
Family Introductions

"Hello there", I heard a cheery voice. I looked at the source and found a good looking but old guy who could be none other than Harry's father. Harry however stayed where he was without moving much holding me close. He peered at me and I gave him a shy smile.

"How are you Harry and who is your friend?", he asked genuinely interested.

"I'm good. This is Maya Stevens", he said reluctantly. He didn't offer any other explanations of me being here.

"Come on Harry don't be so rude. Tell me something about our guest", said Harold.

"It had been a long drive she must be tired. I will give introductions later if that is OK",he said curtly. But Harold looked least but offended In fact he smiled at Harry's antics of trying to take me away from their presence.

"I'm not tired Harry. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr Sinclair", I told him courteously.

"Call me Harold. You are Harry's date. Let me introduce you to every one", said Harold pleasantly.