
Calamitous Rise

An average man.................you know what, no. Not an average man at all, an egoist. An egoist is what Atlas was, his name too suggesting just how 'out there' he was as a person. A number of awards, a number of degrees, not some super genius, god no, but not exactly the very height of stupidity either. Tenacious and with common sense would be the best way to describe him. A day just like any other.........except, maybe expressing his displeasure at how the world worked wasn't the best of ideas...........in his defence, all he asked for was a simple life without much shit to deal with. Waking up in the world of tensura with nothing more than basic knowledge regarding the series, his journey would be an arduous one... ........wait..... were those horns?.....And what was that standing behind him?

Dreizehnn · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Kinda Pathetic

Undisclosed Location,

Atlas POV,

In a suburban area, the rays of the sun slowly but surely illuminated everything, the star slowly rising to the sky signalling the start of the day. Some signs of activity could be seen in several houses while little to none were present in others.

The day was starting.

A regular day, normal and average, children would go to resume their daily studies, some would stay home after making excuses and adults would go to their jobs or... as before, waste away in their homes only, unlike children, they would probably be contributing little to nothing to society.

In a rather average home, a rather young man with neck length light blue hair could be seen cooking. His eyes however were grey, a rather unusual colour in all honesty. He wiped his lips with an annoyed expression on his face, slightly shaking the pan in his hand over the fire. To his right was a freshly cooked bacon, some bread and a carton of milk.

Finally done with the scrambled eggs he was making, he placed the breakfast he had prepared into two plates before walking out of the kitchen, crossing the small corridor right into the living room where someone similar to himself sat, watching TV with a bored expression.

He slapped the back of his head, placing a plate on the table, "Eat and sod off." Apparently, they didn't get along well.

"You could do something about that shitty attitude of yours Atlas." The younger man muttered out annoyed, rubbing the back of his head. It was like God decided to give with both hands and then just decided to throw that all to waste by slapping on a shitty personality.

Atlas, yes that was all, who needs a last name when you have such a unique first name. So, don't mind the small stuff.

Throughout his life, he had accomplished much. Degrees in the three major sciences, a number of awards for athletic prowess in the days where he was still at school...

Though, he hadn't continued his education after that and simply stayed at home, invested in the stock exchange. Atlas had found great success in the business after carefully choosing how to spend his money in said market and as such, he could more than afford his current lifestyle.

Of course, a number of people had tried to convince Atlas to join an institute, further his education and use his prowess to aid in the progress of mankind only to have him brush them off by saying, "And why the fuck would I do that? Also, I'm one man. Buzz off, life doesn't work that way."

He wasn't a genius, just tenacious. The degrees were just him being spiteful towards all that had doubted he could accomplish much.

"And you could actually be competent for once but we don't talk about that huh?" Atlas replied deadpanning as he took a seat on the couch to the young man's right. He finished eating his breakfast rather quickly, watching the news which seemed to be warning about increased criminal activity in their area.

"Would it actually kill you to be nicer to your younger brother?" The young man grumbled, still eating, every day he questioned god why his brother was like this.

"What do you mean? I am nice to you James." Atlas folded his arms relaxing back into the sofa, he was very tolerant of his brother, no jokes. He did love the little shit after all.

"Yeah and pigs fly."

"They don't? Strap on a rocket or something." Atlas shrugged standing up, he wore a simple blue shirt and black trousers. "Use your head." James sighed, why did their parents think it was a good idea to be so busy with their jobs that he would be left with this guy?

"I mean they'd start flying so it works." Atlas replied looking out the window, he had to drop off his little brother at school then just walk back home and mess around the rest of the day.

It should be obvious by now that he wasn't the least bit interested in actively contributing to the progress of society.

"Let's go."


"Why are we walking again?"

"Your fat ass needs to burn some of that off." Atlas answered, poking his brother's stomach,... he himself had kept fit despite pretty much having nothing real to do so why couldn't his brother?

"You know better than most that that wouldn't even work." James' shoulders slumped down, it was a fact that he was getting fat at an unusual rate so he didn't even have the energy to retort.

Currently, the siblings were walking down a stone path right by a road, cars occasionally passed them by and so did people, some would scrutinise Atlas and it was no secret why. He wasn't exactly the nicest person and coupled with his bluntness, it was no surprise people didn't like him at all.

"Ever thought about community service?"

"Absolutely not." The suggestion was immediately shot down, why would he break his back for some strangers that he didn't give two shits about?

"....." James simply averted his gaze and kept walking, his brother did send a good fraction of money towards their parents whether they were in need of it or not so he wasn't really that bad as a person.... Just he really did genuinely seem to think that most people were incompetent and useless... wearing a constant deadpan on his face as he went about his daily life.

Not a few minutes had passed before a random stranger walked up to them, his face hidden behind a mask and pulled a gun on Atlas who was still, unsurprisingly, deadpanning, "Hand over all you got." James started sweating profusely, clearly taken aback by the whole situation and afraid.

Atlas glanced at his brother, understandably, the kid was frightened.

Moving quickly, he slapped the gun out of the man's hand before taking a step to the side and punching him in the cheeks as he exhaled. "....What kind of retard actually gets that close with a gun? You had one goddamn job." Atlas took one step back before swinging his left leg to the right in an arc, impacting the robber's stomach making the man buckle over, the air knocked out of his lungs.

Grabbing a hold of his head, he smashed it downwards, raising his own knee at the same time. The head and the knee made contact but even now, Atlas wasn't done. He grabbed the robber with both hands, kneeing him in the stomach multiple times before finally smashing his own head into the man's and then straight up punching him in the face so hard he passed out.

Of course, no average man could pull off something like this but Atlas was no average man now was he?

"Incompetent fuck." Atlas spit on the ground, wiping his lips, if they were going to rob using a gun then the least they could do was know how it all works. Getting close to a person with one was among the mistakes even a rookie wouldn't make.

He tapped James' shoulder, "You can take today off." Atlas was only met with a small nod, evidently, the kid was quite shaken by what had transpired. He crouched down near the pavement, dialling emergency services. Everything else aside, this retard needed to be taken in and he too would be, definitely taken in for questioning.


"Yes, yes, I got attacked. Just check the camera feed for fuck's sake. Actually, I live in this neighbourhood, why the fuck would I attack a man? He has a gun on him, are you blind? Your incompetent kind is why this community sucks."

Atlas folded his arms, relaxing into his chair. A police officer sat directly across from him, a table between the two, "Mr. Atlas, you know I can lock you up for what you just said."

"Oh yeah, you can. Well, be my fucking guest."

"Haah...." The police officer sighed, this brat would probably end up in a lot of trouble because of his mouth some day.

"The scans are in, you're free to leave." He gestured to the door rubbing his forehead.

"No no please, waste more of my time here." Atlas stood up, a small annoyed smile on his face as he walked away only to clutch his heart and stumble forward with his eyes wide in shock. He supported himself with the body, coughing violently as he gasped for air.

"What's... oh shit. Hang in there!" The police officer quickly picked him up, the kid was probably having a heart attack or going into cardiac arrest right now.

Atlas slowly lost conscious, a strange expression forming on his pain filled face, dying like this was hella pathetic.


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