

Author's note:


I've uploaded the related pictures of today's chapter on the community's page.

Hope you all like the chapter. Don't forget to give feedback.

Thank you!!


It was almost 5 a.m. in the morning, and the sun rays had just begun to spread across the sky, the friends went on their surprise mission. 

Kaylee's next-door neighbour was a baker, so she was woken up to make a customized  cake. Kaylee chose one of the most complicated cakes to make, so the poor soul spent hours making it.

Naoh and Chloe went shopping for balloons and other decorations, taking advantage of the convenience of 24/7 open shopping marts. 

When Jaydan and Grayson went to the market to buy fresh flowers, only two shops were open at this hour. They bought all types of fresh flowers. 

They all went to Hudson Mansion after they finished shopping. It was almost 6 a.m. when they all arrived there.