
Can't run away: Passionate love

A crazy love that stems from doubt. A prince with a mysterious identity appeared next to Lela. Two people, two hearts, and two personalities slowly merged into one. Sharp wisdom makes those two people develop feelings. This kind of love, in the end, no one knows.

QuynhAnhLuu · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Two older brothers

Suddenly, Lela lost her footing. Her body tilted forward, and she thought about nothing. Her mind went blank for a while. There was also nothing she could do to stop this from happening. She can only let herself fall down and be ready to feel the pain.


Not as bad as Lela thought it would be.

She opened her eyes and felt something soft under her as she looked around. As soon as she looked down, Lela hastily stood up. The little maid below screamed in pain, her face looked hurt, and tears looked like they were coming out of her eyes.

Lela reached out her hand to help the other maid up. As soon as their eyes met, she froze when she saw a familiar face.

"Who are you?" She asked her maid that question.

The trembling maid said, "My name is Ivy. I'm a servant who's just been hired to work at your castle."

Lela couldn't hold back her emotions, so she quickly sat down, raised Ivy's face, and looked very carefully. They are almost the same, almost the same as if they came out of a mold. They both have red lips, big bright eyes, and small noses. Is that you, Cam Tu?

She quickly took the servant into her arms and hugged her tight. Her body trembled, and her voice tried to hide her happiness.

"Is that you, Cam Tu?"

Ivy's whole body became rigid, and she was afraid to move. She is just a servant, and no one cares about her life or death. Lela is the lady of Duke Vincent's family. She didn't want to hurt the lady or make her angry and sad.

"I'm... Ivy, lady."

In a split second, Lela began to cry. She had no hope in a world that wasn't real. If only she could meet her old best friend again, even though it was in a world that didn't exist. In front of her, the girl with the same face as Cam Tu is just a servant. Cam Tu has been dead for a long time. In this world, is it too much to want?

Lela even though the maid knew she wasn't Cam Tu, still wanted to keep Ivy around. She thought this might make her feel better.

"Your name is Ivy?"

"Yes, lady."

"From now on, you will be close to me. Your job is to take care of my daily life."

Ivy's eyes opened wide: "Lady, are you telling the truth?"

Lela curled her lips and smiled: "Don't you believe what I say?"

Ivy quickly shook her head.

"Now, I'm going to go for a walk in the garden. You can stay here and make water for a bath and bring me breakfast. Can you do this?"

"Yes, I can do that," Ivy replied.

Lela nodded, she looked at the servants behind her.

"All of you take over the job from the butler. I'll go for a walk in the garden, you don't have to follow me."

"We have kept the lady's advice in mind."

White clouds that look like they're floating around on a clear blue sky. Rays of warm, clear sunlight fall from the sky and reach out to hug the small body. With her fingers, Lela gently stroked the soft hair and raised her hand to catch some of the wind. The wind gently passed between her fingers, like an elegant man gently kissing her hand.

"Lela, is that you?"

A familiar voice came from behind, pulling Lela out of her thoughts and into the present moment. Someone who had just arrived made her smile.

"Richard, I'm surprised to see you here. What's wrong with you coming to this?"

When he wore them, the clothes he wore were even more beautiful. The buttons, made of gold, are printed with the Vincent family crest. When he wears a high collar, it doesn't cover his neck, but it makes him look more like a gentleman.

Besides being 21 this year, Richard is already a man. He has a good-looking face, a good voice, and a good family background, so it can be said that he is the dream man for teenage girls.

Richard approached Lela with a soft smile on his lips. The sunlight from behind bounced off of him and made him shine brighter. He looks like a prince on a white horse.

He reached out and pinned the rose to his silver hair. His moves were very careful and gentle as if he was afraid he would hurt Lela. Then Richard put his hand on her cheek and said.

"Lela, I think you look great. You are a lot more beautiful than the rose I gave you. "

Lela was startled. She reached out to touch the rose, unconsciously raising her eyes to stare at him. Ruby's pink eyes stared at Richard, as if wanting to see through his thoughts.

"I..." She stammered, the words in her mouth somehow becoming so hard to say: "I... thank you very much. This rose is so beautiful. "

"Can I hug you, little sister?"

