ve been told so? So you discuss me around?" He asked pulling me in his lap. His tone was still playful.

"No. My friends have this weird crush on you. They like to talk about you." I shrugged pressing my back to his chest.

"Hmm." He nuzzled into my hairs.

"Your hair smells good" He mumbled tightening his hold around me, securing me in his lap. I blushed but didn’t respond.

"They say you’re hot. I mean I haven't seen you but I can tell you are hot because your voice is just so fucking hot. It gives me shivers when you say something remotely serious." I admitted shyly, pressing more into him.

"I don't know about hotness but I love that you think about me like that." He answered, chuckling.

As I was about to open my mouth to say something the doorbell rang.

"Aren't you gonna get it?" I asked when he didn't move a muscle.

"I don't want to." He murmured, sounding tired all of a sudden.

"But what if it's your family." I frowned.

"It isn't my family." He kept the answer short.

"How do you know?" I asked getting off of his lap.

"Gosh Noah. Alright let me see. You wait here." I nodded as he went to check the door.

After a few seconds I heard a familiar voice of a girl but it was faint. I was about to go and see who the girl was when I heard footsteps. I sat right back where I was.

"He's here, again?" I heard the girl's voice, now more clear. I put a pressure on my mind to recognize it and then it hit me. Lyla.

"Lyla please don't..." Ryan spoke.

"Who am I to say something Ryan but you know exactly why I’m saying that a student should not be in your house." She said huffing.

"Yeah I know. Can we not talk about it right now? I told you to meet me tonight so why are you here now?" He said sitting beside me.

"Yeah but it was urgent. Can we talk?" She questioned.

"Lyla, please can we talk about whatever you want, later" Ryan said taking my hand in his.

"No, it's fine Mr. Brown. I’ll just go back home." I said but he took my other hand in his. I was afraid of the kind of affection he was showing in front his lawyer for his student.

"Noah, don't worry, babe." He assured me.

"Umm... Noah, I don't have any problem with you or whatever it's going between you guys. I just got a news and I need Ryan to address it as soon as possible." Lyla spoke to me softly. I gave her a warm smile.

"Fine Lyla. What is it? Let's take this to my room." He spoke, letting out a puff of air.

"I'll be right back, babe. You can listen to some music if you want." He spoke to me and I gave him a nod. They both left me in the living room and I turned on the music on my phone to pass the time.