
Chapter 3

so today I realised that I'm a grown ass woman so I need to woman up hahaha. you know what I mean right? like manner but it's warm enough haha. alright let me cut the b******* so they gave mint was fab and we somehow managed to convince my family or our families for that matter since mark is a responsible Guy and Sarah is an intelligent woman the engagement wasn't rejected by the family that's that's the good news for today, don't get too excited though I've also got bad news.

so remember that day I said I woke up in a stranger's room yeah yeah yeah don't be quite the judge type yet but you do remember right I almost forgot it was yesterday I think. so I woke up in a man's room surprise I don't feel very proud about myself but we did nothing wrong absolutely nothing okay here is the recap: on that day I woke up with a throbbing headache it took me some time to realise I wasn't in my bedroom after a few seconds a guy came in said his name is Lamar did I say I told handsome guy here now you know. turns out he's a friend of Mark I didn't have much to say to him but I did appreciate his effort of making me feel comfortable even though I was all over him when I was drunk but hey I don't remember that's the good thing or a bad thing. the bad news now I treated her stupid twit on my page my crazy and so it so now I'm supposed to look for a guy and introduce him to my parents. I feel like it's quite stupid cuz how does a tweet relate to a guy anyway I ever find myself a man or my crazy know it all aunt will do it for me.


Have a don't climb to any random guys bed kind of a day

Quote: Don't kiss and tell