
Third wheel

"Hey did you see my phone?", I asked Bi. She looked distracted and wasn't looking me in the eye.

"Here", she gave me my phone. I looked at it casually. But I was burning to check whether I got any message from him.

"Woah you have become a phone addict", she said to me.

"Did I? I was checking Facebook", I told her.

"No one uses Facebook anymore. I will hook you up for insta or Snapchat", I told her.

"Please I have no time to learn new things", I told her.

"Your wish", she said shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm getting late for office", I told her.

"OK. But where is your car?", she asked me.

"I gave it for repairs", I lied to her. I hoped she didn't notice it. To my surprise she didn't.

I used to have a nice car. But Harry thought it was beneath me. He dumped it. I didn't even get a say on it. He had too much high standards for car and woman. I'm afraid that similar fate awaits for me in the future if not now. I tried to blink away such bad thoughts from my brain.