

I could hear the din from the bar as I exited my SUV and I was still almost a block away. What a shame! I knew from long experience that would change as soon as my foot crossed the threshold. I tend to have that effect on people. I’m six feet six inches tall and I weigh an even 250 pounds—all of it broad shouldered muscle. My Body Mass Index at my last physical was less than four percent. My light brown hair is styled exactly the way it’s been for the past fifteen years—ever since I first joined the Navy. Sure enough, no sooner had I taken my first step into the bar than the noise died. When I turned left and stepped up to the bar the people there couldn’t back away fast enough. I took a stool in the middle of the empty space and sat down, waiting for the bartender to approach. “I’m not looking for any trouble.” “Good…neither am I. Give me a ginger ale.” He reached under the bar for a glass and some ice. Twenty seconds later he slid the glass in my direction. I pulled a fiver from my pocket and dropped it on the bar. He ignored it and walked away to draw a few beers and pour some wine. It looked to me like this was a pretty cheap crowd. Checking up and down the bar all I could see were longnecks and drafts. I reached into the lower left pocket of my cargo pants. Like almost everything else I was wearing they were a true deep navy blue. My heavy shoes were black as was my wide belt. My belt said as much about me as the bold white lettering across my chest. Just below the American flag over my heart were the letters that were my life—U. S. MARSHAL. On my right hip was my nickel plated .44 Magnum Colt Python, just behind two speed loaders in addition to the twenty-four rounds on the belt. On my left hip was my ASP Talon baton—every bit as deadly a weapon in my hands as the revolver. A pouch at the back of my right hip held my stainless steel handcuffs and its partner on the opposite side held my radio—my link to my backup team. I placed the photo flat on the bar as the bartender returned to me. “I’ll have another,” I said in a loud voice, continuing so I wouldn’t be overheard. “Don’t pick it up and don’t make a production of looking at it. I’ve been told that he comes here a lot. Is he here tonight? If he is and he escapes because you’ve given me away I’ll see to it that you’re arrested for obstruction of justice.” He gulped a few times but did as he was told, nodding slightly in response. I continued almost at a whisper. “If my nose is pointing to twelve o’clock, my right ear to three, the back of my head to six, and my left ear to nine, tell me where he is. Again, don’t point or do anything obvious and we’ll be fine.” He pretended to wipe the bar as he whispered, “About 4:30 with his back to you.” I picked up the reflection in the mirror then asked, “Red shirt with black and white stripes, looking away from me?” He nodded again. Now, in my normal tone of voice I asked, “Where’s the men’s room?”

Fredrick_Udele · Kỳ huyễn
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The party moved into the library once dinner was done. It was a cozy room and relatively small when compared to the rest of the house at only four hundred square feet with a large sectional in one corner and three upholstered armchairs around a long rectangular table with a granite top. Part of the sectional faced a large stone fireplace with partially-filled bookcases on the other three walls. Also here were photos of Lucy and her family. A large one from our wedding was prominently placed on the mantle. It was my third favorite room in the house after our bedroom (DUH!), and the kitchen. Our guests had taken the sectional so Lucy pulled me into one of the chairs before settling into my lap with Max sprawled on the floor at our feet. My in-laws and the two wives had drinks or wine while the rest of us continued our celebration with soft drinks.

There was spirited conversation about Lucy's pregnancy, of course, but there was also a lot about the city and how it had changed over the years. Everyone agreed that my becoming Chief had had a positive impact on the community. I thanked everyone for their opinion, but commented that I thought that any experienced law enforcement officer could have done the same after Wilson's lack of leadership.

"Maybe, Matt," Jonathan replied, "but what's really important is that you did what was needed and all of us in town know it. You've also initiated efforts to integrate the force which is only about seventy years overdue. I may own most of the town, but I haven't been actively involved in its government for decades. I've found that for the most part it's better that way." I didn't say anything, but I knew exactly what he meant.

The party broke up around ten and once Max had been put out I picked Lucy up, carrying her to bed. She laughed and Max woofed slowly as he capered all the way up the stairs. Skipping the shower, I placed Lucy gently onto the bed. We worked together to remove our clothes then fell together onto the cool sheet.