"Yes, of course. Because you're my brother, you can hug me as many times as you want. "

She was pulled into his lap, the warmth and scent of warm woods spreading in Lila's mind. This made Lela want to close her eyes and fall asleep right away.

Lela's brother is a head taller than her. Obviously, she was not short, because she was so thin that when he did, her body seemed to disappear in his arms.

As for the feeling of love, it isn't bad at all!

Lela put her face in Richard's lap, and she wrapped her arms around Richard's arms to keep him close. The two of them hugged for less than a minute when someone loudly stopped them. Lela's arms were pulled back by a strong force, and she fell into another embrace.

"Why did you come here alone? Didn't we say before that we would go together?" An angry voice came from behind.

Lela looked at the person who had just walked in, her lips wagging.

They are both very handsome. Richard has silver hair and light brown eyes. He is a kind person who always smiles and is the top heir to the Vincent family. Drake is the second brother. He is a funny person, likes swordsmanship, and wants to be a royal knight. Drake has brown eyes, too, but this shade is darker than Richard's, which is light brown. In the sun, the color of the hair of ripe rice becomes more yellow.

"Brother Drake?"

Drake laughed, picking her up and spinning her around with a smile on his face. Then Drake let her sit on his arm.

For the first time in 18 years, he touched his sister. Drake had to watch from afar when he came to see her. That simple happiness turned out to be what made him happy.

"Yes, it's me."

His eyes sparkled and her bright smile grew. When he looked at his sister, he showed how much he loved her.

"My little angel, I can finally hold you in my arms. I love you so much."

Lela was really confused by the sudden actions of both of them. She suddenly felt pity for the former owner of this body. If she could resurrect herself and open her heart to her family, her life wouldn't be so tragic.

There was a mention in the book that Lela's family died because of her. The second brother was the first to die while protecting her from assassination. Her father was the second person to die. When the carriage accident happened, he used his body to cover her when it happened. The third person to die was Lela's mother. She drank poisoned wine for her daughter and died. In the end, the last person to die for Lela was Richard, the oldest brother. Richard took the blame for the crime of treason on Lela's behalf, even though he had a bad reputation, he still accepted to die for her.

Lela couldn't hold back her emotions and hugged her face, bursting into tears.

Her two brothers were very concerned when they saw her start to cry. They tried to comfort her quickly.

Richard: "Lela, are you okay? Don't cry."

Drake: "Did I hurt you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I'll never hurt you again."

Lela shook her head because she couldn't blame her two brothers for anything. She reached out, pulled her two brothers, and hugged them close.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me, you two. Because I'm so happy, I cry. Luckily, I can return to being a normal person. I can use my heart to feel real emotions about the two of you."

Three people were gently kissed by the warm sunlight that came from the sky above. It was also congrats and a good luck wish for them to have a better life.


Lela has been in this place for three months now. Time has gone by slowly.

Lela's health has gotten a lot better because her family has been very good to her. Her body has passed the stage of severe malnutrition, her weight and other body parameters are all standards. Now that she is always in a relaxed state, she can do anything.

But, on the other hand, Lela is not a person who is funny. She always looks cold to everyone, except for her family. Her father had invited teachers to the duke's castle to teach Lela basic etiquette, learn how to wield a sword, read books, and manage the household.

She didn't look like a silly person at all, but like a person who had a hidden talent. Everything only had to be said once, and Lela was able to remember it all and perform it very well after that. Lessons were over in a few short months.

Now that Lela has become a noble lady, she can study on her own in the family library room.

In the library at home

Lela sat by the window and looked out at the garden outside. The brush in his hand moved with each beat, and a few drops of ink fell onto the white page.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Ivy came in from the outside. In her hand, she had a cup of rose tea mixed with fresh milk. The passionate aroma filled the room right away. Then, Lela turned her head to look back and smile.

"Ivy is finally back with my cup of tea. Your tea-making skills seem to be getting better and better, and this is good news."

Lela reached out with her hand to take the cup of tea, put it in front of her nose, and took a long breath. She looked very relaxed.