
Calamity : The First World

The four calamities (which represents the chosen ones) has to venture through four worlds to defeat the subbed-ruler of the Demon King so they can unlock the portal to the fifth world to defeat the Demon King and bring peace to the four worlds.

Asonara · Kỳ huyễn
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Calamity : The First World

At the beginning of the story, there was chaos. Demons and Monsters have plagued the 4 worlds with their destructive nature. It was time for the heroes of each world to battle and save their worlds, one by one. They have fought so hard that the skies have cleared, stars have rained and ricochet everywhere. No one was safe from all this destruction, except their beloved home. They have their own defenders while the heroes of the world try to push away the virus of the world. 


Unfortunately, the heroes have fallen to their death and have lost the most essential battle in history, to not let the demons rule their worlds. The heroes fall like the stars in the sky, quickly and no one to deny. The living souls of each world mourned for the death of the heroes and defenders. Peace has fallen and darkness has risen. It was the dark age of the 4 worlds as they must live through suffering and weeping just to survive their cruel rulers. Many had died and many had given birth to this wicked world. When all hope seems lost, new heroes have awoken. 


50 years has passed, the story of the awoken heroes happened in the place called Erawanu. It is a place of gray and white. The ground of Erawanu is solid but it can make ripples every time you walk on it like it is water and can get your feet wet. The place can also be covered in non-transparent fogs, fog can randomly generate in the air when it comes contact with the ripples. 


In the fog, there is a person wandering around the area like he was lost. The person successfully got out of the grey fog that trapped him. 

The person said "Finally! I got out from that fog." and he took out the deepest exhale. 

He looked around and he was confused because he was in a different place that looked farther from his home. He continues to search around the area looking for people or things in the area. As he was looking around, he found an old landmark that seemed to be in ruins. The landmark has a circle in the middle and the middle of it has a weird symbol, then there are 4 squares from the sides of the circle. 


As he was looking at the landmark, he heard something coming in his direction in the fog. He readied his staff from the things on what's about to happen. The shadowy figure in the fog approaches him slowly, then the shadowy figure was no longer in the shadow. He again sighed with great relief because he now knew he was not alone. The man then looks at him and he described him as a man who has a backpack strapped to his chest and has a black pants and black shirt covering body to toe. 

The person with the staff said, "Who are you?" 

The other person replied, "Simon" in a very deep tone, "Who are you?" he asked back. 

The person with the staff replied "Pablo, the Creature Summoner." 

They stared at each other intimately. 

Pablo said, "You are not a very talkative person, aren't you?" 

Simon shakes his head in an agreeable manner. 

Both heard a sound coming to the left where the top right landmark is facing. Pablo again raised his weapon, but Simon didn't, because he knew it was an ally because he had not seen a single monster roaming. Simon asked Pablo to lower his weapon, Pablo agreed to Simon, and he lowered his weapon. Both again, watched the shadowy figure get out from the thick fog. When the shadowy figure got out, it was a woman, who dressed like an elegant maid with a beautiful white long hair. 

The woman asked both, "Who are you people? Where am I?" 

Pablo replied, "Hello, I'm Pablo, from the land of Algrea" 

The woman replied, "Nice to meet you, Pablo!" 

Pablo asked the woman, "Who are you exactly?" 

The woman replied "I'm Elizabeth, from the floating island of Elenoir" 

Pablo, looking confused asked, "Floating Island?" 

Elizabeth replied, "Yeah! A floating island." 

Pablo replied, "That must've taken a lot of mana to make the big island float!" Pablo was shocked. 

Elizabeth replied, "No silly. The floating island has been like that since I was born. No one makes the island float." 

Elizabeth then asked in confusion, "Also, what's a mana?" 

Pablo was speechless because of what Elizabeth said. 

Pablo said, "Wait, you don't know mana? It is a regenerating power that adds your power, so it won't exhaust the magic you're using!" 

Elizabeth took out a small laugh and chuckled and said, "No you goof! It is in our family's crest, which means it is our birth right to have this power." 

Pablo replied, "But how do you know when your power is exhausted?" 

Elizabeth replied, "Well, I just simply get tired." 

Pablo said, "Now that is just simply understandable, but I don't get tired physically when I exhaust my mana." 

Simon felt left out of that because of that conversation. As Pablo and Elizabeth were talking, Simon sensed that someone was lurking behind the fog, and this time, it was not a human. Simon quickly alerted Pablo and Elizabeth to stay on guard because there is a monster nearby. Pablo then told Simon that it was another person who was lost in the fog. Suddenly, a black knife got thrown at Pablo's face, but Pablo dodged the flying knife. Now Pablo and Elizabeth stay on guard. They saw a black liquid dripping from the fog and the ground around that fog became liquid black. The monster then got out of the fog. 

Simon asked the monster, "Who are you beast?" 

The person in black substance replied, "The embodiment of fear." 

"Not a great way to reply." Pablo said. 