Neither of us needed much encouragement. It was totally hard and she was thoroughly wet. My thick organ slid slowly into her tight opening until she pulled me all the way into her womanly core. "Dear God, Matt; you've made such a difference in my life over the past few months. You.ve made me a wanton woman. All I want to do is make the most delicious—the most intense—love with you all day."

"I'm glad, but I don't think you're wanton. If you were, you'd want every cock in town and I know that's not true."

"No—my darling…my love—all I want is you and only you. I can't believe I'm going to be a mother. It's what I've wanted for years. I'm so happy."

"I'm glad. Making you happy is my number one goal in life." Then I looked down into Lucy's eyes and I could see it was time to be quiet and make love. Silently, I drove into her forcefully enough to drive her crazy with lust. She began to squirm uncontrollably as she gradually lost control of her movements, her cunt rather than her brain running her body. I was mid-thrust when she came hard in what I hoped would only be her first time. Fortunately, my strength and weight held her in place until she was able to return my thrusts again. Twice more she came—the final just a whisper—as she whispered to me, "Please, Matt—you're going to kill me if you don't cum soon."

That was all I needed to hear. I exploded as though someone had pulled my trigger, my cock erupting five times before my thrusts began to pump semen from her vault. I knew then that the bed would need changing before we drifted off to sleep. I leaned down to kiss Lucy and I realized that she had passed out so I pulled out and walked quickly to the bathroom, returning with a large bath sheet. I placed it onto the floor near Max's bed then I carefully placed Lucy on top of it. Max tilted his head as if to ask what was going on, but he never moved as I covered my love then stripped the bed and remade it. After placing her carefully I joined her, chuckling as she snuggled up closely onto my body. I kissed her head gently then joined her in the soundest sleep.


The next six weeks were calm and as relaxed as police work could be. Almost all of our current officers had met the performance standards I'd set, even the marksmanship. Those who hadn't had decided to retire. They were all older men with twenty or more years of service. Then, on a Monday morning, Paul McCormick phoned. "Matt, how'd you like to see how your students are doing in the Academy?"

"Why don't you just tell me? That way I'll save at least half a day and you won't have to buy me lunch."

"You always were funny. How's the wife?"

"She's about two months pregnant and we're thrilled about it. Thanks for asking. What's the real reason for your call, Paul? You must have something better to do with your time."

"Okay, you're right—I do have another motive. Have you given any thought to joining the National Association of Chiefs of Police? Wilson was a member."

"That's hardly much of a recommendation considering he's likely to spend ten or more years in prison."

"Okay, that was a bad example. There are lots of us who participate. I'm on the program committee for our next annual conference and the committee asked me to talk to you about that big drug bust you led. They'd like you to be our keynote speaker, and before you say no, the conference is going to be in Vegas. You can leave the wife at home and have a ball with the boys."

"If I decide to go I'll be taking the wife, assuming that she's physically able to travel then. As for having a blast with the boys, I've never found that to be terribly appealing—not even in the Navy, but I will meet with you to discuss it after I first talk about it with Lucy."

"Fair enough; how's next Tuesday for you? Say around ten at the Academy headquarters?" I agreed and returned to work. I had finished my budget meetings with the City Council and they had given me almost everything I had requested. They did balk at buying a new Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle with a Leupold M4 scope at just over $9,600 state bid price. I had asked what would have happened at George's Menswear if I hadn't been available. My rifle and scope locked up in my gun safe wouldn't have helped at all.

"We don't have many cases like that, Matt," one of the Councilmen said. "In fact, that's the only one I can even remember."

"I'm sure you're right, Don, but times are changing. We may have taken down a big drug ring, but they will be replaced within six months and, even if they're not, drugs are still available in any big city. All we need is one drug crazed loony with a gun and we could have a big problem. How many lives are we willing to gamble with? You can't build a house without a hammer, you know."

He laughed. "I am a carpenter by trade, as I'm sure you know." I did know that, but my arguments went nowhere so I retreated diplomatically. Of course, I knew I wouldn't get everything I wanted. Lucy was sympathetic on the drive home, telling me that she had tried her best, but there were limits to how much she could do. She did try to make it up to me in the shower and later in bed and she did a really good job, but I was always worried about public safety. That's a police officer's job.