
Calliope: The Golden Aethereya

As a witch created only to do her master’s evil biddings, Calliope knew no other life. But when she finds herself feeling remorseful to the kingdom she has attacked, she decides to escape and start a new life for herself. Little does she know that she is being hunted; hunted by the master she betrayed, and hunted by a kingdom seeking revenge.

kayyteelynne · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter Seventeen

William and Jon led the king and his army across the kingdom, their steeds carrying them quickly and gracefully across the land. The two young men felt empowered with the army just behind them. A heroic rush pushed them onwards into the forest as they led their king to their kingdom's savior. They were confident Calliope would help them bring this war to an end. If Mido and Ian trusted her, she must have been good.

"You boys seem awfully young to be involved in a mess like this," the king said to them as they rode.

"Courageous, you say?" William said to the king.

"I guess you could say that," the king said, smiling at their excitement. As a young boy, he constantly roamed the castle grounds, battling with imaginary armies. He fell out of trees and knocked over treasured statues as he continued on in his adventures. He was young and invincible; immortal, even. He wished to feel that way again.

"Makes us good candidates for soldiers," Jon chimed in.

King Sloan laughed, amused at their eagerness. "That it does."

They rode on in silence with only the thunder of hooves to accompany them, until King Sloan spoke up once more.

"You trust this witch?" he asked them.

"She's saved us from Scarletta's Nequam," William said.

"And that makes her worthy of our trust?" King Sloan questioned them.

William and Jon exchanged nervous glances. "We think so," Jon said.

"Did you ever think that this could be a trap?"

William shrugged. "Sure. But she's different. You can tell. She doesn't want to hurt us."

"She's afraid of Scarletta," Jon added. "She doesn't want to go back there."

King Sloan nodded. "Well, I sure hope you're right."

"We wouldn't have come if we didn't believe it were true," Jon said.

"We wouldn't want to ruin our chances as heroes, either," said William. He sat tall in the saddle.

They continued to ride through the forest, unaware of the trap that Scarletta had placed before them. Scarletta waited patiently with her Nequam, ready to ruin their plans; her lips twisted into a cynical smile at the thought. She listened as the sound of galloping hooves grew louder and louder and the Earth began to tremble with their approach. Scarletta stood with confidence, her head high, while her Nequam dug their claws into the dirt and beat their wings. Just as the king and his army appeared, she sent a wave of her magic towards them, catching them off guard. It knocked them off their horses and sent the horses running in panic. Without hesitation, her Nequam surrounded the king and his army. Scarletta strutted towards them, a red smile on her crisp face; she eyed the king, her eyes mocking them.

"What a pleasant surprise," she said standing over the king who was still on the ground. "Although, I knew you were on your way to get your little hands on my witch. It's too bad I have to stop you, isn't it?" She cocked her head to the side condescendingly.

William and Jon watched nervously as the witch approached them. The king's army rose to their feet, each soldier drawing a sword. William and Jon followed suit, though their knees shook beneath them. They drew their own swords and gripped them tightly with both hands in hopes of hiding their nervous shaking. Scarletta's Nequam inched closer, barring their deadly fangs, breathing heavily, anticipating their next move. The soldiers stood their ground, protecting their king.

"Now, now," she said. "My dear Sloan, you know your men are no match for me. Save yourself the trouble and just surrender." She put her hands on her hips and shifted her weight to one leg. She narrowed her eyes, waiting for the king's next move.

"I will never surrender to you, Scarletta," he said. He drew his sword and as if on cue, his soldiers lunged forward and attacked. The Nequam were quick to foil their attack and capture the king and his army. Scarletta cackled.

"I warned you," she said, shaking a finger at her prisoners. Her face hardened; she was done playing with her prey. "Take them to the dungeon," she ordered the Nequam. "And when you come back, we'll get Calliope."

The Nequam beat their wings, rising off the ground, each with a soldier in its grips. The soldiers flailed and struggled in an attempt to break free only to tire themselves out. One by one, the Nequam flew into the air, each carrying a member of Librona's army, including William and Jon, until only Scarletta, King Sloan, and Mallius remained.

Scarletta turned to her comrade and mounted his strong, leathery back. Mallius beat his wings, grabbed King Sloan in his large claws and ascended into the air, following close behind his army.


The Nequam landed hard on the ground when they reached Scarletta's castle. They pushed the men inside the castle walls, down the cold, stone stairs and into the dungeon. The heavy, cell doors slid shut behind them and the key turned in its lock. The Nequam left the king and his army alone with Scarletta still in their presence. She peered at them through the bars of the cell.

"Pity," she said, "that it had to come to this, isn't it, Sloan?"

William and Jon shrank to the corner of the cell and watched the confrontation. King Sloan said nothing to the witch.

"You will pay for what you did to me, Sloan. I will rip you and this kingdom to shreds."

"You will be burned just as your mother was, Scarletta."

Scarletta stared at the king hard. Her face was cold and her eyes were heartless. King Sloan had clearly struck a nerve. Her breathing grew shallow as she stared the king down. She bent down close to him, her face just inches from his.

"You will beg for death at the hands of my witch," she hissed in his face.

"At the hands of your witch?" he repeated. "You can't just do it yourself?"

She straightened and smiled a cynical smile, narrowing her eyes at the king. "Oh, Sloan, you won't live long enough to see what I have in mind for this kingdom. Calliope's attack will be nothing compared to mine.

"Calliope would die before she does your dirty work," William barked at the witch.

Scarletta's gaze shifted to the voice in the back. Her smile grew as she spotted the young men cowering in the corner.

"I cannot wait to watch her rip your heads from your bodies," she said mumbled. Without another word, she turned on her heels and left them alone in the cold dungeon.

King Sloan watched her leave before he turned to his men. They looked to him with hopeful eyes.

"Calliope will come for us," Jon said as if to reassure the hopeless king.

"She will," William added as if to back up his friend's statement.

King Sloan eyed the two young men. "I do hope you're right."