
Lin Fan

(Yun long/Yassin)'s POV

I walked down the hallway of the boys' dormitory while searching for my dorm room. My dorm room number was "1152". I searched it up on the official page of Yingxiong Academy.

There were thousands of students in Yingxiong academy and naturally the dormitory was large as well for housing so many students. It was so large that you could get lost inside. There were portals leading out in specific spots of the building which made it very convenient though.

'Number 1159. I'm getting close.' 'Number 1158' 'Number 1157' I muttered while looking left and right at the dorm numbers.

'Number 1152. This is mine.' I inwardly remarked while taking out the Student Id card from my pocket. The magic lock at the door scanned my card while a beep sounded as the door got unlocked.

The interior of the room was quite large with a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom. and a living room or was it a study room? It was combined, I guess.

The room was well furnished and carpeted while it had a calm atmosphere. A perfect environment for reading. Even though Yingxiong academy was quite strict it wasn't stingy with its facility. As expected of a top school boasting state of the art magic education.

It was more like a hotel suite than a dorm room and it was just the most basic privilege every student enjoyed, students with higher ranking enjoyed better benefits.

I had to admit the room(couldn't be called a room anymore) was truly quite large for a single person. In the eyes of normal people that is. Well, with people like professor Guangli at the forefront of space magic not having enough space was the least of concern.

Without another word, I fell straight on the bed and fell asleep immediately. I hadn't had a goodnight's rest for the last couple of days.


Yassin was lying flat on the bed as he quietly stared at the white ceiling of the bedroom. He squinted his eyes a little as his eye was still not adapted to the light of the room.

He turned his gaze towards the wall clock. It was already 8:01. The class started at 8:00. He knew he was late on the very first day of the academy. He had been asleep for more than 15 hours.

'When my exhausted body finally got relief, it seems like it hit it hard.' Yassin mentally contemplated while getting off the bed.

His body was a little sore as he slept in an odd posture. He went to the bathroom while stretching his body.

The cold water hit his face as he felt a bit clear-headed. Seeing the familiar yet unfamiliar face in the mirror, Yassin didn't know what to say.

He was Yun Long. The character who should have died at the beginning of the plot. But here he was in the Yingxiong academy with the main protagonist.

That wasn't all.

He had an Op ability which was more harmful than useful, his remaining lifespan was just 6 months, his emotions were stripped off of him for an unknown reason, and he had a nigh-omnipotent book.

After having breakfast which was bread made from purple wheat and boiled spirit chicken's egg, Yassin looked at the wall clock. It was 8:19.

He was late but he had no qualms about it. Emotions like worry didn't exist in him at all.

'What's the point of living without emotions? It's better to be dead than live without emotions. I have to get it back.' Yassin steeled his resolve while walking out of his room.

The door opposite his room opened at the same time as a slim young man with a skinny build walked through. He had pale skin and short messy black hair with grey-black eyes. He had a lazy look.

"Good morning, fellow neighbor." He said while stretching his back. he looked like he just rolled out of bed.

Yassin nodded at him while walking towards the exit portal which was three rooms away in a corner.

The slim guy was casually following behind him.

"Hey... I'm Lin Fan. What's your name?" He asked while casually walking with his hands on his head. He seemed to have no care about anything.

"Yun Long..." Yassin answered as he turned his head to look at the slim young man behind him. He was still indifferent though.

"Looks like I got your attention." he stared at Yassin with his lips curled upwards. There was a glint in his eyes. Lin fan had probed about Yassin during this time with his spiritual thread.

'This guy's spirit body is different. He's already awakened his blessing to 2nd stage. Who is this guy? Most of the students are at the 1st stage even till graduation and he's just joined. Yingxiong academy truly has crouching tigers and hidden dragons. I think I got myself into a bit of trouble here.' Lin Fan was truly shocked by seeing the level of Yun Long.

The heroes who had awakened their blessing to the second stage were all in top 10000 ranks and Yun Long was at that level. But it didn't make him dispirited, it only fueled his drive to get stronger.

Lin Fan didn't let his shock show on his face instead he smiled as he still not regretted his actions. Ever since he awakened his blessing, Lin Fan always checked out the spirit body of everyone he met. It got him into trouble a few times and today was nothing new.

He had a lazy smile in his face which was extremely annoying.

A cold luster flashed in Yassin's eyes as Lin Fan saw his whole life flash before him. The memory influx was too large as Lin Fan felt dizzy and his temples throbbed with pain. He genuflected while catching his head.

'This should serve as a warning or this guy will get cocky. Well, I wrote his character and I became the target of it. What irony. He's a good main protagonist material though but sadly he's a second lead. With this, he should stay in his limits now.' Yassin thought while staring at Lin Fan who was trying to get up.

"Chill bro. It was just a friendly probe. I mean no harm. still, it was my fault so I apologize." Lin fan said with that annoying smile of his.

It really was just a simple probe though. It wasn't that dangerous so Yassin just left him with just a minor headache.

If Lin Fan had any ill intent then Yassin didn't know what he would do. He didn't have emotions like guilt, pity, and regret after all.

"let's go..." Yassin said with his cold face while Lin Fan eyed him with astonishment.

'This cold dude's not half bad.' Lin fan smiled playfully while following Yassin.

They exited the boys' dormitory through the E77 portal while entering the square which separated the boys' and girls' dormitory through the A56 portal. The main building was in the south of the square with boys dormitory in the east and the girls' dormitory in the west.

"Hey bro which class are you in?" Lin fan questioned with his hands in his pockets.

"Class 1-C," Yassin said as he turned his head to look at Lin fan.

He had to try every method to regain his emotions and socializing seemed very promising. So even though his words held no emotions he still answered.

And befriending Lin Fan had its perks as well, he was the heir to the guild "Heroic Souls". The fourth most powerful guild of china after all.

Yassin didn't have any future plans for himself as he was currently focused on regaining his emotions. He didn't want to involve himself in the plot as well. But befriending a powerful character could always come in handy sometimes.

His personality was rather good as well. Yun Long knew Lin Fan didn't take the earlier squabble to heart.

"Too bad. I'm in class 1-B. I wanted to know more about you, brother." Lin Fan said while shaking his head and clicking his tongue.

'I piqued his interest it seems. Well, it's not a bad thing.' Yassin contemplated as he said;

"I'm going to my class. You should go too. We're already late." Yassin said as he headed towards his own class.

Before Lin fan could even say a word Yassin was already long gone. He headed towards his own class with a lazy smile.