

I put my phone immediately on the silent mode. I didn't want Bi to call me "accidentally " to check up on me. I was an adult and I already have a mother so Bi can chill. I looked at him he was concentrating on driving. The silence wasn't awkward at all.

"I just wanted to say that I really like the way you handled her. She must have come accross as annoying but she is very nice", I told him.

He didn't look at me but he replied, "It is OK. She didn't put me in any uncomfortable situation".

"OK", I said. Immediately I started to worry. I was a no body. I know he is rich. Not just rich too rich. I haven't got the guts to ask him yet but I believe that he must be among the Forbes billionaire list. Why didn't I check it? I should have at least checked him on Google.

"What are you thinking?", he asked me.

"I just haven't done this in a long time. I hope I don't mess it up," I told him.

"What?", he asked me.

"A date", I told him.

"When was your last date?", he asked me.

"Highschool", I told him.

"That is too long. What about college?", he asked me.

"No. I didn't go out much. I knew that I shouldn't waste my time much. I was on a scholarship and my mother worked two jobs to support me", I told him.

"What about your father?", he asked me.

"He passed away when I was a little girl", I told him.

"It must have been hard for her", he told me.

"Yes it was", I told him. The silence again started to grow. I knew I should ask him something but he seemed to be so closed off. I doubt he would divulge anything about himself. He was very uncomfortable when I asked about his mother.

"Tell me about your family", I asked him.

"They are both alive", he told me.

"What? That is all you are going to say?", I asked him surprised.

"Isn't that what you asked?", he queried me.

"Can you elaborate?", I asked him with a teasing smile.

"Is that really important? Knowing about my family?", he shot back.

"Yes. This is a date and I want some honest answers", I told him.

"When I have been not honest with you?", he asked me. I grew silent and it became awkward for the first time.

"I will tell you of it is important to you. I refrain talking about him because it annoys me. You should judge me on my merits and not based on my father or mother", he told me.

"I'm sorry if I was inquisitive. I didnt know that you are sensitive about it", I told him. I hope they haven't messed him up too much.

"Nothing like that. Like I told you. Talking about them just annoys me. My mother was a gold digger who seduced my married father. But her plans backfired when I was conceived. She went for an abortion but it was late already. She thought of having money off my father from a brief affair but she got more than what she bargained for. My father had no choice but to accept me. I lived with my father and his wife. They had three girls already. His wife resented me because I was a boy which she could never reproduce. My father tolerated me only for the fact I was a male heir for his business. My sisters all hates me because my father won't let them anywhere near his business because they were girls. Is that story enough for you? ", he asked me.

"I'm sorry", I told him.

"Sorry for a rich lonely boy he survived", he told me. Every woman in his life had been cruel to him. I could understand his pain and general disregard for woman altogether. But inspite of all that I wanted to care for him. Show him every woman is not the same. But after years of being traumatised by them I doubt he would believe me.

"Where are your sisters?", I asked them. I had nothing else to ask him. I couldn't ask for his favourite color after the conversation we just had.

"All of them are married to rich businessmen", he told me without an emotion. I was thankful that he didn't harbor any ill will towards them.

"What about your mother?", I asked cringed at myself for asking him that. I was going to ask him about the weather and pretend that the last question never exited from my mouth but to my surprise he answered.

"The last I heard from her was when she asked me to pay for her vacation in Bahamas", he told me.

"Did you pay?", I asked him.

"No I didn't. I don't pay vacation unless she is my employee", he told me.

"Alright so you give your employees paid vacation", I teased him.

"Yes if they are very good at their job", he told me.

"I will start my new job soon", I told him but he turned the vehicle to get inside a posh restaurant.

"This place is amazing and looks expensive", I told him.

"Don't complement a restaurant until you ate the food", he advised me.

"OK. I will bear that advice in my mind", I told him.

We were immediately ushered to a nice seat. He must really know some people who makes things happen.

The server came and asked what does we want. I asked for menu but he just asked for water. He just ordered some pasta and chicken. I also went ahead and ordered the same. I looked for a pleasant smile but he didn't look like he cared what I ordered. I thought Bi said when we ordered the same dish men will be impressed but it doesn't apply to him I guess.

When the food came we ate it with an occasional glance at each other. But didn't talk much. I thought of talking about something else but nothing came to me and I let it go. I decided to see how the evening is going to end. So far it went alright. He had yet to open up but we have time.

"I know this is not a date which you expected. I'm not a good conversationalist. This is kind of my first date too. I have never taken a woman out in a restaurant and talked to her", he told me.

"I know you seem like the type who take your girls to pubs so you don't have to talk", I told him.

"You are very perceptive", he told me.

"I enjoyed a lot tonight", I told him.

But he didn't answer me. He appeared to be in deep thoughts. I worried what he thought of our date? Does he even want to ask me on another one? That worry kept gnawing my mind.