
Call Me Mother

Child? Check. Taken from the streets? Also check. Rynoa Riley is officially a fugitive. A fugitive who has no clue she's a fugitive. A fugitive who doesn't know how to spell fugitive. A fugitive who's in way over her head.

nagaposi · Thanh xuân
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Go On Be My Mother

I do my best to stay unnoticed by others. Not because I was shy or anything, but frankly since I happened to be a demon. I often wear big hats or something to cover my head in public.

I just graduated from high school, of course, with few friends. Some days I wonder how I even got to this strange planet. Did I have some tragic back story like Superman or Batman? No one could tell.

Today, I think the date is... October 13th, 2016? Yeah, that sounds about right. Anyway, I took a break from my solitude and decided to go to the mall and pick up some clothes (yeah I know, clothes, but I am a girl so back off), I put on my comfy parka and scarf, not to mention my mittens.

Throwing on a cover to protect my horns from wandering eyes, I headed out the door towards my best friend, my car. The snow sounded nice and mushy today, so I stomped around in it for a bit. I only quit when my neighbor stepped outside to bring in the mail. I think he thought I was weird because he gave me an aren't-you-supposed-to-be-an-adult look.

"Just searching for my phone!" I called out to him. "It's not what it looks like!" To be honest, it was what it looked like. I was having fun in the wet snow. Weird.

I pretended to drop my phone and pick it up, I waved it to him, but by then I think he'd given up he was no longer outside.

I opened the driver's side door of my 2001 Toyota. Tossing my purse in I hopped in myself. The whole car shook like something big hit it when I sat down. Way to make me feel fat.

Turning the ignition I immediately got the warm air going and started fiddling with the radio stations.

"Eww pop, how can people listen to this garbage?" I grumbled swiping a hand in front of my face. "It's all about girls breaking up with guys or stuff that grosses me out. Blech."

I backed out of my rather old small house and got on the road. I set the radio to classical because I can't stand Christmas music. It's all the same.

It didn't take me too long to pull into the parking lot of the mall. Taking my purse I got out. I sped walked all the way in, it was starting to get annoyingly cold.

"Excuse me." A young man maybe in his early 20's said, barging past me. He had a scraggly beard and a more husky build, I spun to see him. But I never got the chance since he was a lot faster than I imagined.

Going on my merry way I stopped inside my favorite shopping place. It happened to be named Colorful Variety, I loved that name!

I guess at this time of day (around two in the afternoon) people were out and about, I was practically squished between men and women alike. Not too fun.

I tried to shimmy my way around, but unlucky me flew right into a young girl, probably an early teenager.

"Watch it!" She barked. I was taken aback by this level of authority in a child. Almost made me wanna shoot her. Thankfully I didn't.

"Sorry, it's crowded," I replied doing my best not to look at her. "I'll be on my way."

Taking a hard right I backed myself away from this menacing woman. Geez, hadn't anyone told her to respect her elders?! This was crazy.

I went to see what the mannequins had on today, and to my luck, they had designer winter coats on, which probably cost a fortune. I couldn't help but give a sign.

"I wish my parents could loan me some money..." I grumbled thinking of a simpler time. It didn't seem like that long ago I was with my parents (adopted of course) playing with toys or being a naughty little kid. Makes me happy I guess, at least it's better than being a broke adult who hasn't even had a boyfriend.

I was done looking at clothes meant for the dreary winter. I walked down the aisles stacked with stuff I couldn't afford and went to the summer selection.

Standing in front of the shelves that had older less expensive stuff, there was a guy there with a girl. Most likely the two were dating, and let me tell you something about me and dating. Whenever I see a couple I can't help but feel empty, I want someone to like me too, but who wants a demon? Heck, I sure would pass on me.

I picked up a short-sleeved tee, that had the words Cutie pie on it. How in the world were people able to wear something so embarrassing?

"That's a nice shirt, you buying it?" The girl with her boyfriend asked me, smiling. I turned beet red.

"Maybe... I haven't decided yet." I stuttered sounding like an absolute fool, God, I was a fool.

"You should, makes you feel hot." She responded, moving on to a new section, leaving me to sulk. Thanks for making me think even less of myself.

"Makes you feel hot," I said mimicking her. "Maybe you since you are. Idiot." I rolled my eyes at her silently, hoping one day I wouldn't have to come to these places alone.

Dragging my feet along, not wanting to be near anyone, I came across the swimsuits. Oh my gosh, now those were something else. There were one-piece ones, bikinis, you name it they had it.