Simon then asked the monster again, but with a serious tone, "Who are you?" 

The monster in black substance then chuckled as he finds that quite funny. 

The monster replied, "I am Gazibath, the Unprecedented Vagabond." 

Pablo asked, "Why did you attacked us?" 

Gazibath then replied, "I only attacked you." 

"Why me?" Pablo asked. 

"Because I was once a native in your village, but I have moved to a place called Estilvana, where I found the power of the deadliest demon. It sucked me to the ground and made me a new specimen. I was going to destroy your world because that is my first goal after achieving the great power of a demon. After all those killings, a goddess then arrives to stop my killing spree. She put me in a new world that feels a lot different, and she gave me this necklace that keeps me overcoming great strength and I can't take off the necklace because it is sealed in me." Gazibath replied. 

Pablo was furious at what he heard, and Simon could hear his breathing heavily. Simon and Elizabeth calmed Pablo down. 

Gazibath then said, "Calm down, I am not here for the killing anymore, I am here to save it from total destruction." 

Pablo replied in an angry voice, "Really?! After all the killings you did in my world, you're just going to save it, that's all?!" 

Gazibath replied, "Can't really control a demon, can I? Haven't I suffered from the people in your world trying to take away me and my family's wealth just for their own satisfaction? Haven't I suffered from being poor, but I always took care of my family? No, you don't understand, because you are born from the wealth and a good life while I am born with poor profile." 

Pablo felt miserable because of what Gazibath said, now he does not know what was good and bad at that time. 

Simon said, "I felt you, Gazibath because I have experienced the things you have experienced also, but I get to watch my family die on their hands, with no proper burial, just a gun on the head." 

Elizabeth was deeply saddened because of what Gazibath and Simon had to experience. The whole place was filled with silence for about 2 minutes because everybody was having their sad moment. As they were having their silence, a beam of light came out of the above. They became aware of it then stepped back to the landmark. Then, a beautiful gal came down beneath those beaming lights. The four people saw it and the girl slowly descended to the ground. 

Gazibath said, "That's the woman who put me into another world and gave me this necklace!" 

As she was descending to the ground, the beautiful girl said, "Hello calamities, I am the Goddess of Light, Felorah." 

Elizabeth looked confuse and asked, "Excuse me, but why did you call us calamities?" 

Felorah replied, "I called you all a calamity because you hold an immense power within you, so intense that not even a thousand of thousands of heroes can compare the same power as you four." 

Simon, who then asked, "How did we obtain immense power? I didn't even work hard for obtaining a power, I just kept my family safe that's all I do." 

Felorah replied, "You obtain that power because a god chose you." 

"I'm sorry what?" Simon replied. 

Felorah then said, "Four of you are called The Calamities because a god and goddess have chosen you from the 5th realm to defeat the deadliest demon of the whole realm, who is the one who enslaves the 4 worlds. The 4 gods or goddesses can't defeat the demon because the demon is too strong to defeat it themselves and they need to find a living soul to put themselves into it so it would not cause a destruction of all 4 worlds, and all of the fallen heroes have agreed to make you 4 the champion of each worlds so you can or maybe defeat the strongest demons." 

Gazibath asked, "Why did you choose us? Out of all the people of each world, why do we have to save it from slavery? I haven't forgiven the people from Estilvana and I haven't fully destroyed it because you have interrupted me, they deserved to be destroyed." 

Felorah then said to Gazibath, "Gazibath, you must seek forgiveness in your heart, and I know you have been controlled by a demon and that is the reason why you feel hatred. You were such a good boy when I first found you and humble too. You are always happy when they say something bad to you and I know that you are hurting on the inside because I felt that too. I have chosen you to be my living vessel of my power, but you have been possessed by a demon that seeks hatred and wrath over everyone and everything. I have saved you from that beast and gave you conscious of yourself, but I cannot fully get rid of the demon inside of you because it is strong when it finds a living vessel to possess. So, I put you in another world where you can't hurt any living being anymore, and I have given you a necklace, so I can protect you all the time." 

Gazibath then launched out to Felorah with full hatred, but the necklace that was on Gazibath's neck, pulled out a golden chain and the chain inserted to the ground, Gazibath was immobilized. Felorah approached Gazibath and touched Gazibath's head to let him know that she felt sorry. Pablo, Simon, and Elizabeth were shocked by what happened. When Gazibath's anger was wearing off, the golden chains retracted to the necklace, making him move again. He got up and moved away from Felorah. Felorah then showed the gods and goddesses that was living in their body. Pablo is the living vessel of the God of Creatures, Simon is the living vessel of the God of Gunslingers, Gazibath is the living vessel of the Goddess of Light, and Elizabeth is the living vessel of the Goddess of Flowers. When they met their gods and goddesses, they were extremely astonished of how they look, except for Gazibath. The gods and goddesses now get into the living vessels, except for Felorah, because she needed to open a portal to the first world so the calamities can defeat the tyrant king, King Zona. 

