
Call Of The Dao

This is a story of a young boy, Lin Feng, whose passion for cultivation dies once he opens his meridians, he decides to leave his family and settle on a small Mountain, to kill his boredom, he starts painting, carving, farming and other hobbies. What he doesn't know is the things he thinks are normal can make cultivators lose their minds. Join Lin Feng in his daily normal life. The cover isn't mine, just found it on google. If the artist wants it removed just dm me and I will removed

Senior_elder · Huyền huyễn
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53 Chs

chapter 29

The scenery in front of Lin Feng changed. He appeared in an unfamiliar land. This was the second time things were going on without his knowledge, he looked around, and all he could see was vegetation and rocks. He was in an open field.

"Where am I? And where are Mei Lin and Mu Lei?"

Questions plagued his mind, but the most important ones were, what was the last place he was before? And how did he arrive here?

He did find something strange. Despite the ridiculous situation, he didn't seem worried at all, even for someone like him. This was strange, and yet he was not panicking? Did he have something to do with the current situation? That seemed logical, but how did he do it? And how was he supposed to meet back with the two girls?

"First I need to find Mei Lin and Mu Lei."

Lin Feng muttered to himself. This was the first time in a while that he was going to be away from Mei Lin. He had to agree he had grown accustomed to having her around.

He took out the map he had previously bought and decided to locate his current position. Since it was a star map, he thought locating his current position would be easy, and he could somehow make it back to the small mountain with the hope that Mei Lin did the same, the only problem was Mu Lei as she didn't know where the small mountain was, he hoped the two girls weren't separated.

"Is this map faulty?"

Lin Feng suddenly exclaimed while looking at the map, he couldn't see his current position, the map was supposed to indicate his position by showing a red dot, at least that is how he knew it worked, initially, after buying it, a red dot constantly updated his position, but now nothing was being displayed.

"Am I in a different star?"

Lin Feng thought it was logical for the map not to work, provided they were in a different star, which would explain the sudden change in scenery. He didn't think the map was faulty as it had worked well previously, and he hadn't messed with it, so if it was a map issue, then he had been duped by the shopkeeper.

Since the map wasn't working, Lin Feng decided to find a human and ask for directions. He was confident in getting out of the forest since he lived in a mountain surrounded by a vast forest, his survival skills were pretty high.

Lin Feng had been walking for several hours trying to locate a path out of the forest. He had to admit walking was a bothersome task. He had underestimated the size of the forest. He had never tried to walk to the ends of the forest that surrounded the small mountain, so he didn't consider the forest to be so vast. The only silver lining was the vegetation was receding gradually, which only meant he was getting closer to the end of the forest.

Suddenly, Lin Feng made an abrupt stop and turned around. He saw a giant dog-like creature. It was roughly the length of three tall adults stacked upon one another. The beast had black fur covering its vast body. A white stripe ran from its forehead to its fat tail. Its eyes were like massive suns that kept darting around its eye socket.

Lin Feng looked at the beast and recognized its kind. He had seen a lot of its kind in the forest surrounding his home, only that this was a really small one. The ones he had seen before were at least ten times its size, while the bigger ones were twenty times bigger than the one standing in front of him.

Lin Feng looked at the dog with interest. Usually, whenever he met with any beast in the forest surrounding his home, they would run away, so he assumed beasts were scared of humans despite their size, and yet here was a beast that did not only not run but also followed him, he had detected the beast earlier but assumed it would run off like usual.

The big dog looked at Lin Feng and waited for his reaction, but it saw none.

As the king of the beast plane, its authority was unquestioned, for Lin Feng to appear inside his zone that was the equivalent of questioning its power, the beast was ready to defend its position, but suddenly the attacker decided to leave, it had followed him secretly to see the machinations he was brewing, but the attacker kept on going without any care, the beast tried to get a glimpse of his cultivation, but it was futile, this was what worried the beast most, as a beast god, his cultivation was at the early god realm, such a cultivation base was enough for it to throw its weight around, anywhere without consequences.

Apart from a few who could threaten his existence, only a select few could calm him down if he decided to go on a rampage, and that could only be accomplished by him being given face, so how come such a powerful beast was unable to identify a human? The beast didn't think of the possibility of him being a mortal. That would be an insult to the wisdom it had gathered during the long years.

The only possibility it could think of was, he was a peak god cultivator. Thinking of this possibility, the beast panicked. A peak god cultivator was something of a legend. It was only possible during the ancient times, for powerhouses at the god realm, each stage was equivalent to the difference between heaven and earth, the most powerful cultivator the beast had ever seen was a late-stage god, so meeting a peak god was exciting and dangerous at the same time, exciting as a method of breaking through to the peak of the god realm could be revealed, it was dangerous as he didn't know the intention of the powerhouse.

The beast looked into Lin Feng's eye and was dazed by sight. An endless abyss seemed to be pulling it inside. The beast regained its consciousness and looked away in a panic, accidentally letting out a whimper.

The beast cursed itself for reverting to its instincts when it was still a pup. It wanted nothing more than to escape.

It wanted to flee and report to its ancestors, but it remembered, he was the ancestor, when others were beaten up, he was the one they reported too, when the beast discovered it couldn't try the usually 'ancestor save me' card it became visibly sad, sometimes having a tree to shelter from the brutal sun was good.

Lin Feng looked at the whimpering dog and thought its behavior was in order. He approached the dog and patted its giant head. He had to agree its fur was silky smooth. He wondered what type of clothes he could produce if he skinned right here and now.

The beast suddenly felt a great life and death crisis. It wasted no time and decided to speak up.

"Please forgive this stupid dog for spying on you."

The dog spoke in a whimper.

"You can talk?"

Lin Feng was pleasantly surprised by the dog. The only beasts he knew of that could talk were the red birds. Meeting other beasts that could talk was welcomed.

The beast was shocked. Was the senior treating him like an average dog? If anyone else were to ask him the same question, he would have killed them without hesitation, but if it was the senior, that was equivalent to a compliment. It was already good he was not being called an ant. How could he dare act arrogantly?

"Yes, this little one can manage a few words."

"Do you know a way out of this forest? And where are we?" Lin Feng asked the dog.

"This little one knows the way out, for this place it is called the abandoned beast plane."

Hearing this, Lin Feng frowned. It was as he had guessed this was most definitely another star.

"What is the name of this star?"

Lin Feng asked to be sure.

"This is the HuoXing star."

The beast answered dumbfoundedly, was the senior from another star? He didn't dare to inquire.

Having confirmed the name, Lin Feng was sure he was in another star.

"How am I supposed to find Mei Lin and Mu Lei?" Although he wanted to find new adventures, Lin Feng thought to himself that going to a new star was overboard.

At this moment, Lin Feng heard a voice in his head.

[Mei Lin's and Mu Lei's position have been detected, do you wish to locate them]

"Who are you," Lin Feng asked calmly. This reminded him of his first encounter with Mei Lin.

[I am an observer]

The voice announced, it didn't dare use 'great' like when it addressed Mu Lei.

"Are you a spiritual artifact?"

Lin Feng asked the voice, remembering Mei Lin's first encounter with him.

The voice was quiet for a moment before speaking.

Throw me some power stones.

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Senior_eldercreators' thoughts