
Calamity Upon This World

Reincarnation.  A concept everyone is all too familiar with, at least once in our lives, we've all thought of being able to just let go of all our regrets and the things holding us back and just start over.  This deal is made even sweeter when paired with being allowed to keep your current memories and knowledge of the future.  William was one such boy who had been given this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Like any other modern-day person, the first thing he did after learning about his reincarnation was check if he possessed any memory that was similar to his new world.  Sadly, in the end, he was left disappointed and was forced to go into his new life completely blind and unaware of all the malicious entities, world-ending threats, and divine schemes going on in the shadow.  But then again, who needs knowledge of the future when you are the child of mana itself?  AN: Please check out my second novel: http://wbnv.in/a/94iQwJg 1.No Harem 2.Overpowered MC 3.The World Won't Revolve Around The MC 4.Novel is quite well paced 5.Side characters are developed and world building is well done. 6.MC isn't edgy or evil for no reason despite what the villain tag may suggest 7.If you guys enjoy the novel any and all kind of support is welcome as this novel is competing in WSA 8.2 chapters daily 9.If you have any complaints about the novel please read till the end of volume 1 10.Discord link: https://discord.gg/zQdHTES3Yd 11.If you have read the novel a review about what you liked and disliked would be much appreciated

Okojus · Kỳ huyễn
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166 Chs

Ch-15 Breakdown Of Current skills


Name: William Verhein

Age: 8

Race: Human

Aspect: Walking Calamity (Tier V)


Battle Force:1246

[Variable Stats]






[Invariable stats]






Passive: [Child Of Mana], [loved By Spirits], [Martial Genius],[Mana Sense],[Master Of Mana], [Mana Sense], [Magic Amplification], [One With Shadows]

Active: [Mana Ascension], [Shadow Step], [Stealth]

Masteries:Hand To Hand combat(Intermediate+), Photographic memory

Ancient Powers: [Memoirs Of The Great Sage]

Elemental Afinities:-

[Basic Elements]





[Deviant Elements]

Lightning (100%)

Ice (100%)



Chaos(100%) [Progenitor]


"How broken" William muttered seemingly pleased at his overpowered body.

[Child Of Mana] the skill he was born with drastically increases the rate of his Mana absorbtion, this was also the reason he awakened the moment he was born.

It also allows him to see Mana in the air.

It also makes it so any attack containing Mana which hits him will only do 70% of it's intended damage.

Another feature of this skill is that it costs him way less mana to cast a spell for it do more damage.

For example a fireball spell which costs 10 mana, will only cost him 5 mana and it will be as effective as if he used 20 mana for this spell.

However, the most broken part about this skill is that regardless of what element he gains he will have 100% affinity in it.

Elemental affinities is the most important part of having a element.

As they determine how easy it is for one to learn spells from a particular element and also how strong a spell will be.

For example if person with 10% affinity in fire element and 20% affinity in fire element both casted a fire ball at each other, the fireball casted by the person with 20% affinity will overpower the other one.

This skill paired with his divine aspect is the main reason why William is so overpowered despite his young age.

William had once asked Rex how much BF he had to which he replied an absurd 690K back then William had thought his father was just joking but William no longer doubted his father's words.

For some reason William now remembered every single detail in both his lives as if he was looking at a picture.

Due to this he also remembered how his father was able to singlehandedly kill 100 dragons all alone.

'I can surpass father before the age of 20' he thought.

Another skill which William had was called [Master of Mana], it allowed him to easily understand most concepts related to Mana.

This also meant that he could learn and copy most spells with just a single glance.

In this world there were two ways of casting a spell chanting and chantless.

Most people prefer to use chantless spells as it's more practical and efficient.

However, chanting spells are usually significantly stronger than their chantless counterpart but due to their long preparation time usually around 30 to 60 seconds, their not that popular.

This is where [Magic Amplification] comes in this allows William's chantless spells to be as strong as if he had chanted them.

His [Mana Sense] came from his affinity with magic and allowed him to sense Mana.

These 4 skills combined to make William unparalleled in terms of magic power, well they will once he grows up for now he's too young and inexperienced.

He also had [Martial genius] which made it easier for him to learn martial arts, this probably came from Rex's genes.

After he became a 2nd Ascension awakened, he had acquired [One with shadows] which drastically increase the strength of his shadow element attacks and also allowed him to sense shadows.

[Child Of Mana] also had another purpose it granted the user an ascension skill.

Ascension skills are extremely rare skills which are hard to obtain and allows the user to display a higher level of strength than they should be capable of.

William had [Mana ascension] this can be considered his Trump card, he can currently only maintain this state for 1 minute at most however in that one minute he could probably go toe to toe with an A-rank adventurer.

William also had had a skill called[Loved By spirits] which did exactly as the name implied, giving him the highest possible affinity with spirits.

Spirits were beings who were pure manifestation of a element and by contracting with one ,humans or species could use spirit energy which is just pure elemental energy.

For example a fire bal casted by mana will only function for as long as it's provide with mana however, a fire casted with spirit energy is basically real fire which burn untill it's extuingished by the user who casted it or some third party.

In a sense it's fair to say Mana allowed someone to make a replica of a element while spirit energy allowed them to create the real element.

Moving on ,he acquired [shadow step] from his shadow hounds due to his aspect and it allowed him partial teleportation through the use of shadows.

[Stealth] was a skill gifted to him by his father and it almost erased his presence.

William was quite pleased with everything he had acquired over the past 8 years although admittedly he was basically just born with most of these abilities.

Once William was done with his skills he decided to focus on his aspect.


Aspect Name: Walking Calamity

Aspect Tier: V

Ascension: 2nd

Flaw:Terrible Luck, small chance of personality getting affected by aspect.

1st Ascension ability: One man army

1. [Chaos Soldier](Click For More Information↓)

Contracted beasts:-

1. Shadow hounds x10

2. [Chaos Servants](click For More information↓)

Contracted Beasts:-

1. Noir

2. Golden Sting

2nd Ascension abilities: Power of darkness

1. Darkness manipulation(Click For more information↓)

2. Shadow manipulation(click for more information↓)


"How overpowered as expected of a divine aspect" William said with a smile on his face.

His first ascension powers let's him summon minions to fight for him, it's very good especially since it doesn't have any real limits the only limiting factor is probably the massive amounts of resources this ability requires.

It's easy to get life force and make more soldiers.

The troublesome part is [Chaos servant] as it requires and A Or S rank natural treasure to Summon a servant.

Natural treasures take thousands of years to form in nature and they can be used in multiple Way's such as potions, making artifacts or increasing one's strength.

Due to these things natural treasures are almost impossible to find and cost a massive amount of money just to buy one especially those of high ranks like the one's required for my aspect.

On the bright side he was the son of a Count so he had been able to summon and contract two servant.

Noir a werewolf like servant who was summoned from a S rank treasure and Golden sting a bee like servant summoned from an A rank treasure

On the bright side these servants increased his combat force many times over and even if they get destroyed they will heal themselves over time.

His second ascension ability was pretty simple as it just allowed him to be really strong with the elements of darkness and shadows.

However, the thing that really hindered his growth so far and will continue to do so in the future was his flaw, William thought with a dark expression on his face.