Pablo said, "I have defeated a Tyrant King once, I cannot wait to do it again." 

Felorah then opened a portal outside of the kingdom because she couldn't open it near to the King's Landscape because it was filled with greed and malice and her power couldn't reach the king's castle. The calamities are now getting into the portal to face the king and the obstacles stopping them from getting there. Folerah wishes the four calamities good luck. The real adventure begins. Felorah said that she needs to be with them so she can guide them to their path. 

Felorah teleported them into the place called Beltram. The Land of Beltram is a big place where there are kids and adults roaming around. It was a public place, like the place of Algrea where Pablo was born, but Algrea was now in the possession of the King's land, and it was full of demons roaming around Algrea. When the Calamities are in Beltram, 

Pablo said, "I have been here before when I was defeating the monster of Reswald. Come, let's find a cottage and stay there for a while, then we embark of the perilous journey." 

Pablo pulled out a cloak said to Gazibath, "Wear this cloak, because you look like a demon and people will recognize you and they will throw you in the dungeon." 

Gazibath took the cloak angrily and began to wear it. 

Felorah said to Gazibath, "It's for your own good." 

They are now looking for a place to stay for a while then Pablo was searching for food because it's been hours since he was in that white void. Finally, Simon found a hotel next to the blacksmith. It was a huge hotel. Simon, Gazibath, and Elizabeth went inside the cottage. They were greeted by a person who works there. 

The person said, "Hello! Welcome to the Greft's Hotel. How can I help you?" 

Elizabeth replied, "We would like a room please." 

The person said, "Sure! Which room? Big or small room?" 

Elizabeth replied, "We would like a big room, if you may?" 

The person said, "Great choice! That would be 10 Gold coins." 

Gazibath said to them in a lower tone, "We don't have gold coins." 

Suddenly, Simon pulled out a big chunk of gold ore from his pocket. The person was shocked at how big the gold is. The person then gave them a key to a very large room that has 2 floors. 

The person said, "Have a nice stay!" 

As they were walking to their room, 

Gazibath said to Simon, "How the hell did that fit in your small pocket." 

Simon replied, "Don't think about it." 

They are now in their room, now they are just waiting for Pablo to finish his work. 

Pablo has now finished buying the needs and is now heading to the hotel. As he was heading to the cottage, a girl stumbled towards Pablo and his needs collapsed. A girl then said sorry to him, and Pablo forgave her, and he also gave her food. Then the girl ran before she could take his food because she was chased by 3 policemen. Then the girl was captured by the policemen. 

The policeman said, "You have stolen another food from us! This is your final straw little girl!" 

The little girl then said, "Please spare me again, I just want to feed my starving family!" 

The policeman said, "Hah! I gave you a chance at that time because I felt pity for you. Now I have no regrets of making you suffer." The policemen were laughing uncontrollably. The people around them cannot do anything because their department is strong. 

As the policeman was raising his baton, 

The girl yelled, "Please don't!" 

The baton was swinged in the direction of the girl, but it was stopped. 

The policeman said, "What's going on? I'm paralyzed!" The 2 policemen were also confused of why he stopped. Pablo, who lifted his staff, summoned a creature. The creature had a clock in its eyes and the creature was small and it had 5 tails. 

The policeman said, "Who are you?! What you did is illegal!" 

Pablo replied, "This is why I hate modern laws, because it has suffered many lives in its hands." Then Pablo summoned another creature, but this time it was a big one. The creature he summoned has a big body like a giant and it has the hair of a white swan, and it was glowing. The big giant scared the policemen, and he grabs them and throwed them on the mountain. As the policemen was about to hit on the ground, a fluffy cloud softens their landing. Nobody died. Pablo approached the little girl and said, 

"Here, has some food, go to your family little one." 

The little girl cried and hugged him, then the little girl was now on her way. The people gossiped and cheered to Pablo because of how he defeated the policemen. Then Pablo unsummoned the 2 creatures and he summoned again another creature where he could escape from the crowd safely. The creature was a bird, a little bird and it has glowing feathers, and its speed is very fast and can lift Pablo up. Pablo is now at the hotel and went inside. When we he inside finds the room, Simon, Gazibath, and Elizabeth were waiting there, starving. 

Simon said, "Where's the food?" 

Pablo then realized that he had left the food in the crowds. They were angry with Pablo, then Pablo summoned another creature. The creature was a glowing bunny and could mimic the body of a human, a human voice, and a human personality. Pablo commanded the bunny that it should get groceries for him. The bunny followed its orders, and he mimicked the perfect body of a beautiful girl. Then the girl went off to get food and needs. Pablo then rested after that long scenario. 

Simon asked, "How did you find us? We forgot to tell you where we'll stay." 

Pablo replied, "I have put a little creature inside your pocket, take a look." 

Simon then looked in his pocket and found a mouse that had arrows in its eyes. Pablo unsummoned the mouse from its staff, and he proceeded to sleep.