
Call Me Brook

Woke up in a new world in someone else body but when things were looking up some bombs dropped and he found himself dead. now he is a spooky spooky skeleton. tell me if you can guess what would were in. note this is a side story until I can think of something fun to write

chaoticCatholic · Ti vi
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99 Chs

Chapter 18: Death comes knocking

"My children, I hope the Plague Father smiles upon you," the Swarm Lord thought aloud as he sat still on his throne, the area silent since he had kicked everyone out not long ago. However, this silence was soon shattered as a bloody Ratman came rushing in, coming to stand in front of the Swarm Lord who stood up from his throne, surprised at this intrusion. He threatened to kill anyone who bothered him, but the next words from his lesser kin left the Lord stunned.

"LORD, THE SKELETON IS HERE!" These simple words left the Swarm Lord paralyzed, but he soon moved, his eyes full of determination as he walked behind his throne. There, he pulled out a large halberd from an exhibit, one which the museum owner wouldn't be able to identify, as he passed the Ratman to see the situation.

"Lets go end this farce" The swarm lord said as he stomped out of the throne room which luckily was close to the entrance of the museum his march was soon joined by a whopping 10 shaman and a variety of mutated skaven which numbered 20, followed by dozens of lesser much weaker skaven who followed in orderly columons showing there better training than there other kin but that was of no importance to the swarm lord as he came to stand at the entrance of the museum to see the little town that his kin had built around the museum in chaos as dozens no hundreds of ratman lay dead as I terrifying creature stood over the bodies in a dark blue cloak its figure obscured beyond recognition, but the Swarm lord knew better that it was the skeleton he heard so much about.

'lets measure is strength' with that idea In his head the swarm lord raised his halberd to the sky causing the 10 shaman behind him to begin chanting as green disgusting balls of energy began to form and shoot out towards the skeleton who turned and little effort dodge or shattered the attacks with its darkened fist.

'monster' that's all that came to mind as the skeleton charged the swarm lord and his retinue who to charged forward forward to meet the skeleton.

'I will be avenged!' That was the last thought the Swarm Lord had as he entered the battle. Memories of the conversations he had with each of his kids before sending them away came to mind, but he quickly crushed that memory as he focused solely on the battle ahead.


The halberd met the skeleton's fist, but it was the halberd that lost. Covered in freezing energy from the skeleton's fist, the chilling burn seared the Swarm Lord's hands, yet he refused to drop the halberd. He continued to push against the skeleton, but it kicked him away, beginning to slaughter the Swarm Lord's strongest kin with no more than two punches each. It quickly dispatched half of them before the Swarm Lord even got up, shaking off the effects of the heaviest kicks he had ever felt.