I picked up a one-piece and skimmed over the size.

"Small," I said. I couldn't bring myself to ever wear something so skimpy. "Small... Maybe for small people, definitely not meant for me. Haha. I'm probably-" I stopped. I hadn't realized it but I was talking to myself, out loud. A few onlookers were giving me crazy glares. I hated myself after that.

Trying to play it cool I just left. No, I didn't leave the area, I left the store. People were annoying and no one would ever think of me as more than a weirdo that belonged in a different dimension.

Picking up my pace, I decided to go search for something besides clothes I could do. I saw a small photo booth where I could get my picture taken, it was cute and all, though I had nobody to take one with. Smiling I strolled right on by without a second glance.

In the distance, I saw an ice-cream shop, and my stomach started growling.

"Shut it, you devourer. We'll get some." I whispered to myself, shoving my hands into my pockets. I unzipped my pink purse and dug around for my wallet. I cracked it open to see how much I had and was surprised.

"100 bucks. Wow, you outdid yourself this time Rynoa. You got money to spare." I beamed as I walked into the miniature frozen food place holding my head up high.

Thank God there wasn't any sort of line here, so I went straight to the counter to order my share of frozen goodness.

"Good afternoon, what may I get you?" An older gentleman who appeared well over 40 asked. He seemed nice. Nicer than those young workers who seem like they belong somewhere else. I touched the roof of my mouth with my tongue deep in thought.

"What do you recommend?" I said, crossing my fingers and praying this guy would give me the best suggestion.

"I would say Strawberry Blast. Second from the top."

I followed his direction and set my sights upon the Strawberry Blast. It... It was starting to make my mouth water. Dang, this guy sure knew how to make a woman fall in love!

"What's in that?" I said, almost salivating all over my comfortable parka.

"Well strawberries, raspberries, vanilla, lemon, drizzles of chocolate, and lots of Sour Patch Kids." He made it sound like heaven. Why was it calling out to me? I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by! I slapped my wallet down in front of him, and without hesitation spoke up.

"How much for the biggest one?"

He grew a little worried, maybe nobody had ordered a large in a while. Probably he didn't like to see pretty girls like me consume more than him. Kinda funny if I think about it.

"13 dollars and 50 cents. Beware it's quite big..." He said, giving a heavy sigh.

I pulled out a ten and a five holding it out for him, I couldn't resist the urge to smirk. "Here. Don't worry I can handle it." Yeah of course I could, I always ate a lot. Oh, wait, that's not the best thing.

Moments later I got my chance, and a gigantic cup full of melting ice cream filled to the brim with Sour Patch Kids, I started to get sick. It had to be a quart! I shoved the spoon in and ate.

I decided to wander while I enjoyed my treat, I stopped to glare in display windows, ones that had pretty dresses or the latest in short shorts, which I still wasn't too keen on.

Then I felt a small thing ram my leg, I turned to see the face of a child. Maybe seven or eight at most. I bent down to her level.

"May I help you?"

She shook her head. "Can you be my mommy?" The girl must've been speaking sorts loudly, cause the next thing I knew a lot of random people were saying "aww."

She had bright brown beautiful eyes and rather bushy eyebrows. Who in their right mind would misplace this cutie? Only a true idiot.

My brain was cramped. Not! I would not become some stranger's mom! I had no room in my house. I had too much going on for this, I hate this day.

"Want me to help you find yours?" I responded best I could under the strange circumstances. She smiled at me, but not the kind where she expects help, the one where she falls in love with you. Was this child falling for me?

Unsure of how to handle something like this, I studied to see if any of the mall police were around. On the far side of the mall, near the escalators, a man stood by. I needed to hurry before her parents became worried and thought I was kidnapping her.

"Here, uh, let's go over there," I said trying to remain calm. To make matters worse, she extended her hands and clung tightly to my leg. Thanks a lot, kid, you made things a lot more awkward.

Directing her towards the mall cop stationed near the escalator, I stopped and kinda stared at her a moment before speaking.

"Excuse me," I mumbled, "this girl is lost." He gazed at me then to her then back. He nodded and took the little kid's hand and quietly thanked me.

Thank goodness that was taken care of, I don't know why but my heart wouldn't stop pounding the whole time.

Turning around to continue on my outing all to myself, my mind ran rapidly with thoughts of that girl. It wasn't like people to just out of randomness talk to me, everyone needed something. Directions, asking if something looked good, whatever. But not her, she was special, why did she want to adopt me as her mom?