
Can't run away: Passionate love

A crazy love that stems from doubt. A prince with a mysterious identity appeared next to Lela. Two people, two hearts, and two personalities slowly merged into one. Sharp wisdom makes those two people develop feelings. This kind of love, in the end, no one knows.

QuynhAnhLuu · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
8 Chs

Chapter 1: New start

The nostrils were filled with the smell of blood, terror covered everything, the whole crowd was shaken on the cold ground, afraid to move an inch.

Little by little, bright red blood sparkled and covered everything, corpses lay on the pitch-black floor. As death approached, terror welled up in his heart. The little, helpless people can only bow their heads and beg someone to have mercy on them and free them.

The light outside tries to enter but then flees, as if frightened. The crow's voice suddenly turned melancholy, as if foreshadowing some terrible event.

A very beautiful woman lay on a white bed soaked in blood; she smiled tiredly, the life that came with that smile also slowly disappeared. The demon from before was now trembling like a frightened puppy, his knees touching the icy ground, clutching her hand and whimpering.

"Lela… "I will undoubtedly die with you if you die."

"How can this be, what will happen to our two children? will you leave our two children in this world?" Lela said, shaking her head sadly.

Marik raised her head, meeting Lela's gaze, his hand gripping hers even tighter. The girl who had always lovingly looked at him had withered in a pool of bright red blood. Her weak existence was slowly disappearing.

"I said I don't need them; the only person I need in this world is you. Why are you treating me this way?" Marik said angrily.

"I promised that I would always be by your side, that I would never leave you alone... I lied to you... and now I want to leave you."

She burst into tears, her beautiful eyes filled with tears: "I'm sorry, Marik ..."

She couldn't accept Marik's loss of will to live. Lela is faced with a single choice: to tell the truth, mixed with lies. Ignoring the external discomfort, Lela tried to sit up, supporting Marik's face, but her body's vitality was dwindling.

"Look at me, Marik."

Marik raised her head, her face red with tears and bloodshot eyes filled with anger and fear.

"I don't belong in this world; it's time for me to return to my own," Lela whispered as she kissed him softly on the lips.

"Marik, will you wait for my return?" she asked.

The pain of parting filled their eyes, Lela grabbed Marik's hand tightly. Lela lied to prolong Marik's life because she was aware that her life was slipping away like sand in her hands. Those grains of sand are drifting through her fingers until the life disappears, her palm is also empty.

Lela's two newborn children are part of her flesh and blood. She couldn't be with them, so her husband had to take her place with her children. One may think that a mother is selfish, but if two children grow up unable to have one by their side, it is a situation that is too terrible for a mother's heart.

Lela considers herself incapable of returning to this world, but she wishes to plant a seed of hope in Marik's heart so that he can continue to live beside her two little children.

Marik glanced at Lela, her beautiful ruby ​​eyes sparkling with water, though exhausted and weak, this beauty did not disappear. When he saw Lela without him, he was terrified. In the depths of Marik's heart, he knew that if Lela died, he would die with her too, but now that she had declared that she would return, he didn't know what to do?

"Lela, I don't know what to do with myself. What if I can't wait for the day you come back to me? What if I'm going to die before you come back?"

Lela shook her head; these sweet eyes and smiles were meant for Marik, the man she loved; She honestly didn't know if she still had that chance. However, she will try her best to make him want to live and wait for her return.

"Our family will be restored one day, not far away."

She suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, the collar of her dress, which had been clean before, was now stained with horribly red blood. Marik hurriedly took a towel to wipe Lela's blood; tears streamed down his cheeks and despair took over his heart as he watched his lover slip out of his arms, and he had no way of keeping her around.

How can I keep you with me indefinitely, Lela? I need you in this long, impermanent life. Lela, please don't leave me.

Lela's time was drawing to a close, and she took Marik's hand, kissed it respectfully, and pulled him into her lap, gently kissing his lips one last goodbye. Lela's breathing was getting faster and faster, her arms were exhausted, but she needed to hear his promise one more time.

"Please, Marik, commit to me."

"I promise you, Lela, that I will wait for you to return, but I also ask that you assure me that you will return."

"Sure... I promise..." Grief filled her heart, her lovely eyes glued to the final image, Lela's fingers soaked in fresh blood, gently caressing Marik's cheeks, Lela sobbing: "Definitely waiting for me to come back to you. ..."

Taking her last breath, Lela left, leaving Marik in agony, clutching her body and sobbing in despair.


"Your breakfast has arrived, lady. Hurry up and eat." A breakfast tray was pushed into the room by the maid.

The room was completely black, surrounded by large curtains that not a single ray of light could penetrate. This is a lady's room, but the strange, murky, confusing decoration also makes others shiver when entering.

"Are you still awake?" The other woman was angered by the young girl's cold response.

She pushed the food cart roughly, rushed to the large bed, threw the blanket aside, grabbed the little girl on the bed by the collar, and pulled her up. The large arm roughly pushed her down onto the bed, unable to distinguish between who was the master and who was the servant.

"Are you going to mess with me in this place? Are you just a careless dump that still thinks you're a lady?"

That weak figure suddenly flashed, squeezing the maid's neck, forcing her to fall on the bed: "You dare use that word in your conversation with the master? You seem to want to be granted death by me?" Lela slowly opened her beautiful red eyes and smiled widely.

"No... get away from me..." She cried in terror, struggling to separate herself from Lela's hand.

Lela pushed her away, a small smile on her face: "It's horrible, someone like you deserves to be executed."

She was afraid to sit up at the threshold of death, her chest heaving and trying to suck in all her breath to preserve her life. She had never felt alienated from the young lady Lela, who was always confused, silly all day long, not understanding why she had turned into someone with such terrifying ability today. If she hadn't begged, this life was over.

The small, feeble foot walked slowly towards the closed window. Lela pulled the curtain aside, happily catching the warm sunlight from outside. In such a lovely picture, the energetic chirping of birds is muffled by the heavy curtains. The life of a good lady is very painful. She is like a little bird, imprisoned in a beautiful golden cage.

Kha Vy fell into the book—"My heart calls for Cyan", turning into a completely bogus character. This is a very popular online romance novel that received a lot of praise for its challenging love story between male and female leads. Of course, there are good and bad individuals, and the character she's reincarnated into is Lela Sue Vincent, the terrible woman who's always been obsessed with having the great prince Marcus, the series' male lead. Because she loved the prince so much, she killed the female lead, and finally, the climax was a tragedy when she was killed by the male and female lead - the second prince, Marik - who silently went behind to protect Cyan.

Damn, if the author lets the main character, Marcus kills her, that's acceptable. However, she was mercilessly killed by the supporting male character - Marik. The heroine used Marik's love to force him to kill Lela, she promised him the ending of beautiful love, but in the end, both she and Marik were accused of wanting to kill the eldest prince, and the ending was two people. The supporting character dies painfully so that the two main characters can live happily ever after.