

I will pick you up tomorrow for office. Don't be late. There was no romance it was a command or an order. I see no tender feeling in that message. It felt cold like him. He said he is only taking care of me because I was his employee. Frankly it hurt me the most. Maybe I should quit. It is still not late. I should decide fast.

"Earth to Maya", said Bi. I blinked a few times. My migraine was returning with vengeance. It always did when I was having emotional crisis.

"I'm sorry my head hurts", I said to her trying to shift the blame to my migraine than my lack of interest.

"I quit my job", said she. I looked at her confused.

"Why?", I whispered to her.

"He had been on my ass the whole day and not in a good way. He made me sweep the floor", she said melancholy.

"You work there what else can you expect", I asked her.

"I don't know it was either that or I break up with him", she said.

"Break up with Alex? Are you serious?", I asked her.

"No I don't want to break up with him honestly. I like him being my boss only in bed I guess", she told me.

"But Bi the rent", I said hesitant. I didn't want her to get worried.

"I talked to my mother. She said she will accept my music career if I made it big. I have to go for auditions in studios. But being at work kind of ruins that. I know you are doing too much already but can you hold out a little longer. I believe I will get a break soon ", she told me.

" Alright ", I agreed with her. Now I can't leave my job. I have to pay the rent.

" Tell me about your job ", she asked me.

" I just found out I was working for Harry. He is the Ceo of Sin Inc", I told her.

"Damn it working for your current or ex sucks. I feel you my girl", she said.

"I can't leave the job. I have to stay there till I get another offer", I told her.

"I'm sorry you have to work for that cheating asshole for the rent. I will try to get a job. I will find a way to attend the auditions on weekends", she told me.

"No please don't Bi. We have talked and worked everything out. He said he didn't want anything to do with me now that I was his employee", I told her a little painfully.

"That is good then", she told me.

"I will cook something", I told Bi. The discussion was making me feel nauseous. I'm not sure whether it was because of Migraine or heartache.

"No we will buy something. You can go and rest. You need it", she told me. I went to the bed and checked the phone again. There was no more messages from him.

I got up early because there was no sleep involved. I closed my eyes for a few minutes and then opened it somewhere in the early morning. My head was a little better. I got dressed. I waited for him. I bit my lips nervously. I knew that I should try to put some distance between us if I had any hopes of getting over him. But the distance between us had been dwindling each passing second. Bi is asleep. Now that she doesn't have to work she can sleep peacefully.

Her auditions will be long and time consuming anyways. It was a good decision that she quit her work. But that had added up pressure for me. I need to step up. She had helped me a lot during my college days. If it wasn't for her I would have remained a recluse. I owe her a lot. The open person that everyone sees now was the doing of Bi.

I heard a calling bell. I walked nervously to open the door. He stood there tall. He was so beautiful. It aches my heart to see him. I felt my feelings which has been bundled up rising up.

"Let us go", he said. I nodded my head and followed him out.

"How's your leg?", he asked casually.

I didn't think about it much. There was not much involved maybe that is the reason.

"Fine", I told him. I felt my head hurting slightly. I should take my painkiller soon. I have a few triggers and he is one of it. Because he shakes my brain so hard. I accidentally touch my temple.

"We are here", he said to me. I released a breath I was holding out too long.

"Are you OK?", he asked me once again.

"I'm perfectly fine", I told him. I don't want him to know about the rising pain in my temple. It was of no consequence to him and it would be better if we don't talk much.

I walked slightly better than I did yesterday. He walked by my side wordlessly. Is that how it is going to be in future? He will keep bumping to me. I might also see him with Cara or who ever he is dating right now. The though itself is tearing through my heart. It hurts my head more just thinking about him with other woman.

"Tell me of you need anything", he said to me. I didn't reply to him. I would rather not listen to him. I wanted to ask him why he cheated on me? He might not consider it cheating since we weren't technically in a relationship. But going out with Cara the same day he flew me to Dubai was cheating.

I got into elevator and it closed right in his face. He was walking slowly. He was in no rush to get to office like the rest of us. He is the Ceo after all. Maybe that will always divide us. Him being my employer just adds to one of the many reasons why we shouldn't be together.