
56. Curve ball

I went to the office expecting a relieving letter. But it didn't happen. I also waited for his phone call. But it didn't come. I never thought that I'm going to be one of those people who is going to end things in a phone call.

"Hey why are you zoned out?", asked Henry. I briefly considered dating Henry to spite Harry but decided against it. I didn't want to put his job on jeopardy.

"Nothing", I said.

"Had a fight with your boyfriend?", he asked me.

My eyes bulged out. How did he know about me and Harry. Does anyone else know? I had thought that we were extremely lucky to keep it between us. It sounded right then even now after I broke up with him.

"Come on. I guessed that you were seeing someone. Something you can never hide especially the glow of love", said he with a laugh.

I laughed awkwardly with him. I didn't know what to say. Maybe I shouldn't reveal my break up to him soon. He will tire me asking for a date.

"What is so funny?", asked Tamara.